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Topic: SS2 TF's Secmod 3
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see the ! exclamation mark next to some mods? those are not installed properly, and need to be fixed up. most of them probably have too long folder names (the mod foldername needs to have 30 characters or less).

cubemap effect and obj_400_scp are not mods, but mod addons that need to be merged into their parent mods to work. ss2 material mod sample is not a mod, do not use it. replicator is probably not a mod either.
« Last Edit: 09. December 2014, 18:34:39 by Kolya »


as mentioned before, Arcaniac models are slightly buggy, and (apparently) not fully compatible with Secmod (probably missing proper vhots or joints - I guess TF could fix the Arcaniac models if he really wanted to). for now, you can either ignore the errors, or disable the Arcaniac pack.

also, this has nothing to do with dmls, as far as I can see.
[dump000.png expired]
[dump001.png expired]


The smoke effect comes from stims, while the actual cigarette item is used up via NVScript, I'm assuming you're in one of the levels that are not from my mod and the script doesn't get loaded to remove the cigarettes on use.

And there are no bugs in those pics from the Rickenbacker, you're just spamming screenshots of stuff added on purpose, and probably spoiling lots of stuff too, so just stop, install the mod properly and try to play it normally.


also, stop using PNGs, they are killing my mobile connection.

I'm still unsure whether he is not able to set up the mods properly, or he simply does not want to.


also, I'm getting quite a few non-power of two texture warnings when loading Secmod maps to the editor - such textures can cause issues, and converting them to proper sizes is highly recommended.


Huh, now that you mention it I remember the smartgun does have some textures like that, maybe that's why it bugged out, I should get those fixed in the next patch.
Acknowledged by: voodoo47


the cig puffs are a bit odd, maybe the texture transparency is not set properly? one can clearly see the edges which should not be visible. also, the discarded cig butt identifies itself as "debris".


It seems to be a bug related to having Camera Attach on PlayerSmoking to make it follow the player's view, not sure when it cropped up or if it was always like this, an unattached PlayerSmoking is not bugged.


I think there was a discussion over at TTLG about properly attaching smokepuffs to objects (AIs), and NewDark supports some neat stuff if memory serves. will look up the link tomorrow.


My mate and I play multiplayer on SS2 often, the original and fan missions. We were running out of content to do, and then we found this. Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to have the best support for multiplayer, as we've met with a few crashes (expected to be honest, so I don't count that). One of the more particular frustrations we've had is that the wire puzzles can only be done by the host. I'm usually the tech/puzzle guy, and my mate is the hoster but he plays the marine/kill crap role. This was pretty irritating, is there any plans to look in to allowing wire puzzles to be done by the one who frobs the object instead of defaulting to host no matter who frobs it?

Awesome mod with great additions, I just want to play it co-op with my friend. We've done this for ages.


Thanks for the feedback, this might get fixed but there were bigger multiplayer bugs in the way from what I recall, did you ever make it past Engineering?


Thanks for the feedback, this might get fixed but there were bigger multiplayer bugs in the way from what I recall, did you ever make it past Engineering?

We hadn't made it to Engineering yet, we encountered a crash, and the increased difficulty of MP from the mod made it hard for us to continue. We will have to find a way to change the Multiplayer difficulty to a lower value if we're to test further. I recall there being some form of mod that allows you to change the difficulty of multiplayer?


yea, but to a difficulty even harder, and it's not compatible with Secmod anyway.
Is the area with the feedback loop required to progress? Hit with the bug where all consoles are broken and the panel is repaired and everything is still locked, absolutely nothing that's fixed it in other cases (deleting the map from saves, bulkhead and back, save and reload) has helped anything besides make the game bug out when the wire puzzle is opened.

Also, I went to Recreation before Operations, and I'm pretty sure I picked up the Athletics keycard before I did anything in Ops except talk to SHODAN, but it stayed locked. The athletics door is still firmly locked and I'm out of ideas how to continue since SHOCKED isn't working for me and without a noclip function.


Feedback loop area not required to progress, but that panel should have a wire puzzle on it now instead of repair, maybe you're playing the old version?
You can check if you have a keycard or not from the HUD, if you don't have it, it's on a windowsill in the upper part of the crew rooms in Rec.

66f876e776e25System Shocked

Just confirming whether or not ALL patches are included in the main file.

The reason I ask is that the OP was last edited on Nov. 9/14 by ThiefsieFool. It's confirmed in post #84, dated Nov. 9/14, that the main file was updated with all patches/fixes released up to that moment. However, a small patch was released on Nov. 24/14, in post #145, mentioning that it would be added to the main file. Just wondering, and for the benefit of others, if this small patch is included in the main file.  :)
« Last Edit: 18. March 2015, 08:27:35 by System Shocked »
I have updated SECMOD with said patch now and uploaded it as SECMOD3.1 in the first post (and transferred the download count).
If TF is happy with that I'll remove SECMOD3.


Good idea there, I should have had a proper patch by now, but it might take a while yet

66f876e7771efSystem Shocked

These kinds of important mod patches/updates, whether final or not, should be maintained/updated/issued/posted to maintain the mod's compatibility/integrity in ensuring that an all inclusive/updated version exists - it seems that this process was followed earlier in the mod's development, but sadly, not in its mod's development end.

I'm sure a partial/final version of the mod would be more than welcomed.

Thanks for your continued hard work and efforts, concerning this mod.

« Last Edit: 26. March 2015, 23:54:18 by System Shocked »
Me and a friend went ahead and tested Secmod 3.11 in multiplayer. When you reach engineering, the game will freeze for the player that is not the host.Other than that there were just some minor issues where only the host can trigger certain things.

Just leaving that information here in case someone is interested in playing or fixing multiplayer.
Hello Fred. As I already suggested in your previous entry the experiences you and your friend made would be of more general interest if we knew exactly what kind of game setup you and your friend have.
Merely posting the results of your game may easily become frustrating for modders and trouble shooters alike, as the issues you experienced can stem from a multitude of sources. So either you start providing some context to these posts or they will be deleted. Nothing personal, I hope you understand.
I understand completely. Sorry for leaving so little information, but I didn't want to write too much if you were not interested.

The game for both of us was a clean install with SS2Tool and the following mods enabled in this order in BMM.
1. Secmod Rebirth patch
2. Secmod 3.11
3. highresplayermodel
4. SHTUP-ND_beta0
5. SS2Rebirth

Once you reach the engineering deck, the loading will complete. The host will start on the deck, is able to play like normal, and will see the other player just standing there, as if AFK.
The other player will experience the game as if it is paused. Can still open/close inventory, can move items around in the inventory, and drop them out, but the items will not appear outside the inventory. Can not move/turn view around, can not see the host moving around.

We tried loading the previous deck and re entering of course, this issue was always reproduceable.

I hope this extended post pleases you more than my previous one.

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