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Topic: TG extinguishable candles setup Read 8153 times  


This is the interactive candle setup from TFix - the idea is that as long as you make the gamesys and maps candle-ready, you can just plug the dml in and everything will work. It should be fairly easy to port this into T2, T2x, or any Thief FM with just basic Dromed knowledge. You will also need candle models with proper vhots - see the attachment. The example archive contains a fully working setup with TG mission6 as an example, can be used as a mod (in the Usermods folder) to check things out.

Burlap sack not included.

gamesys dml script setup explained:

-Extinguishable: this is the orig script that handles dousing of torches. works for any object as long as animlights and CfgTweqModels are set up properly.
-NVCreateAndLink: this just spawns an appropriate amount of particle attachments at appropriate vhots upon level start (sim). only triggers once.
-NVRelayTrap2: this administers a small water stim to a candle concrete once it's frobbed (snuffing the candle).
-NVMetaTrap: turns the lootcandle to loot upon waterstim, and turns it into non-loot upon firestim by swapping the isLoot metaprop around. same thing for non loot candles, but the FrobInert metaprop is used instead.
-NVRelayTrap3: with a small delay, converts all KOGas stims dealt to a concrete into small waterstims (dealt to the same concrete), so the metatrap metaprop swapping would work when a gas arrow hits the candle as well.
-NVRelayTrap4: placed on the concretes (via mission dml), this will WaterStim the candle upon Sim (meant for all candles that are supposed to start up doused. basically, lets nvcreateandlink create the particleattach, then waterstims it so the particleattachment will be inactive. again, with a small delay, so everything will happen in the proper order). only triggers once.

extralight setups - lighting on lit candles is not the best, so the gamesys dml is using receptrons, stims and extralight to make it look better/less odd, basically adding extralight once objects are lit, and removing it when they are not (see the last part of the gamesys dml).

required gamesys modifications:

-it is highly recommended to use a custom gamesys name (type set_gamesys yourgamesys.gam into the Dromed command window and press enter, save, rename your gamesys to yourgamesys.gam, and the map will now use the custom gamesys).

-add four child archetypes to -4777, name them appropriately (SmallCandleFlame, LargeCandleFlame, GiantCandleFlame, KnockedCandleFlame). they can be set up in the gamesys, but I prefer to leave them just as stubs, and assign the props via dml, as it's very easy to read and modify (the gamesys dml sets up a basic flame effect, you can change it there should you want different particle setups).

concrete setup:

-all candle concretes must be cleaned up of rogue light props (dynamic light, normal light, omni light, obj light, whatever), leaving only properly set up animlight (same intensity settings as the orig light source recommended, also Z offset  2 recommended on candles with candlesticks,  1.5 on the long plain candle, and  1 on the short plain candle).
- loot candle 1242 in miss15 needs to be assigned heading 270, pitch 90 and floored (and will need the KnockedCandleFlame assigned via map dml).
- candle 453 in miss11 needs to have pitch set to 0 and floored.
- candle 447 in miss11 needs to have pitch set to 90 (and will need the KnockedCandleFlame assigned via map dml).
- loot candle 474 in miss11 needs to be assigned heading 270, pitch 90 and floored (and will need the KnockedCandleFlame assigned via map dml).
-add extralight (0.5) to all candle concretes that are supposed to start up lit when the level starts.
-check the "inactive" checkbox on all candles that are supposed to start as not lit.
-all candle concretes must have physics (ex. 590 in miss6).
-all loot candle concretes (-1964) must have dark gamesys->loot->value 50 gold set.

dml setup for the archetypes (yourgamesys.dml, also note that the map needs to have nvscript loaded, either via dml or hard edit. also, the particle stubs might have different numbers in your gamesys, here it is -5525, -5526, -5527, and -5531):
Code: [Select]

