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53,853 default-44100.mhr53,853 default-48000.mhr13,417 irc_1020_44100.mhr
c:\Users\citadel\AppData\Roaming\openal\hrtf_defs>makehrtf.exe -m -r=44100 -d=sphere -i=.\IRC_1020.def -o=.\irc_1020_44100.mhrReading HRIR definition...Calculating diffuse-field average...Performing diffuse-field equalization...Performing minimum phase reconstruction...Truncating minimum-phase HRIRs...Synthesizing missing elevations...Normalizing final HRIRs...Calculating impulse delays...Creating MHR data set file...Operation completed.
I'm confident however that headphone sound will see a lot of attention soon thanks to VR.
Yeah, A3D2. 0 is still ahead of anything we have today.
When it comes to an interface or sorts, yes.Nowadays the good games have 3d surround for headphones built in.As example, Battlefield 3 and the following titles have pretty neat sound atmosphere going on.