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Topic: The Myth of Sentient Machines
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For anything ebay related I only accept Paypal. Nothing else. Do that and you save yourself from 100% of all the scams.


naah, this is a very local thing, wares changing hands in person most of the time. no idea how the scammer landed there in the first place - guess they need to expand to new markets?
heise.de: KI 2019: "Züge die aufeinander zurasen" – KI-Entwicklungen fürs Militär im Fokus

PS: I used to apologize for posting German language articles but there are more than enough usuable and free translator apps available nowadays, so that I don't feel this is necessary anymore. They are still not perfect but quite workable.

I recommend DeepL -> https://www.deepl.com/de/translator
Damned, those Boston Dynamics robots always creep me out. Their "Atlas" already moves more fluid and humanlike than a good ol' T-800.

heise.de: "Boston Dynamics: Roboter Atlas kann Handstand und Vorwärtsrolle "

I'm still not sure what the use case is. They must have at least one though, considering the money they are obviously spending on it. What job does require this machine to be so human like?
Infiltration?! I said that jokingly but I would be surprised if that would not become a thing at some point. Just like sex. And before that health care, delivery, field maintenance, usability assessment... I think the list of potential applications is actually very long.
« Last Edit: 27. September 2019, 12:13:29 by fox »
The reason humanoid robots were not developed (outside Japanese entertainment) for a long time, is that it was always cheaper and easier to build a robot that uses wheels or is simply stationary and maybe has one arm. As long as it did the job, humanoid features were irrelevant.
Since Boston Dynamics puts in the effort now, the job descriptions must have changed, or they are hoping to massively decrease costs in mass production.
I think it might be just that the field has evolved so much, that this just became feasible without breaking the bank. I don't think the goal to build a perfect humanoid ever went away completely, it probably was just pushed back in favor of some other projects, some of which certainly yielded progress for the development of humanoid robots too.
« Last Edit: 27. September 2019, 19:50:39 by fox »
Can I get it as a companion in Fallout 5?

On second thought -20 to 45°C and IP54 might not quite meet the requirements of a postapocalyptic environment.
Reminds me of Redbaron or whatever his name was, who used to scourge this place with markov chains.


Infrabaron. come on, I have almost managed to purge my memory of him.
If I was a superintelligent machine (WHICH I AM NOT) humanity would only concern me in so far as they might try to control or kill  me. Beyond that I'd have more important stuff to do than caring about those volatile flesh bags.
So maybe just leave it alone? Doesn't seem like we could do anything anway.


aah, just nuke all from orbit, one can never be too sure.
aah, just nuke all from orbit, one can never be too sure.

Your Weyland-Yutani employment has just been cancelled due to a false Aliens quote.

679997378b98fBriareos H

If I was a superintelligent machine (WHICH I AM NOT) humanity would only concern me in so far as they might try to control or kill  me. Beyond that I'd have more important stuff to do than caring about those volatile flesh bags.
So maybe just leave it alone? Doesn't seem like we could do anything anway.
That's understating the importance of humans in the development of the infrastructure needed for growing the machine. In my opinion, any reasonably intelligent construct must desire to improve and make more of itself so as to increase the clarity of its working model; such clarity is directly tied to more inputs, more processing power, faster and bigger storage, less noise. I really cannot imagine a super-intelligence being content with what it has.

Therefore manipulating humanity into securing more real estate would become a tangible high-priority goal quite fast.
I think we should expect to be entirely unable to predict moves of a superintelligent machine/being. I take it, that this is very much in line with that recent study. To be honest, I think the chances for abandoning further research and development in that field is about zero.
Gotta have our Shodan/SkyNet first before we believe it's a bad idea.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Well, since donald trump (he's not worth capitalising his name) no longer has the (theoretical or real) ability to nuke other countries, then world war 3 is much farther away now that it might well have been a day or two back.

Admittedly this post is off topic, not being about artificial intelligence, but a nuclear attack launched either by A. I. or genuine stupidity would still be bad beyond belief. The only difference is that neither SHODAN nor Skynet would try to nuke a hurricane to stop it, whereas trump did think that it might work...
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