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Topic: SS2 Christine FM1: Ponterbee Station V5
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Re: SS2 Christine FM1: Ponterbee Station V3
this is caused by a Rebirth03 dml that is being applied to the FM. delete or rename the dml files from Rebirth, restart from a save that has been made before entering the Ponterbee eng1 level and the problem will be avoided.

[save_13.7z expired]
« Last Edit: 07. July 2014, 14:18:20 by voodoo47 »

67cfc415a939ePrimitive Primate

Re: SS2 Christine FM1: Ponterbee Station V3
Re: SS2 Christine FM1: Ponterbee Station V3
Well, that about covers my playthrough of Ponterbee. Missing button in Engineering. No save before engineering. Good times.


Re: SS2 Christine FM1: Ponterbee Station V3
the current save can be repaired easily, you just need to post it.
Re: SS2 Christine FM1: Ponterbee Station V3
Now if only i knew how...
Re: SS2 Christine FM1: Ponterbee Station V3
In your gamefolder find the latest save game and zip it. Savegames are stored each in its own folder with names corresponding to the savegame slot inside the game: From save_1 to save_14.

Click the "Reply" button in any post in this thread or at the end of the page. Below the editor window click "Attachments and other options". Click the "Browse"-Button and select your zipped savegame.


Re: SS2 Christine FM1: Ponterbee Station V3
it starts with save_0, actually - just save in the first slot, zip the save_0 folder, and post it here as K suggested.
« Last Edit: 04. August 2014, 13:39:47 by voodoo47 »
Re: SS2 Christine FM1: Ponterbee Station V3
Here it is...

[Saef Fael.zip expired]
« Last Edit: 04. August 2014, 14:16:34 by Kolya »


Re: SS2 Christine FM1: Ponterbee Station V3
done. repatching with ss2tool 5.1 (this will update your SS2 install to v2.43) and using the latest Rebirth 03a to avoid such issues is highly recommended.

[save_0.7z expired]
Re: SS2 Christine FM1: Ponterbee Station V3
much appreciated


Re: SS2 Christine FM1: Ponterbee Station V3
I realize this hasn't been posted to in ages, but I just started playing this a few days ago and I am having a hell of a time finding the console to put the override into now that I'm in the research section.

EDIT: Nevermind. Just was overlooking the right spot.
« Last Edit: 08. March 2016, 09:40:34 by LaineyBugsDaddy »
Acknowledged by: callum13117
Re: SS2 Christine FM1: Ponterbee Station V3
Hello, people. Do you know if this FM is supposed to have a much higher respawn rate than the original game? That is happening with me, the respawn is really high and the FM becomes unplayable. I used the no_spawn command in config file and started a new game. It was a bit better (at least the enemies stopped respawning from the air in front of me), but still is quite bad. If I kill an enemy on a respawn point, close the door of the room an open it again, there it is (and again, and again...).

Does anyone knows another way of toning down respawn? Or is there a way nowdays to turn it off entirely? I would rather play with a "healthy" respawn rate as close to the original game, but, if not possible, I'd rather play the FM without respawn than no playing it at all.



Re: SS2 Christine FM1: Ponterbee Station V3
a Shockeder would have to have a look at the ecologies and see what can be tweaked. I did it for RttUNN, so technically, I could do it here as well, but I'm kind of hoping Christine herself will update her missions (she is still around).
Re: SS2 Christine FM1: Ponterbee Station V3

Leaving my original text as someone else may come along and experience the same issue.   I went and tried the fan mission installer that steam offers and the game is actually looking much better.  The originally floating objects now make sense.  So I am going to continue and hope I don't see any other issues.

First post here so bare with me as I learn all the abbreviations for everything.  Also first fan mission to play as it was recommended in Steam ( I am running the steam version but also have run the SS2 tool to patch it)  forums and I have read quite a few positive posts on it here (at least the first couple pages)  There are 12 pages of posts so not reading all of them as that would take considerable time out of the day.  But upon starting a new game the first thing I noticed was that my character is apparently a big slob.  Got bottles all over the place and cigarette packages everywhere....  but that is really a moot point not a concern :)  .   

No what I really noticed first off was a bottle was floating in the air, and the first audio log was also.  2nd thing (and I think I am missing some files) is past the first door, all other doors are black textures.  To go along with this all the cars are invisible too.  Straight out of the dormitory building down the street to what I think is the UNN recruitment center on the right hand side is what I assume to be a parked car as there is an invisible barrier sitting in the parking spot.  I see the particles from a couple of moving ones, but I cannot see them.   

One annoying thing is every time I walk up to a locked door the dialog for UNN recruitment plays.