//lets set up the flame effects, we need small, large, giant, and knocked flames
 ObjProp -5525 "ParticleGroup"
"number of particles" 40
"size of particle" 0.06
 ObjProp -5525 "PGLaunchInfo"
"Box Min" -0.02, -0.02, 0
"Box Max" 0.02, 0.02, 0
 ObjProp -5525 "PGLaunchInfo"
"Min time" 0.5
"Max time" 0.6
 ObjProp -5526 "ParticleGroup"
"number of particles" 40
"size of particle" 0.12
 ObjProp -5526 "PGLaunchInfo"
"Min time" 0.6
"Max time" 0.7
 ObjProp -5527 "ParticleGroup"
"number of particles" 40
"size of particle" 1.2
 ObjProp -5527 "PGLaunchInfo"
"Box Min" -0.4, -0.4, 0
"Box Max" 0.4, 0.4, 0
"Min time" 1.9
"Max time" 2
 ObjProp -5531 "ParticleGroup"
"number of particles" 40
"size of particle" 0.06
"gravity vector" -3, 0, 0
 ObjProp -5531 "PGLaunchInfo"
"Box Min" -0.02, -0.02, 0
"Box Max" 0.02, 0.02, 0
 ObjProp -5531 "PGLaunchInfo"
"Min time" 0.5
"Max time" 0.6
//adding scripts for hanging candle activation - this will also add extralight as needed so the candles won't look too dark. receptrons are set up in the gamesys.
 ObjProp -470 "ExtraLight"
"Amount (-1..1)" 0.5
 ObjProp -470 "Scripts"
"Script 0" Extinguishable
"Script 1" NVCreateAndLink
"Don't Inherit" false
 ObjProp -470 "DesignNote"
"" NVCreateAndLinkOn="Sim"; NVCreateAndLinkCount=1; NVCreateAndLinkCreate="LargeCandleFlame"; NVCreateAndLinkLinkType="~ParticleAttachement"; NVCreateAndLinkLinkData1Field="Type"; NVCreateAndLinkLinkData1Value="1"; NVCreateAndLinkLinkData2Field="vhot #"; NVCreateAndLinkLinkData2Value="1";
 ObjProp -470 "CfgTweqModels"
"Halt" Stop Tweq
"Rate" 0
"Model 0" hlamp
"Model 5" hlamp
 ObjProp -53 "ExtraLight"
"Amount (-1..1)" 0.5
 ObjProp -53 "Scripts"
"Script 0" Extinguishable
"Script 1" NVCreateAndLink
"Script 2" NVCreateAndLink2
"Script 3" NVCreateAndLink3
"Don't Inherit" false
 ObjProp -53 "DesignNote"
"" NVCreateAndLinkOn="Sim"; NVCreateAndLinkCount=1; NVCreateAndLinkCreate="SmallCandleFlame"; NVCreateAndLinkLinkType="~ParticleAttachement"; NVCreateAndLinkLinkData1Field="Type"; NVCreateAndLinkLinkData1Value="1"; NVCreateAndLinkLinkData2Field="vhot #"; NVCreateAndLinkLinkData2Value="1"; NVCreateAndLink2On="Sim"; NVCreateAndLink2Count=1; NVCreateAndLink2Create="SmallCandleFlame"; NVCreateAndLink2LinkType="~ParticleAttachement"; NVCreateAndLink2LinkData1Field="Type"; NVCreateAndLink2LinkData1Value="1"; NVCreateAndLink2LinkData2Field="vhot #"; NVCreateAndLink2LinkData2Value="2"; NVCreateAndLink3On="Sim"; NVCreateAndLink3Count=1; NVCreateAndLink3Create="SmallCandleFlame"; NVCreateAndLink3LinkType="~ParticleAttachement"; NVCreateAndLink3LinkData1Field="Type"; NVCreateAndLink3LinkData1Value="1"; NVCreateAndLink3LinkData2Field="vhot #"; NVCreateAndLink3LinkData2Value="3";
