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Topic: SS2 startup problem (solved with new CD) Read 3001 times  

Hello! I patched my SS2 with SS2 Kolya Tool v2.4 but still I can't make it work... :scratch:
Menu works -I can navigate througt game options. When I hit new game the first cutscene launches but afterwards the game crashes
with blank screen. The last thing i could see is the screen - Accesing.

My config:
System Manufacturer: Hewlett-Packard
System Model: HP Compaq nx7400 (EY508ES#AKD)
BIOS: KBC Version 40.17
Processor: Genuine Intel(R) CPU           T2250  @ 1.73GHz (2 CPUs)
Memory: 1016MB RAM
Card name: Mobile Intel(R) 945GM Express Chipset Family
Manufacturer: Intel Corporation
Chip type: Intel(R) GMA 950
DAC type: Internal
Device Key: Enum\PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_27A2&SUBSYS_30A2103C&REV_03
Display Memory: 224.0 MB
Current Mode: 1280 x 800 (32 bit) (60Hz)
Monitor: Monitor Plug and Play
Monitor Max Res: 1600,1200
Driver Name: ialmrnt5.dll
Driver Version: 6.14.0010.4543 (English)

Any solutions?? Thanks!


What's your operating system?

Try going into start->run and type

"C:\System Shock 2\Shock2.exe" Setup -lgntforce

or wherever your game is. Just make sure the directory is surrounded by "" and Setup -lgntforce is at the end.
I tried "C:\System Shock 2\Shock2.exe" Setup -lgntforce
but game crashes at the same moment.
Changing resolution in the game doesn't work as well( I mean I could change it but game crashes
no matter the resolution is).
My os is WinXp HE SP2

I remember some time ago I had another cd with SS2 (no videos included) and it actually worked on the same
computer without patching (just used compatibility). But then it used to freeze after a few minutes of
gameplay-that's why I gave in then :(

Thank you for the reply! :)
 :help: please
« Last Edit: 26. January 2008, 22:53:12 by gofer »


Start System shock.
Then alt+tab back to windows.
ctrl+alt+delete->processes tab->find sshock2.exe and right click and "set affinity" If you see cpu 0 and 1 checked uncheck one. Although this bug should be fixed when using the patch.

If there are two processors running it, start ss2 with the Setup -lgntforce command, disable a processor and try.

I know when I first tried ss2, It took a full day to figure out how to get it to work.

You can also add the line
to your user.cfg file in ss2 directory. Might help.


I'd just like to stress that "Setup -lgntforce" command has absolutely nothing to do with running the game AFAIK ...actually it's only meant for installation procedure.

gofer...the freezes you were experiencing before were most probably caused by your multi-core setup and what andrewabc suggests is a possible solution but Kolya Tool v2.4 can patch this particular issue permanently...if you specify so. Did you?
1. I installed everything included in this patch(including bug fixes component)
While in menu I hit ctrl-alt-del and process sshock2 uses (for sure) only cpu0. cpu1 is unmarked.

2.I don't have user.cfg file although it's mentioned in my cam.cfg:
; $Header: r:/prj/cam/src/RCS/cam.cfg 1.17 1999/06/28 14:38:52 mwhite Exp $

; hey, which game is this
game shock

; general configs
include_user_cfg user.cfg
editor_include_dromed_cfg dromed.cfg

; game specific paths/configs
dark_include_install_cfg darkinst.cfg
shock_include_install_cfg install.cfg

; set trait cache to include concretes
trait_cache_flags 2

sfx_vol_music -474
game_screen_size 640 480

sfx_vol_2d 0
sfx_channels 16
sfx_eax 1
sfx_vol_2d 0
sfx_channels 16
sfx_eax 1

I tried creating user.cfg, with skip_starting_checks in it, but nothing changed...


Check if all 24 *.mis files are located in your root Sshock2 game directory and that paths in your install.cfg are pointing to ".+" as well. If anything doesn't help have you considered reinstalling?
There are only 23 *.mis in root directory... :scratch:
  And there are only 23 on the cd... Where is the missing one?? :wtf:

My install.cfg looks like this:
cd_path .
install_path .
language english
resname_base RES
load_path .
script_module_path .
movie_path cutscenes

What should I do about it?

In the meantime I'll try reinstalling and see what happens... Thanks for your help!