Some of this I can just deal with, like the recruitment dialog playing as I won't be walking up to every door once I know where to go and initial exploration is done.  But the missing textures and such are disappointing.  I want to enjoy this mission so any advice on what else I might need to install would be appreciative.  Also checked out Christines pictures and she has some nice character skins.  What mod is she using and was it included with the FM?  I have an unaltered version aside from running this particular FM.

I have used the SS2 tool v6.1.1.5 and it has patched the game.   And I am using the Blue Mod Manager that came with the SS2 tool.  Should I instead use the one recommended in the first posts of this thread or have updates been made that make that one obsolete?  Perhaps I should instead install this the recomended way in the readme rather than using a mod manager?
« Last Edit: 05. January 2017, 16:23:24 by ryuoki »


Re: SS2 Christine FM1: Ponterbee Station V3
yes, you should definitely use FMselect to play fan missions, the modmanager is meant for mods only.

would recommend uninstalling and deleting everything, then making a fresh, clean SS2 install, patching it up with SS2tool, loading all the mods you want with the included modmanager, and loading the fan mission with FMselect. that should prevent all resource related problems you described.
« Last Edit: 05. January 2017, 19:08:29 by voodoo47 »
Re: SS2 Christine FM1: Ponterbee Station V3
Is that described in MOTHER anywhere?  Worth adding a link to in the first post?  Just throwing out ideas.


Re: SS2 Christine FM1: Ponterbee Station V3
the FM stuff is linked in the first post (of each fm), the tool stuff in MOTHER. creating a new clean install if you manage to botch one up is common sense.
Re: SS2 Christine FM1: Ponterbee Station V3

I am @Command deck. I did use the code for the transmitter. Am I done here already or what should I do next on this deck?

I am having the issue that my game crashes from using the elevator on this deck. My comp freezed yesterday, is my savegame corrupted and should I restart from autosave on this deck or do I need to do anything at the deck still?

Thanks in advance!


Re: SS2 Christine FM1: Ponterbee Station V3
you should have a shock2.log and crash.dmp in your SS2 folder, zip them up, upload to some online storage and post the link.
Re: SS2 Christine FM1: Ponterbee Station V3
The savegame was corrupted, re-played that part. Still thanks!


Re: SS2 Christine FM1: Ponterbee Station V3
bleh, forgot to post the pretty much finished quickfix (was playing with some experimental stuff and then forgot), but better late than never,

-halved the spawning rate on normal ecologies (having half a dozen hybrid corpses at each junction permanently is a dead giveaway that the spawning rate needs to be toned down)
-fixed positioning on a few objects
-fixed physics stuff on a few custom objects (donuts, chocolate bar, cigs)
-can eat and drink as much as one wants
-cigarette butts size now matches those in the ashtrays (custom object)
-cigarette packs now sized so they would fit into the cigarette cartons (custom object) properly, also will give one psi point when smoked, SCP style
-tall plants removed physics to hopefully prevent them falling into floor
-integrated appropriately modified versions of RealSG and Shotgun Muzzle Flash minimods (remember, Fixed Objects and an appropriate version of RealSG need to be loaded in the mod manager. SHTUP-ND and Object Shrink are also highly recommended)


Re: SS2 Christine FM1: Ponterbee Station V3
Does any one know why the shotgun hybrids are invisible for me when playing this FM? All you see is a floating shotgun when I encounter them. Every thing else seems to be fine. Maybe its my Mod priority or something?
edit: actually even with all my mods disabled its still like that.
edit2: ok so I guess i needed RealSG however I dont like using rebirth and I was unable to find a non rebirth RealSG mod.
[waeta.jpg expired]
« Last Edit: 28. September 2017, 02:31:05 by Jackafur »


Re: SS2 Christine FM1: Ponterbee Station V3
yes, you need it, it's in the SCP topic, as it was built primarily with SCP in mind. also, in case that last thing with the lowest priority is the actual FM (actually, no matter what it is, I'm 99% sure it shouldn't be there), the mod manager is for mods only, FMs should be loaded with FMselect. all mods that are active will still get applied.


Re: SS2 Christine FM1: Ponterbee Station V3
yes, you need it, it's in the SCP topic, as it was built primarily with SCP in mind. also, in case that last thing with the lowest priority is the actual FM (actually, no matter what it is, I'm 99% sure it shouldn't be there), the mod manager is for mods only, FMs should be loaded with FMselect. all mods that are active will still get applied.
I do load PonterbeeStationV.3 in FMsel. The thing I have loaded with the mod manager is  SS2_LarkSS_Ponterbee_NewDark-Addons.7z. I didnt know what else to do with it so i assumed it was something you loaded with the mod manager. Do you load this with FMsel as well? Any way thanks for pointing out where to get RealSG every thing works fine now. I thought I read some where that RealSG was included in SCP but I guess it was its own zip file and I skipped it.

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