 ObjProp -53 "CfgTweqModels"
"Halt" Stop Tweq
"Rate" 0
"Model 0" chdlr
"Model 5" chdlr
//adding scripts on the normal candles - this will also add extralight as needed so the candles won't look too dark. receptrons are set up in the gamesys.
 ObjProp -181 "Scripts"
"Script 0" NVRelayTrap2
"Don't Inherit" false
 ObjProp -181 "DesignNote"
"" NVRelayTrap2On="null"; NVRelayTrap2Off="null";
 ObjProp -185 "ExtraLight"
"Amount (-1..1)" 0.5
 ObjProp -185 "Scripts"
"Script 0" Extinguishable
"Script 1" NVCreateAndLink
"Script 2" NVRelayTrap3
"Script 3" NVMetaTrap
"Don't Inherit" false
 ObjProp -185 "DesignNote"
"" NVCreateAndLinkOn="Sim"; NVCreateAndLinkCount=1; NVCreateAndLinkCreate="SmallCandleFlame"; NVCreateAndLinkLinkType="~ParticleAttachement"; NVCreateAndLinkLinkData1Field="Type"; NVCreateAndLinkLinkData1Value="1"; NVMetaTrapOn="WaterStimStimulus"; NVMetaTrapMeta="FrobInert"; NVMetaTrapOff="FireStimStimulus"; NVRelayTrap2On="FrobWorldEnd"; NVRelayTrap2TDest="[Me]"; NVRelayTrap2TOn="[1.0]WaterStim"; NVRelayTrap3On="KOGasStimulus"; NVRelayTrap3TDest="[Me]"; NVRelayTrap3TOn="[1.0]WaterStim"; NVRelayTrap3OnDelay=10;
 ObjProp -185 "CfgTweqModels"
"Halt" Stop Tweq
"Rate" 0
"Model 0" canstic2
"Model 5" canstic2
 ObjProp -185 "FrobInfo"
"World Action" Script
 ObjProp -184 "ExtraLight"
"Amount (-1..1)" 0.5
 ObjProp -184 "Scripts"
"Script 0" Extinguishable
"Script 1" NVCreateAndLink
"Script 2" NVRelayTrap3
"Script 3" NVMetaTrap
"Don't Inherit" false
 ObjProp -184 "DesignNote"
"" NVCreateAndLinkOn="Sim"; NVCreateAndLinkCount=1; NVCreateAndLinkCreate="SmallCandleFlame"; NVCreateAndLinkLinkType="~ParticleAttachement"; NVCreateAndLinkLinkData1Field="Type"; NVCreateAndLinkLinkData1Value="1"; NVMetaTrapOn="WaterStimStimulus"; NVMetaTrapMeta="FrobInert"; NVMetaTrapOff="FireStimStimulus"; NVRelayTrap2On="FrobWorldEnd"; NVRelayTrap2TDest="[Me]"; NVRelayTrap2TOn="[1.0]WaterStim"; NVRelayTrap3On="KOGasStimulus"; NVRelayTrap3TDest="[Me]"; NVRelayTrap3TOn="[1.0]WaterStim"; NVRelayTrap3OnDelay=10;
 ObjProp -184 "CfgTweqModels"
"Halt" Stop Tweq
"Rate" 0
"Model 0" canstick
"Model 5" canstick
 ObjProp -184 "FrobInfo"
"World Action" Script
 ObjProp -183 "ExtraLight"
"Amount (-1..1)" 0.5
 ObjProp -183 "Scripts"
"Script 0" Extinguishable
"Script 1" NVCreateAndLink
"Script 2" NVRelayTrap3
"Script 3" NVMetaTrap
"Don't Inherit" false
 ObjProp -183 "DesignNote"
