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Topic: SS2: Modifying values in multiplayer mode? Read 1271 times  



I have an issue with the multiplayer mode of SS2.
Can somehow values (perhaps by the admin) be changed?
For example for one of the players to have some nanites and some other to lose some and so on?
Is something like that possible?

Or is something possible like changing stats or summoning items?

I know, SS2 should have some kind of console, but I don't know, what I am allowed to do even as an admin - compared to games with Quake3 engine for example.

It would be very nice if some of you could help me with it.
Thank you very much.

675111301dc0aNameless Voice

You can split nanites off your stack and hand them to other players by using the split key when clicking on them.  I think the default is Alt.
Ah thank you very much.
I found it now in the multiplayer tutorial (overseen it before :/ )
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