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Re: System Shock Remake Feedback Request - Night Dive Studios
While SS2 would benefit from a remake I'd much prefer if they're doing another they do Ultima Underworld instead. It'd benefit from a remake more than SS2 in the same way SS1 would.
Acknowledged by 2 members: Marvin, Hikari


Re: System Shock Remake Feedback Request - Night Dive Studios
I can see it happening... the Bioshock hype machine has wound down significantly but the desire and (greatly extended) fanbase is still there, I don't see why SS2 wouldn't get remade if there's a big enough gap until the next Bioshock* from 2K Marin, and judging from the total lack of news on that front, there probably will be.

* I am stoked for that one simply because I've played every single piece of Bioshock material available going all the way to the expansion DLC for 2 and Infinite and at this point I am deeply interested in just how shitty they can make these, it's becoming more a fascination and study than something enraging
Re: System Shock Remake Feedback Request - Night Dive Studios
unless the SS1 remake bombs completely, a SS2 remake is pretty much guaranteed.
They had to go to Kickstarter for the relatively inexpensive SS1 remaster, I highly doubt they want to do SS2 and bite off more than they can chew. Cost and team size would explode.
Re: System Shock Remake Feedback Request - Night Dive Studios

- It's only called System Shock now...
- A demo will be available on launch of the KS campagin (hurray!)
- The KS box will look like this (ZB trigger warning: The grove count on the cover is dangerously high)

Why bandwagon on the stupid trend of recycling the first game's or film's title? Is the additional title or number dropped to pretend that it's something completely new, hoping that new audiences won't know or remember? All it's going to do is confuse people.
Re: System Shock Remake Feedback Request - Night Dive Studios
Is the additional title or number dropped to pretend that it's something completely new, hoping that new audiences won't know or remember?
Yes. Also, take into account this is coming to XBox One.
Re: System Shock Remake Feedback Request - Night Dive Studios
Because it needs to succeed and passing it off as a unique creation is one extra move to boost sales without compromising the design. Indeed it's a move for those unaware of System Shock, which is a hell of a lot of people. I hate this trend in AAA and find it utterly disrespectful to the original work, but here I'm willing to overlook that. As long as the game itself meets standards, because that is a rarity these days. It's not so much the name override I find disrespectful with AAA either anyway, it's more the shit compromised design when the old game was good. The taking of something great, making it shit, and passing it off as your own unique concept. It's still poor practice good game or not but I'm happy for NightDive and Otherside to stoop to marketing lows because that's generally how this industry works in my eyes. Do what you got to do to succeed that isn't too morally bankrupt, just don't compromise the design goddamn it.
Acknowledged by 2 members: Hikari, Gawain
Re: System Shock Remake Feedback Request - Night Dive Studios
I'm not really bothered with them taking the same name as the original here since this is basically a remake of the original, unlike many other modern examples where it's a completely different game that only has some aspects of the original franchise, like say characters or locations.
Acknowledged by: Schuler


Re: System Shock Remake Feedback Request - Night Dive Studios
Yes. Also, take into account this is coming to XBox One.
Should have called it System Shock One then.
Acknowledged by 2 members: Hikari, Join usss!
Re: System Shock Remake Feedback Request - Night Dive Studios
I am stoked for that one simply because I've played every single piece of Bioshock material available going all the way to the expansion DLC for 2 and Infinite and at this point I am deeply interested in just how shitty they can make these, it's becoming more a fascination and study than something enraging

I thought Minerva's Den (the Bioshock 2 DLC) was very good, it's only real flaw (to me) being that I wshed it was longer.

I didn't like Burial at Sea 1 or 2 though. 1 was weak, not very enjoyable, and didn't feel like Rapture, even though it mostly looked OK. 2 was better than 1, more fun and with a more atmospheric game world (it felt more like Rapture, but still not as much as it should) but still disappointing. Some of the ideas in 2 were great, and the opening, in Paris, was very well done, though when you tried to interact with most of the NPCs, you realised it was a sham, as they were basically just manequins, albeit a few on them had minor (repetitive) movements.
Re: System Shock Remake Feedback Request - Night Dive Studios
Why bandwagon on the stupid trend of recycling the first game's or film's title? Is the additional title or number dropped to pretend that it's something completely new, hoping that new audiences won't know or remember? All it's going to do is confuse people.

The worst of it is that if you're trying to search for the new game on the 'net, such as for moddding that game, or technical advice, or even just to discuss that game, then since it has the same name as an older game, then you often have to manually filter through the results to find links that are connected to your version of the game and not the earlier one, or vice versa.

It's like this with Thief (do you mean the original, or the 2014 game?) or Doom (the original, or the 2016 game?), Tomb Raider, Unreal Tournament, Star Wars: Battlefront, Shadow Warrior (although Shadow Warrior isn't necessarily so bad, as most people refer to the original as 'Shadow Warrior 3D'), Sim CIty, Turok, etc.

And looking at that list, it's noticeable that many of the reboots were inferior, gameplay-wise, to the (often much older) original games. Which does make it seem more likely that the games companies name the new games the same as the old to gain some sales based on nostalgia or by fooling those who still play and love the old games into thinking "Oh, this new game must be more of the same, so I must buy it".
Re: System Shock Remake Feedback Request - Night Dive Studios
Thought: RE navpoint locations.

Base functionality you place navpoints and can put a 'beam' between ones that are a straight line of sight from eachother. Which is functional but annoying as hell. However there would be a 'navigation' implant that would let you mark on your map which navpoint you want to go to and it'll automatically draw a line from you to marker.
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