I reinstalled an patched with no results...

patch log:
Code: [Select]
Output folder CSshock2
Output folder CSshock2patch
Extract iface.crf... 100%
Extract intrface.crf... 100%
Extract mesh.crf... 100%
Extract motions.crf... 100%
Extract obj.crf... 100%
Extract strings.crf... 100%
Output folder CSshock2
Extract allobjs.osm... 100%
Extract drvmgt.dll... 100%
Extract HYDRO2.DIF... 100%
Extract motiondb.bin... 100%
Extract readmep.wri... 100%
Extract secdrv.sys... 100%
Extract shock2.exe... 100%
Extract SHOCK2.GAM... 100%
Delete file CSshock2SHOCK2.ICD
Extract SHODAN.DIF... 100%
Output folder CSshock2
Create folder CSshock2temp
Extract 7za.exe... 100%
Execute 7za.exe x -y -otempiface patchiface.crf
Execute 7za.exe x -y -otempintrface patchintrface.crf
Execute 7za.exe x -y -otempmesh patchmesh.crf
Execute 7za.exe x -y -otempmotions patchmotions.crf
Execute 7za.exe x -y -otempobj patchobj.crf
Execute 7za.exe x -y -otempstrings patchstrings.crf
Delete file CSshock2patchiface.crf
Delete file CSshock2patchintrface.crf
Delete file CSshock2patchmesh.crf
Delete file CSshock2patchmotions.crf
Delete file CSshock2patchobj.crf
Delete file CSshock2patchstrings.crf
Remove folder CSshock2patch
Delete file CSshock27za.exe
Output folder CSshock2tempiface
Extract 7za.exe... 100%
Execute 7za.exe u -tzip -mx5 -up1q1r2x2y2z2w2 ....iface.crf  -x!7za.exe
Output folder CSshock2tempintrface
Extract 7za.exe... 100%
Execute 7za.exe u -tzip -mx5 -up1q1r2x2y2z2w2 ....intrface.crf  -x!7za.exe
Output folder CSshock2tempmesh
Extract 7za.exe... 100%
Execute 7za.exe u -tzip -mx5 -up1q1r2x2y2z2w2 ....mesh.crf  -x!7za.exe
Output folder CSshock2tempmotions
Extract 7za.exe... 100%
Execute 7za.exe u -tzip -mx5 -up1q1r2x2y2z2w2 ....mesh.crf  -x!7za.exe
Output folder CSshock2tempobj
Extract 7za.exe... 100%
Execute 7za.exe u -tzip -mx5 -up1q1r2x2y2z2w2 ....obj.crf  -x!7za.exe
Output folder CSshock2tempstrings
Extract 7za.exe... 100%
Execute 7za.exe u -tzip -mx5 -up1q1r2x2y2z2w2 ....strings.crf  -x!7za.exe
Output folder CSshock2
Delete file CSshock2tempiface7za.exe
Delete file CSshock2tempifaceDHGIRD.PCX
Delete file CSshock2tempifaceDHHAM0.PCX
Delete file CSshock2tempifaceDHHAM1.PCX
Delete file CSshock2tempifaceDHHAM2.PCX
Delete file CSshock2tempifaceDHHAM3.PCX
Delete file CSshock2tempifaceDHKONG0.PCX
Delete file CSshock2tempifaceDHKONG1.PCX
Delete file CSshock2tempifaceDHKONG2.PCX
Delete file CSshock2tempifaceDHLADBOT.PCX
Delete file CSshock2tempifaceDHLADDER.PCX
Delete file CSshock2tempifaceDHLADTOP.PCX
Delete file CSshock2tempifaceDHTIMCL0.PCX
Delete file CSshock2tempifaceDHTIMCL1.PCX
Delete file CSshock2tempifaceDHTIMJPL.PCX
Delete file CSshock2tempifaceDHTIMJPR.PCX
Delete file CSshock2tempifaceDHTIMWL0.PCX
Delete file CSshock2tempifaceDHTIMWL1.PCX
Delete file CSshock2tempifaceDHTIMWL2.PCX
Delete file CSshock2tempifaceDHTIMWL3.PCX
Delete file CSshock2tempifaceDHTIMWR0.PCX
Delete file CSshock2tempifaceDHTIMWR1.PCX
Delete file CSshock2tempifaceDHTIMWR2.PCX
Delete file CSshock2tempifaceDHTIMWR3.PCX
Delete file CSshock2tempifaceKBBACON.PCX
Delete file CSshock2tempifaceKBBOMBER.PCX
Delete file CSshock2tempifaceKBPAD_0.PCX
Delete file CSshock2tempifaceKBPAD_1.PCX
Delete file CSshock2tempifaceKBPAD_2.PCX
Delete file CSshock2tempifacePlrpip_b.pcx
Delete file CSshock2tempifacePlrpip_p.pcx
Delete file CSshock2tempifacePlrpip_y.pcx
Delete file CSshock2tempifaceTesttest.txt
Remove folder CSshock2tempifaceTest
Remove folder CSshock2tempiface
Delete file CSshock2tempintrface7za.exe
Delete file CSshock2tempintrfaceGermanLOADING.STR
Delete file CSshock2tempintrfaceGermanNETPLAY.STR
Delete file CSshock2tempintrfaceGermanOPTIONS.STR