"" NVCreateAndLinkOn="Sim"; NVCreateAndLinkCount=1; NVCreateAndLinkCreate="LargeCandleFlame"; NVCreateAndLinkLinkType="~ParticleAttachement"; NVCreateAndLinkLinkData1Field="Type"; NVCreateAndLinkLinkData1Value="1"; NVMetaTrapOn="WaterStimStimulus"; NVMetaTrapMeta="FrobInert"; NVMetaTrapOff="FireStimStimulus"; NVRelayTrap2On="FrobWorldEnd"; NVRelayTrap2TDest="[Me]"; NVRelayTrap2TOn="[1.0]WaterStim"; NVRelayTrap3On="KOGasStimulus"; NVRelayTrap3TDest="[Me]"; NVRelayTrap3TOn="[1.0]WaterStim"; NVRelayTrap3OnDelay=10;
 ObjProp -183 "CfgTweqModels"
"Halt" Stop Tweq
"Rate" 0
"Model 0" candle2
"Model 5" candle2
 ObjProp -183 "FrobInfo"
"World Action" Script
 ObjProp -182 "ExtraLight"
"Amount (-1..1)" 0.5
 ObjProp -182 "Scripts"
"Script 0" Extinguishable
"Script 1" NVCreateAndLink
"Script 2" NVRelayTrap3
"Script 3" NVMetaTrap
"Don't Inherit" false
 ObjProp -182 "DesignNote"
"" NVCreateAndLinkOn="Sim"; NVCreateAndLinkCount=1; NVCreateAndLinkCreate="LargeCandleFlame"; NVCreateAndLinkLinkType="~ParticleAttachement"; NVCreateAndLinkLinkData1Field="Type"; NVCreateAndLinkLinkData1Value="1"; NVMetaTrapOn="WaterStimStimulus"; NVMetaTrapMeta="FrobInert"; NVMetaTrapOff="FireStimStimulus"; NVRelayTrap2On="FrobWorldEnd"; NVRelayTrap2TDest="[Me]"; NVRelayTrap2TOn="[1.0]WaterStim"; NVRelayTrap3On="KOGasStimulus"; NVRelayTrap3TDest="[Me]"; NVRelayTrap3TOn="[1.0]WaterStim"; NVRelayTrap3OnDelay=10;
 ObjProp -182 "CfgTweqModels"
"Halt" Stop Tweq
"Rate" 0
"Model 0" candle1
"Model 5" candle1
 ObjProp -182 "FrobInfo"
"World Action" Script
 ObjProp -1964 "ExtraLight"
"Amount (-1..1)" 0.5
 ObjProp -1964 "Scripts"
"Script 0" Extinguishable
"Script 1" NVCreateAndLink
"Script 2" NVRelayTrap3
"Script 3" NVMetaTrap
"Don't Inherit" false
 ObjProp -1964 "DesignNote"
"" NVCreateAndLinkOn="Sim"; NVCreateAndLinkCount=1; NVCreateAndLinkCreate="SmallCandleFlame"; NVCreateAndLinkLinkType="~ParticleAttachement"; NVCreateAndLinkLinkData1Field="Type"; NVCreateAndLinkLinkData1Value="1"; NVMetaTrapOn="WaterStimStimulus"; NVMetaTrapMeta="IsLoot"; NVMetaTrapOff="FireStimStimulus"; NVRelayTrap2On="FrobWorldEnd"; NVRelayTrap2TDest="[Me]"; NVRelayTrap2TOn="[1.0]WaterStim"; NVRelayTrap3On="KOGasStimulus"; NVRelayTrap3TDest="[Me]"; NVRelayTrap3TOn="[1.0]WaterStim"; NVRelayTrap3OnDelay=10;
 ObjProp -1964 "CfgTweqModels"
"Halt" Stop Tweq
"Rate" 0
"Model 0" trcandle
"Model 5" trcandle
 ObjProp -1964 "FrobInfo"
"World Action" Script
//removing isLoot from the goldstick
-MetaProp -1964 -1706
//isLoot must be removed from the -1964 archetype in the gamesys, and all loot candle concretes must be set as loot.
//set up receptrons on HangingLamp to make the extralight setup work
 Receptron -470 "FireStim"
  Min "0"
  Max "None"

