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Topic: Hybrid editing in shocked. Plz help.
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you know i need this for my mod too. the way the hybrids run next to you but dont attack when youre running backwards is really stupid. and i tried this before too with no luck. i dont think its due to a script... ill look more into the files later. i think its a regular setting that comes in the gam. by file i meant the hybrid section of the gamesys. maybe you can help me too? im trying to find the slug turret accuracy setting. but one possibly foolproof way you can implement your hybrid change, is to just make your file look exactly like the alya one, with no subtractions and no additions.
Good to know that i'm not only one who consider this. And good news: ThiefsieFool(SecMod developer) will look at this, i hope he can fix it :)


i already slowed player movement speed as part of my mod and they still cant hit me. its totally a bug, and its almost game breaking, the enemies should be dangerous, not retarded


i already slowed player movement speed as part of my mod and they still cant hit me. its totally a bug, and its almost game breaking, the enemies should be dangerous, not retarded
i'm 100% agree with you, and i told it in SecMod threat, unlike voodoo47 said that this is just an agility modifier, i said that this is a bug.
« Last Edit: 15. March 2016, 22:09:31 by code371 »


what are your other plans for your mod... mine is a tactical difficulty mod


what are your other plans for your mod... mine is a tactical difficulty mod
Actually i'm not develop any mod, I just wanted to play SecMod with this improvment of hybrid behavior, nothing else. So i hope ThiefsieFool will have time to fix this annoying bug.


the rumblers do this shit too... it really needs to get fixed. somone knowledgable please insert some tips on what needs to be done so i can implement it into my mod


the rumblers do this shit too... it really needs to get fixed. somone knowledgable please insert some tips on what needs to be done so i can implement it into my mod
Seems like nobody cares  :/ This is the biggest problem of SS2, and it could be fixing becouse Alya mod author successfully resolve it, but he and ThiefsieFool(i request him for fixng secmod) are disapeared  :(


yeeah complaining that people are not responding to your requests quickly enough will not win you many friends around here.


It's such a huge, game-breaking problem that not a single review has ever mentioned it. Conspiracy! Fight the power!
You found an exploit that makes fighting hybrids in Secmod easier. Good for you, since most people always found Secmod's hybrids freaking fast and hard to beat.

Calling that "the biggest problem of SS2" is factually wrong and overly dramatic. TF knows about it and will eventually fix it. Until then stop bitching about it. You can be sure that it doesn't advance your plea one bit.


Stop killing me. I understand all.  :heart:  Maby I just nervous coz of every day dreaming about?

And by the way, I did not come like "hey fix it, and quickly". First i tried to fix it by myself, tried to learn some basics in shocked editor. with no luck anyway. I made a video to introduce the problem, and i dont think that it's just an exploit, i tried some older versions of sec mod with the same results, so it seems like the hybrids speed isuue in past are refers to the overal game speed problems in past, maby becouse of older versions of newdark/SS2tool dunno. Right now the hybrid behavior in SCP and some other mods wich contains shock2.gam are still the same like in secmod, only in Alya mod it's ok. So i guess the problem is much bigger than you trying to think. And it would not be a problem if we do not have hybrids at each game level, but they are the main enemies. Thank you all for work and support, but do not judge strictly.


So i guess the problem is much bigger than you trying to think.
Or there's no problem at all, and you personally don't like the standard behavior that the rest of the world has liked just fine for the last 15 years.


Or there's no problem at all, and you personally don't like the standard behavior that the rest of the world has liked just fine for the last 15 years.
Did you watch the video? It shows you everything. ..anyway, from secmod threat:
When i deactivate Secmod to compare it with the original game, i found that hybrids do about the same, but after some seconds they trying to walked around the side to attack you, so it doesn't metter if you stops or not when moving backward, they 100% trying to attack you during running at you
And how you can see in this threat - i'm not alone who faced with this bug. nf3498gt also faced with it.
« Last Edit: 26. March 2016, 22:47:26 by code371 »


everyone deals with this bug, they're just apparently too stupid to realize it. and because they were too oblivious to notice it / dont care about it, that means it doesnt exist, apparently.


here's the thing, none of them care about what you think or want in the game and thus, will never help you. they only help eachother with their own "inside" projects. this here is an elite club of life long system shock 2 editing geeks, and you are not in it.


It's such a huge, game-breaking problem that not a single review has ever mentioned it. Conspiracy! Fight the power!

so you've read every ss2 review ever? cool...

it is illogical to state that because everyone from the past has been too oblivious to notice a game breaking bug, that it does not exist. sounds like the mindset of a collectivist. do you seek all of your ideas from the hivemind? you remind me of the many.


yeah, everybody else is stupid.

I have rechecked the video, and again, all I see is that player runs too fast for the hybrids to execute their attack motion (as they need to stop to perform it). this is not a bug, it's how the game works - melee AIs will simply have a hard time catching up to you once your agility reaches a certain point. basically, you invest into speed, and you'll outrun your enemies better. I really don't see a problem with that (also, the Secmod author has already promised to take a look, so no idea what more do you want.).

if you don't want that, make the player run slow, or the hybrids run fast (though I'm not sure whether AI run speed can be edited).
this here is an elite club of life long system shock 2 editing geeks, and you are not in it.
yes it is. and you need to work hard to get in - took me years to sort of get in, and I still feel dumb once people who have been at this for decades now start to talk about stuff.
« Last Edit: 03. April 2016, 08:48:29 by voodoo47 »


I have rechecked the video, and again, all I see is that player runs too fast for the hybrids to execute their attack motion (as they need to stop to perform it). this is not a bug, it's how the game works - melee AIs will simply have a hard time catching up to you once your agility reaches a certain point. basically, you invest into speed, and you'll outrun your enemies better. I really don't see a problem with that (also, the Secmod author has already promised to take a look, so no idea what more do you want.).
If you watch it - you must consider that the hybrids behabior it's not only "they dont attack when running backward".. How i said before, hybrids for example in Alya mod and sometimes in original game allways trying to attack you by moving to your sides, from left to right they allways trying to go on overtaking, only after that they attack you. Understand? You also must consider that the hybryds in Alya mod allways trying to dodge your attack by moving backward for 3-5 meters, and they do it very effectively. And again, you must consider that they have diferent attack combos from 1 hit to 3-4 hits when they staying close to you. All of that - hybrids behavior. So pity if you cannot see it. Also why you all ignore my assumption that it could be not just an agility modifier? The doors and ect are opens much faster than in Alya mod or in original game, so i guess it could be an overall game speed bug? Nvm. This "bug"(if you do not mind) affects all mods that contains gamesys(shock2.gam), and you can watch the same picture in SCP for example.


not going to comment on Alyamod or Secmod as I didn't play them quite enough, but pretty sure hybrids have no problems bashing the player in vanilla or SCP.

but here is a suggestion - stop running and see whether they can bash you. if they can, everything is ok.


Thank you. Yeah it is still there.. they still cant attack when you moving backward.
Can you please just copy all the settings relating to hybrids from the shock2.gam file that i attach to your shock2.gam? I hope it can be the solution.
[shock2.gam expired]


Can you please just copy all the settings relating to hybrids from the shock2.gam file that i attach to your shock2.gam?
Translation: Fuck what you did, do what this other guy did.


Yeah, I'm wary of just directing the mod as one person wants, someone wanted massively inflated monster HP for example which is annoying to most everyone on the planet.
That said I'll still try to find out if it's possible to just make hybrids attack when you backpedal, and no other big changes, it's not a huge priority though, there's already stuff I forgot to include in this update.


I still think that "I'm fast enough to outrun my enemies" is not a bug.
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