Remove folder CSshock2tempintrfaceGerman
Delete file CSshock2tempintrfaceloading.str
Delete file CSshock2tempintrfaceloadingr.BIN
Delete file CSshock2tempintrfaceNETPLAY.STR
Delete file CSshock2tempintrfaceoptions.str
Remove folder CSshock2tempintrface
Delete file CSshock2tempmesh7za.exe
Delete file CSshock2tempmeshplayer_1.bin
Delete file CSshock2tempmeshplayer_1.cal
Delete file CSshock2tempmeshplayer_2.bin
Delete file CSshock2tempmeshplayer_2.cal
Delete file CSshock2tempmeshplayer_3.bin
Delete file CSshock2tempmeshplayer_3.cal
Delete file CSshock2tempmeshplayer_4.bin
Delete file CSshock2tempmeshplayer_4.cal
Delete file CSshock2tempmeshtxt16PLAYERR.gif
Delete file CSshock2tempmeshtxt16PLAYERT.gif
Delete file CSshock2tempmeshtxt16PLAYERV.GIF
Delete file CSshock2tempmeshtxt16PLAYERY.gif
Remove folder CSshock2tempmeshtxt16
Remove folder CSshock2tempmesh
Delete file CSshock2tempmotions7za.exe
Delete file CSshock2tempmotionshumshthp.mi
Delete file CSshock2tempmotionsplycrsht.mi
Delete file CSshock2tempmotionsplyjmpup1.mi
Delete file CSshock2tempmotionsplystand2_.mc
Delete file CSshock2tempmotionsplystand_.mc
Delete file CSshock2tempmotionsplywlkbk_.mc
Remove folder CSshock2tempmotions
Delete file CSshock2tempobj7za.exe
Delete file CSshock2tempobjAMP_W.BIN
Delete file CSshock2tempobjAR15_W.BIN
Delete file CSshock2tempobjATEK_W.BIN
Delete file CSshock2tempobjPSWORD_W.BIN
Delete file CSshock2tempobjSG_W.BIN
Remove folder CSshock2tempobj
Delete file CSshock2tempstrings7za.exe
Delete file CSshock2tempstringsGermaninfocomp.str
Delete file CSshock2tempstringsGermanlevel01.str
Delete file CSshock2tempstringsGermanlevel02.str
Delete file CSshock2tempstringsGermanlevel03.str
Delete file CSshock2tempstringsGermanlevel04.str
Delete file CSshock2tempstringsGermanlevel05.str
Delete file CSshock2tempstringsGermanlevel06.str
Delete file CSshock2tempstringsGermanlevel07.str
Delete file CSshock2tempstringsGermanlevel09.str
Delete file CSshock2tempstringsGermanminigame.str
Delete file CSshock2tempstringsGermanmisc.str
Delete file CSshock2tempstringsGermannetwork.str
Delete file CSshock2tempstringsGermannotes.str
Delete file CSshock2tempstringsGermanobjname.str
Delete file CSshock2tempstringsGermanobjshort.str
Remove folder CSshock2tempstringsGerman
Delete file CSshock2tempstringsLEVEL05.STR
Delete file CSshock2tempstringsLEVEL06.STR
Delete file CSshock2tempstringsLEVEL07.STR
Delete file CSshock2tempstringsLEVEL09.STR
Delete file CSshock2tempstringsMISC.STR
Delete file CSshock2tempstringsNETWORK.STR
Delete file CSshock2tempstringsNOTES.STR
Delete file CSshock2tempstringsOBJLOOKS.STR
Delete file CSshock2tempstringsOBJNAME.STR
Delete file CSshock2tempstringsOBJSHORT.STR
Delete file CSshock2tempstringspsihelp.str
Delete file CSshock2tempstringsTRAITS.STR
Remove folder CSshock2tempstrings
Remove folder CSshock2temp
Output folder CSshock2
Create folder CSshock2RES
Output folder CSshock2
Delete file CSshock2install.cfg
Extract install.cfg... 100%
Output folder CSshock2
Output folder CSshock2
Output folder CSshock2
Output folder CWINDOWSsystem32
Extract IMAGECFG.EXE... 100%
Output folder CWINDOWSsystem32dllcache
Extract IMAGECFG.EXE... 100%
Extract shock2.exe... 100%
Output folder CSshock2
Extract processor.bat... 100%
Execute processor.bat
Delete file CSshock2processor.bat
Delete file CWINDOWSsystem32IMAGECFG.EXE
Delete file CWINDOWSsystem32dllcacheIMAGECFG.EXE
Output folder CSshock2
Extract shock2.exe... 100%
Registering CSshock2LGVID.AX
Output folder CSshock2
Output folder CSshock2
Extract a3d.dll... 100%
Extract a3dapi.dll... 100%
Output folder CSshock2
Extract shock2.exe... 100%