  Target "Me"
  Agent "-470"

  Effect "add_prop"
    "Prop Name" "ExtraLight"
 Receptron -470 "WaterStim"
  Min "0"
  Max "None"

  Target "Me"

  Effect "rem_prop"
    "Prop Name" "ExtraLight"
 Receptron -470 "KOGas"
  Min "0"
  Max "None"

  Target "Me"

  Effect "rem_prop"
    "Prop Name" "ExtraLight"
//set up receptrons on chandelier to make the extralight setup work
 Receptron -53 "FireStim"
  Min "0"
  Max "None"

  Target "Me"
  Agent "-53"

  Effect "add_prop"
    "Prop Name" "ExtraLight"
 Receptron -53 "WaterStim"
  Min "0"
  Max "None"

  Target "Me"

  Effect "rem_prop"
    "Prop Name" "ExtraLight"
 Receptron -53 "KOGas"
  Min "0"
  Max "None"

  Target "Me"

  Effect "rem_prop"
    "Prop Name" "ExtraLight"
//set up receptrons on Candle Stick2 to make the extralight setup work
 Receptron -185 "FireStim"
  Min "0"
  Max "None"

  Target "Me"
  Agent "-185"

  Effect "add_prop"
    "Prop Name" "ExtraLight"
 Receptron -185 "WaterStim"
  Min "0"
  Max "None"

  Target "Me"

  Effect "rem_prop"
    "Prop Name" "ExtraLight"
 Receptron -185 "KOGas"
  Min "0"
  Max "None"

  Target "Me"

  Effect "rem_prop"
    "Prop Name" "ExtraLight"
//set up receptrons on Candle Stick1 to make the extralight setup work
 Receptron -184 "FireStim"
  Min "0"
  Max "None"

  Target "Me"
  Agent "-184"

  Effect "add_prop"
    "Prop Name" "ExtraLight"
 Receptron -184 "WaterStim"
  Min "0"
  Max "None"

  Target "Me"

  Effect "rem_prop"
    "Prop Name" "ExtraLight"
 Receptron -184 "KOGas"
  Min "0"
  Max "None"

  Target "Me"

  Effect "rem_prop"
    "Prop Name" "ExtraLight"
//set up receptrons on Candle2 to make the extralight setup work
 Receptron -183 "FireStim"
  Min "0"
  Max "None"

  Target "Me"
  Agent "-183"

  Effect "add_prop"
    "Prop Name" "ExtraLight"
 Receptron -183 "WaterStim"
  Min "0"
  Max "None"

  Target "Me"

  Effect "rem_prop"
    "Prop Name" "ExtraLight"
 Receptron -183 "KOGas"
  Min "0"
  Max "None"

  Target "Me"

  Effect "rem_prop"
    "Prop Name" "ExtraLight"
//set up receptrons on Candle1 to make the extralight setup work
 Receptron -182 "FireStim"
  Min "0"
  Max "None"

  Target "Me"
  Agent "-182"

  Effect "add_prop"
    "Prop Name" "ExtraLight"
 Receptron -182 "WaterStim"
  Min "0"
  Max "None"

  Target "Me"

  Effect "rem_prop"
    "Prop Name" "ExtraLight"
 Receptron -182 "KOGas"
  Min "0"
  Max "None"

  Target "Me"

  Effect "rem_prop"
    "Prop Name" "ExtraLight"
//set up receptrons on GoldCStick to make the extralight setup work
 Receptron -1964 "FireStim"
  Min "0"
  Max "None"

  Target "Me"
  Agent "-1964"

  Effect "add_prop"
    "Prop Name" "ExtraLight"
 Receptron -1964 "WaterStim"
  Min "0"
  Max "None"

  Target "Me"

  Effect "rem_prop"
    "Prop Name" "ExtraLight"
 Receptron -1964 "KOGas"
  Min "0"
  Max "None"

  Target "Me"

  Effect "rem_prop"
    "Prop Name" "ExtraLight"

map dml example (TG miss6):
Code: [Select]

