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Topic: SS2 TF's Secmod 3
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Bah, saving is cheating! I just tried and tried and tried, whined on IRC, got no help, tried some more, cursed TF and the dark engine and finally made it, then fell off again at the next jump. More training and cursing ensued. Now I get it right the first time, mostly. It seems almost unbelievable that this is possible when you first try to get up there, which makes it extra awesome.

SS2 isn't a platformer, though. If it was, there'd be a lot more jumping/mantling puzzles (gamers call it "parkour" nowadays or something) like the Source games. It's interesting how simply adding a few parts in a level where you have to do some platforming slows the pace of the game down and increases the difficulty significantly. That's where people would spam save states.

On the other hand, putting it in a "bonus" level like Earth is the correct approach.


Quick question - the file in the first post - is it the last version or do I have to also apply patches that are posted throughout the thread?


Quick question - the file in the first post - is it the last version or do I have to also apply patches that are posted throughout the thread?
It's the last version, definitely.
SS2 isn't a platformer, though. If it was, there'd be a lot more jumping/mantling puzzles (gamers call it "parkour" nowadays or something) like the Source games. It's interesting how simply adding a few parts in a level where you have to do some platforming slows the pace of the game down and increases the difficulty significantly. That's where people would spam save states.

On the other hand, putting it in a "bonus" level like Earth is the correct approach.

There is plenty platforming in SS2. Not as much as Half-Life or some other First Person games, but certainly enough for it to be a notable element.
There's at least 8 required platforming segments and 15 or so optional. I hope there are instances of platforming in Secmod's whole new section in Hydroponics also.
The whole deal with new level is the best thing that happened to the original system shock! I always finish the game in just around 8-9 hours and having you guys extend it even a little bit more is awesome!
Acknowledged by: ThiefsieFool


It's not so much platforming as climbing, but there is a fair bit in the mod, I find looking for the right spots to mantle and climb more interesting than having to do lots of finnicky little jumps.
Watching all those screenshots back on page 1 - 3 i was wondering how you guys got all the bloom and hdr like lightning effects in the game ? It looks really nice..

And as for SecMod it self.. Im currently at the new level on deck 3.. stunning experience so far ! :-) Is this multiplayer compatible ?
Is this multiplayer compatible ?

Given how one of the notes in the first post mentions "- Possibly more stable multiplayer.. possibly ...", I'm assuming so.  Definitely hope that's the case, as I'd like to give this a spin at an upcoming co-op LAN party!


How do you even complete that new level?
My grandmah makes better levels..., seriously guys this is ridiculous.
« Last Edit: 15. November 2014, 08:21:51 by Sokolov »


Multiplayer might still be broken, it was only tested once and crashed when entering the second part of Engineering..

Like it says in the main post, if you have trouble with hydro4 look at the bottom of the readme for tips.
Dear Players,

co-op + SS2 = You're a fag.


Like it says in the main post, if you have trouble with hydro4 look at the bottom of the readme for tips.
"you can use the wall ladders to advance"
How exactly do you "use" these horizontal wall ladders?

Edit: just figured it out. Wow, that's some genious level design!

Free advice from a game developer - this level is poorely designed and should be either scrapped or redone properly. If you need examples of good levels look at any of the other major level addons to SS2 such as "ponterbee station", "polaris", "UNN Nightwalker" and others. These are examples how you do it.
"you can use the wall ladders to advance"
How exactly do you "use" these horizontal wall ladders?

Edit: just figured it out. Wow, that's some genious level design!

Free advice from a game developer - this level is poorely designed and should be either scrapped or redone properly. If you need examples of good levels look at any of the other major level addons to SS2 such as "ponterbee station", "polaris", "UNN Nightwalker" and others. These are examples how you do it.

Whether you are correct and this level is poorly done or not I do not know because I haven't played it yet, but you're coming across as a condescending douchebag.

So, what are your credentials, Mr.Developer?  Mobile games perhaps?

"genious", "poorely".

Some advice from a peasant: this is not English.
co-op + SS2 = You're a fag.

you're coming across as a condescending douchebag
Acknowledged by: Hikari
My post was obviously tongue-in-cheek as playing a game in multiplayer doesn't somehow make you gay, whereas Sokolov's post was cold-hearted trashing of another's hard work and appealing to his apparent authority. Big difference.


Whether you are correct and this level is poorly done or not I do not know because I haven't played it yet, but you're coming across as a condescending douchebag.
While I do agree that I worded that message in a douchebag-y way it doesn't change the fact of crappiness :)
Anyway, that wasn't my intention. I really love Secomd and I can't imagine playing SS2 without it, but that new version is a step in a wrong direction and it would be sad if this awesome mod turns into turd.

So, what are your credentials, Mr.Developer?  Mobile games perhaps?
Actually MMO games. But I also worked on one SP game.

Some advice from a peasant: this is not English.
Well, excuuuuuuuse me. English is not my native language and the fact that you even though so proves that my english isn't THAT bad :)

Anyway, as I said arguing or bashing people isn't my intention, I genuinely wish this mod to become even better!

Edit: while I was writing usss has made another reply.

My post was obviously tongue-in-cheek as playing a game in multiplayer doesn't somehow make you gay, whereas Sokolov's post was cold-hearted trashing of another's hard work and appealing to his apparent authority. Big difference.
Seriously, dude, chill, chill :)
Good to hear it.   :thumb:

Also, I assumed you were Russian or something because of the mistakes & the name. I just wanted to give you a taste of your own meds ;)


Also, I assumed you were Russian or something because of the mistakes & the name.
Nah, I'm not. I just like Stalker: CoP, hence the name :)

I just wanted to give you a taste of your own meds ;)
These med-hypos are never effective, you know :)
Acknowledged by: Join usss!
So...you hiring? Ha.

I'm probably not a suitable candidate since my passion lies with singleplayer games primarily anyway.
Dear Players,

co-op + SS2 = You're a fag.

I agree.. If its your first playthrough, as SS2 is not designed to be played that way.. However afterwards i see no problem in multiplayer, in fact i would actually recommend it to people if they have played it once.. Its a good way to play the game in a new way..

And with Secmod it would be so freakin awesome..

66f8216b7754cNameless Voice

So, basically what you're saying is because the sideways ladders are really hard to spot, the entire level is the worst thing in the history of game design and should be removed, with extra helpings of extreme rudeness thrown in for good measure?
Is it possible to get to the area in nacelle a, that is normally blocked by pipes ? I blew up the laser turrets, and the pipes got destroyed so that i could walk in there, but there is some shield in there so that i cannot proceed. Can i disable that shield somehow ?


aha, someone finally found that.
Think back to Command and how you dealt with the Shield Generator there...and as for your next thought yes...it will require a lot of backtracking but then it's just for a secret really, not needed to clear the game.
aha, someone finally found that.
Think back to Command and how you dealt with the Shield Generator there...and as for your next thought yes...it will require a lot of backtracking but then it's just for a secret really, not needed to clear the game.

Aha ! I thought about that indeed, but didnt want to backtrack if it wasnt possible!
Im playing it at hard, and damn it IS hard :D But very nice experience so far.. !

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