and install.log
Code: [Select]
Output folder CSshock2
Output folder CSshock2patch
Extract iface.crf... 100%
Extract intrface.crf... 100%
Extract mesh.crf... 100%
Extract motions.crf... 100%
Extract obj.crf... 100%
Extract strings.crf... 100%
Output folder CSshock2
Extract allobjs.osm... 100%
Extract drvmgt.dll... 100%
Extract HYDRO2.DIF... 100%
Extract motiondb.bin... 100%
Extract readmep.wri... 100%
Extract secdrv.sys... 100%
Extract shock2.exe... 100%
Extract SHOCK2.GAM... 100%
Delete file CSshock2SHOCK2.ICD
Extract SHODAN.DIF... 100%
Output folder CSshock2
Create folder CSshock2temp
Extract 7za.exe... 100%
Execute 7za.exe x -y -otempiface patchiface.crf
Execute 7za.exe x -y -otempintrface patchintrface.crf
Execute 7za.exe x -y -otempmesh patchmesh.crf
Execute 7za.exe x -y -otempmotions patchmotions.crf
Execute 7za.exe x -y -otempobj patchobj.crf
Execute 7za.exe x -y -otempstrings patchstrings.crf
Delete file CSshock2patchiface.crf
Delete file CSshock2patchintrface.crf
Delete file CSshock2patchmesh.crf
Delete file CSshock2patchmotions.crf
Delete file CSshock2patchobj.crf
Delete file CSshock2patchstrings.crf
Remove folder CSshock2patch
Delete file CSshock27za.exe
Output folder CSshock2tempiface
Extract 7za.exe... 100%
Execute 7za.exe u -tzip -mx5 -up1q1r2x2y2z2w2 ....iface.crf  -x!7za.exe
Output folder CSshock2tempintrface
Extract 7za.exe... 100%
Execute 7za.exe u -tzip -mx5 -up1q1r2x2y2z2w2 ....intrface.crf  -x!7za.exe
Output folder CSshock2tempmesh
Extract 7za.exe... 100%
Execute 7za.exe u -tzip -mx5 -up1q1r2x2y2z2w2 ....mesh.crf  -x!7za.exe
Output folder CSshock2tempmotions
Extract 7za.exe... 100%
Execute 7za.exe u -tzip -mx5 -up1q1r2x2y2z2w2 ....mesh.crf  -x!7za.exe
Output folder CSshock2tempobj
Extract 7za.exe... 100%
Execute 7za.exe u -tzip -mx5 -up1q1r2x2y2z2w2 ....obj.crf  -x!7za.exe
Output folder CSshock2tempstrings
Extract 7za.exe... 100%
Execute 7za.exe u -tzip -mx5 -up1q1r2x2y2z2w2 ....strings.crf  -x!7za.exe
Output folder CSshock2
Delete file CSshock2tempiface7za.exe
Delete file CSshock2tempifaceDHGIRD.PCX
Delete file CSshock2tempifaceDHHAM0.PCX
Delete file CSshock2tempifaceDHHAM1.PCX
Delete file CSshock2tempifaceDHHAM2.PCX
Delete file CSshock2tempifaceDHHAM3.PCX
Delete file CSshock2tempifaceDHKONG0.PCX
Delete file CSshock2tempifaceDHKONG1.PCX
Delete file CSshock2tempifaceDHKONG2.PCX
Delete file CSshock2tempifaceDHLADBOT.PCX
Delete file CSshock2tempifaceDHLADDER.PCX
Delete file CSshock2tempifaceDHLADTOP.PCX
Delete file CSshock2tempifaceDHTIMCL0.PCX
Delete file CSshock2tempifaceDHTIMCL1.PCX
Delete file CSshock2tempifaceDHTIMJPL.PCX
Delete file CSshock2tempifaceDHTIMJPR.PCX
Delete file CSshock2tempifaceDHTIMWL0.PCX
Delete file CSshock2tempifaceDHTIMWL1.PCX
Delete file CSshock2tempifaceDHTIMWL2.PCX
Delete file CSshock2tempifaceDHTIMWL3.PCX
Delete file CSshock2tempifaceDHTIMWR0.PCX
Delete file CSshock2tempifaceDHTIMWR1.PCX
Delete file CSshock2tempifaceDHTIMWR2.PCX
Delete file CSshock2tempifaceDHTIMWR3.PCX
Delete file CSshock2tempifaceKBBACON.PCX
Delete file CSshock2tempifaceKBBOMBER.PCX
Delete file CSshock2tempifaceKBPAD_0.PCX
Delete file CSshock2tempifaceKBPAD_1.PCX
Delete file CSshock2tempifaceKBPAD_2.PCX
Delete file CSshock2tempifacePlrpip_b.pcx
Delete file CSshock2tempifacePlrpip_p.pcx
Delete file CSshock2tempifacePlrpip_y.pcx
Delete file CSshock2tempifaceTesttest.txt
Remove folder CSshock2tempifaceTest
Remove folder CSshock2tempiface
Delete file CSshock2tempintrface7za.exe
Delete file CSshock2tempintrfaceGermanLOADING.STR
Delete file CSshock2tempintrfaceGermanNETPLAY.STR
Delete file CSshock2tempintrfaceGermanOPTIONS.STR
Remove folder CSshock2tempintrfaceGerman
