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Topic: SS2 mass object spawning Read 1407 times  


I was playing co-op with a bud the other day, and they were talking about "key binding" or something like that. :scratch: But it wasn't the normal key binding, they were spawning tons of items at a time... If anyone could teach me how to do this, it would be much appreciated. 
« Last Edit: 18. February 2008, 19:59:54 by Kolya »
They probably bound a key to summon a certain object. That way when you hold the key down lots of these objects get spawned. Bring up the console...
Code: [Select]
bind x "summon_obj basketball"
Hit Enter, then hold down the x-key. Instant fun.

67510e8761411Nameless Voice

Note to self: find some property or script message to allow a script to trap the summoning of objects.
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