//assign giant flames on the giant hlamps
 ObjProp 943 "DesignNote"
"" NVCreateAndLinkCreate="GiantCandleFlame";
 ObjProp 949 "DesignNote"
"" NVCreateAndLinkCreate="GiantCandleFlame";
 ObjProp 953 "DesignNote"
"" NVCreateAndLinkCreate="GiantCandleFlame";
//douse flames on candles that start doused
 ObjProp 590 "Scripts"
"Script 0" NVRelayTrap4
"Script 1" ""
"Script 2" ""
"Script 3" ""
"Don't Inherit" false
 ObjProp 590 "DesignNote"
"" NVRelayTrap4On="Sim"; NVRelayTrap4TDest="[Me]"; NVRelayTrap4OnDelay=100; NVRelayTrap4TOn="[1.0]WaterStim"; NVRelayTrap4TCount=1;
 ObjProp 293 "Scripts"
"Script 0" NVRelayTrap4
"Script 1" ""
"Script 2" ""
"Script 3" ""
"Don't Inherit" false
 ObjProp 293 "DesignNote"
"" NVRelayTrap4On="Sim"; NVRelayTrap4TDest="[Me]"; NVRelayTrap4OnDelay=100; NVRelayTrap4TOn="[1.0]WaterStim"; NVRelayTrap4TCount=1;
 ObjProp 134 "Scripts"
"Script 0" NVRelayTrap4
"Script 1" ""
"Script 2" ""
"Script 3" ""
"Don't Inherit" false
 ObjProp 134 "DesignNote"
"" NVRelayTrap4On="Sim"; NVRelayTrap4TDest="[Me]"; NVRelayTrap4OnDelay=100; NVRelayTrap4TOn="[1.0]WaterStim"; NVRelayTrap4TCount=1;
 ObjProp 176 "Scripts"
"Script 0" NVRelayTrap4
"Script 1" ""
"Script 2" ""
"Script 3" ""
"Don't Inherit" false
 ObjProp 176 "DesignNote"
"" NVRelayTrap4On="Sim"; NVRelayTrap4TDest="[Me]"; NVRelayTrap4OnDelay=100; NVRelayTrap4TOn="[1.0]WaterStim"; NVRelayTrap4TCount=1;

the result: no visual change when dmls are inactive, and fully working setup once they are (so able to enable/disable the mod via patcher setup).

miss6 excluded, the game has 110 candle objects that need to be set up (taking into account that miss10 needs to be done twice as both T1 and TG version exists, also taking into account that in the earlier missions, the player has no way of relighting candles that start out doused). Constantine's mansion of craziness has a ton of them, yaay fun.
miss1; chandelier 6, HangingLamp 342
miss2; chandelier 81/83/442/446/437/436, lamp 96/98
miss3; HangingLamp 53/27/734/220/26/52/57/226/223/457, candle 393
miss5; HangingLamp 766/437/1766/1767/1763/1768, chandelier 1383/1331/230/235/247, candle 407/360/361/707/603/709/708
miss6; lots
miss10; candle 611, HangingLamp 420, chandelier 94/93
miss11; candle 474/1107/447/446/453/1062
miss13; HangingLamp 420, chandelier 94/93
miss15; candle 1242/487/486/534/1533, chandelier 1609/1608/1610/453, HangingLamp 1554/461/401/945/943/35/34/1280/1814/1813/617/615
miss16; HangingLamp 657/138/140/137/136/29/28
miss17; candle 376/379/769/771/759/770/754/758/45/134/1433, chandelier 882, HangingLamp 1716/456/455/836/835/692/593/684/834/578/237/74/453/238
« Last Edit: 06. April 2020, 07:42:40 by voodoo47 »


a broken model for candle1 that will crash the game if scale is used on it has been included in the first version of the vhot_candles package. all 5 users that have downloaded the package should get the new one (01) asap.

//as of the May 17 build of NVscript (included in TFix 1.21b and newer), waking the candles up upon level start with the CandlePoker stim is no longer required.
« Last Edit: 19. June 2015, 17:26:48 by voodoo47 »


as of NewDark 1.23, it is possible to remove metaprops via dml, so the hard edit to the gamesys (removing isLoot from goldstick) is not required anymore. this simplifies things a bit - first post updated accordingly (new candle test archive attached as well).
« Last Edit: 18. December 2016, 11:36:34 by voodoo47 »


vhot candle pack updated with a new candle2 model (wick fixed).

//may 19 2017 update - as receptrons can now be set via dml, the entire receptron setup has been moved from the gamesys into the gamesys dml. the first post has been updated accordingly.
« Last Edit: 19. May 2017, 16:28:34 by voodoo47 »


added a T2 version of the candle test - turns out T2 scripts work slightly differently so a few more bits of (gamesys dml) code were necessary to make things work properly.

anyone looking to use this candle setup in a T2 based mission is recommended to use the dml setup from the T2_candle_test package. needs the latest NVscript (included in the package).
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