Delete file CSshock2tempintrfaceloading.str
Delete file CSshock2tempintrfaceloadingr.BIN
Delete file CSshock2tempintrfaceNETPLAY.STR
Delete file CSshock2tempintrfaceoptions.str
Remove folder CSshock2tempintrface
Delete file CSshock2tempmesh7za.exe
Delete file CSshock2tempmeshplayer_1.bin
Delete file CSshock2tempmeshplayer_1.cal
Delete file CSshock2tempmeshplayer_2.bin
Delete file CSshock2tempmeshplayer_2.cal
Delete file CSshock2tempmeshplayer_3.bin
Delete file CSshock2tempmeshplayer_3.cal
Delete file CSshock2tempmeshplayer_4.bin
Delete file CSshock2tempmeshplayer_4.cal
Delete file CSshock2tempmeshtxt16PLAYERR.gif
Delete file CSshock2tempmeshtxt16PLAYERT.gif
Delete file CSshock2tempmeshtxt16PLAYERV.GIF
Delete file CSshock2tempmeshtxt16PLAYERY.gif
Remove folder CSshock2tempmeshtxt16
Remove folder CSshock2tempmesh
Delete file CSshock2tempmotions7za.exe
Delete file CSshock2tempmotionshumshthp.mi
Delete file CSshock2tempmotionsplycrsht.mi
Delete file CSshock2tempmotionsplyjmpup1.mi
Delete file CSshock2tempmotionsplystand2_.mc
Delete file CSshock2tempmotionsplystand_.mc
Delete file CSshock2tempmotionsplywlkbk_.mc
Remove folder CSshock2tempmotions
Delete file CSshock2tempobj7za.exe
Delete file CSshock2tempobjAMP_W.BIN
Delete file CSshock2tempobjAR15_W.BIN
Delete file CSshock2tempobjATEK_W.BIN
Delete file CSshock2tempobjPSWORD_W.BIN
Delete file CSshock2tempobjSG_W.BIN
Remove folder CSshock2tempobj
Delete file CSshock2tempstrings7za.exe
Delete file CSshock2tempstringsGermaninfocomp.str
Delete file CSshock2tempstringsGermanlevel01.str
Delete file CSshock2tempstringsGermanlevel02.str
Delete file CSshock2tempstringsGermanlevel03.str
Delete file CSshock2tempstringsGermanlevel04.str
Delete file CSshock2tempstringsGermanlevel05.str
Delete file CSshock2tempstringsGermanlevel06.str
Delete file CSshock2tempstringsGermanlevel07.str
Delete file CSshock2tempstringsGermanlevel09.str
Delete file CSshock2tempstringsGermanminigame.str
Delete file CSshock2tempstringsGermanmisc.str
Delete file CSshock2tempstringsGermannetwork.str
Delete file CSshock2tempstringsGermannotes.str
Delete file CSshock2tempstringsGermanobjname.str
Delete file CSshock2tempstringsGermanobjshort.str
Remove folder CSshock2tempstringsGerman
Delete file CSshock2tempstringsLEVEL05.STR
Delete file CSshock2tempstringsLEVEL06.STR
Delete file CSshock2tempstringsLEVEL07.STR
Delete file CSshock2tempstringsLEVEL09.STR
Delete file CSshock2tempstringsMISC.STR
Delete file CSshock2tempstringsNETWORK.STR
Delete file CSshock2tempstringsNOTES.STR
Delete file CSshock2tempstringsOBJLOOKS.STR
Delete file CSshock2tempstringsOBJNAME.STR
Delete file CSshock2tempstringsOBJSHORT.STR
Delete file CSshock2tempstringspsihelp.str
Delete file CSshock2tempstringsTRAITS.STR
Remove folder CSshock2tempstrings
Remove folder CSshock2temp
Output folder CSshock2
Create folder CSshock2RES
Output folder CSshock2
Delete file CSshock2install.cfg
Extract install.cfg... 100%
Output folder CSshock2
Output folder CSshock2
Output folder CSshock2
Output folder CWINDOWSsystem32
Extract IMAGECFG.EXE... 100%
Output folder CWINDOWSsystem32dllcache
Extract IMAGECFG.EXE... 100%
Extract shock2.exe... 100%
Output folder CSshock2
Extract processor.bat... 100%
Execute processor.bat
Delete file CSshock2processor.bat
Delete file CWINDOWSsystem32IMAGECFG.EXE
Delete file CWINDOWSsystem32dllcacheIMAGECFG.EXE
Output folder CSshock2
Extract shock2.exe... 100%
Registering CSshock2LGVID.AX
Output folder CSshock2
Output folder CSshock2
Extract a3d.dll... 100%
Extract a3dapi.dll... 100%
Output folder CSshock2
Extract shock2.exe... 100%
« Last Edit: 26. January 2008, 23:47:03 by gofer »

6750b1d506ad4Nameless Voice

There should only be 23 .mis files.
So there are 23 in it:)

I found out that after the crash when I kill the process
there is: system shock2 final patch 2.03
Is that ok???


My mistake, the 24th was Level selector which is not from vanilla.
Crash to desktop right after "accessing" screen appears occurs when the .mis files are missing (not in path) or corrupted.
Blank screen right after "accessing" screen appears occurs when shock2.gam file is missing (not in path) or corrupted.
But the problem could of course be somewhere else.
Have you tried running the game right after fresh install (before applying anything)?
I tried a fresh, full install and...
1. when I hit shock2.exe I get an alert saying (translation)- there's a known problem with compatibility with this ver of Win.
To actualise contact EA. Then I can choose Continue, Abort or Details. I press Continue and game doesn't start at all - nothing happens...
In compatibility options - I got - Win98/ME, turned off visuals and advanced sth(last choice) turned off as well.

2.If I choose Win 98 or Win95 and set resolution to 640x480 I could see that monitor changes its resolution twice and come back  to desktop.

3.Afterwards I tried patching...
Game starts, videos work, after "accesing screen" I could see the resolution changing twice and then - all blaaack... like described above.

Then my install.cfg looks like this:
cd_path F:\
install_path C:\Sshock2
language english
resname_base C:\Sshock2+F:\shock
load_path C:\Sshock2+F:\shock
script_module_path C:\Sshock2+F:\shock
movie_path C:\Sshock2\cutscenes+F:\shock\cutscenes

I've got no idea why it lokks different now comparing to previous posts...
Everthing seems to be the same.

4.There is a cd in a drive (I got full install and no-cd is in patch as far as I remember), there is shock2.gam in root (size 902 268).

No ideas... :worried:

« Last Edit: 27. January 2008, 11:06:02 by gofer »
It seems that cd was broken somehow...
I've got another version and it works just fine!!! High res, videos, no freezing at all!

Thank you! :biggrin:
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