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Topic: SSR The System Shock demo is OUT!
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Re: The System Shock (Reboot) demo is OUT!
What I feel we have shaping up with this System Shock "Remaster" is a shameless cash-grab, by those who had literally NOTHING to do with the creation of this revered classic, yet are expressly exploiting that reputation for their own gain.

Isn't that a tad hyperbolic?
Re: The System Shock (Reboot) demo is OUT!
Bash and bitch as you like, it is your money after all, but it comes off as raising a stink that they dared make changes more than anything else you old goat.

I'd definitely back if I had a rig with the nuts for it.

As is based on watching competent players play the demo;

I like that you can put items back in the boxes they come out of. This helps in setting up caches you can fall back to.

I'm... starting to grow not quite hating the inventory except 'how do I grenade?'

Unsure on the puzzle and keypad mechanics.

As I stated in the polygon thread i hate how bright the light bits are compared to the surroundings. It messes with my eyes since 'BRIGHT THING RIGHT THERE IN SEA OF DARK.'

I like rebecca's VA. Her script? No. Can it, redo.

Speed up the item get animations and they might be good. As is they feel just slightly too long to not feel gratuitous.


  • Company: Night Dive Studios
Re: The System Shock (Reboot) demo is OUT!
>Just played through the "demo"; some quick observations:

Fun fact: putting demo in quotes doesn't change the fact that it is indeed a demo.

Your observations have been noted. I'm sure they'll get around to changing figuratively everything to suit someone who has no intention of supporting the development.

>- I couldn't figure out what power level the physical switch indicator of the sparq corresponded to, man do I miss the original UI

Yeah, I find it hard to tell the difference between color-coded dots too. I guess it just needs to be spelled out for me, otherwise the game just isn't dumbed down enough.

>I must say, I'm philosophically opposed to the approach of Night Dive Studios in general-

Yeah I am too, I *really* hate that NDS was able to resurrect my favorite game into a faithful recreation of what it could've been had it been made today. How dare they turn a profit in doing something they love!

> I was struck by the distinct and immediate impression that this game is inferior in practically all meaningful ways to the original

I'm not one to immediately ZylonBane a conversation, but honestly, your post could've been summed up as "I hate everything new that looks like the old game! Cater to my indeterminate whims, you corporate whores! Don't do it for profit though!"
Acknowledged by: Hikari


Re: The System Shock (Reboot) demo is OUT!
I can't wait for ZylonBane to arrive at this thread, and rage about the new reboot only since it's new!
I guess I don't have to wait for you to act as dumb as a sack of hammers, because you're already done that.


Re: The System Shock (Reboot) demo is OUT!
Considering it's pre-alpha, I think it's very impressive.

It feels like a real game already - and the controls are much more comfortable. I think they made the right choice in terms of sticking with a simpler lean/crouch system - though they really should add a prone key too.

That said, I'm not a big fan of the textures - as they seem strangely low-res, and maybe that's deliberate. But that's not how you do a modern remake, in my opinion.

Beyond that, it looks like we'll be getting a pretty faithful remake with significant upgrades to visuals and a streamlined control system. That alone is worth it to me, and anything on top - I will consider a bonus.

For purists - there's already an enhanced edition out there.


Re: The System Shock (Reboot) demo is OUT!
So it's not just my system that's showing no filtering on any of the textures, right?


Re: The System Shock (Reboot) demo is OUT!
nope, same for everyone.


Re: The System Shock (Reboot) demo is OUT!
The real question is, is that an art decision, a financial decision, or something they will fix when they have the funding?


Re: The System Shock (Reboot) demo is OUT!
BTW, if you dig down into \systemshockdemo_Data\StreamingAssets\Audio\GeneratedSoundBanks\Windows and open any of the .json files, you'll see from the folder paths that the internal name for this project is "SystemReShock".

The real question is, is that an art decision, a financial decision, or something they will fix when they have the funding?
WTF, no it isn't that question. Texture filtering is just a switch in the renderer. It doesn't take any money or even time to turn on.


Re: The System Shock (Reboot) demo is OUT!
I'm going to be referring to this game as that name.

They dropped the "remastered," so how else are we gonna differentiate it from the classic?


Re: The System Shock (Reboot) demo is OUT!
let that be the official unofficial name for the reboot from now on.


Re: The System Shock (Reboot) demo is OUT!
For the "things I hated" file: When you're on a ladder looking down and press forward... you move backward. Took me almost a minute to figure out why my character kept backing off the top of the long ladder in the maintenance tunnels.
Acknowledged by 2 members: Kolya, voodoo47


Re: The System Shock (Reboot) demo is OUT!
A lot of purists around here :)


Re: The System Shock (Reboot) demo is OUT!
Guess I'm the only one who welcomes these RPG changes, whether they're a different gamemode or by default. After all, it is a reboot :)
Acknowledged by: Hikari


Re: The System Shock (Reboot) demo is OUT!
Guess I'm the only one who welcomes these RPG changes, whether they're a different gamemode or by default. After all, it is a reboot :)

Definitely not.

I expected more RPG elements back in 1994 - seeing as how the game was done by Looking Glass, who were behind my beloved UU and UU2.

To me, if they add them properly with emphasis on immersion - RPG progression elements would be wonderful. Both in terms of giving us a new take on something we love - and to add to replayability.

For the purists, they can implement a classic mode where gear is all that matters.
Acknowledged by: Join usss!


Re: The System Shock (Reboot) demo is OUT!
I don't know about that. LG also made Thief, which didn't need RPG elements to be great, and besides the Hacker does have an established Garret-like character in his email to Lansing.
Acknowledged by 4 members: Nameless Voice, ThiefsieFool, icemann, Hikari


Re: The System Shock (Reboot) demo is OUT!
Which was exactly my point earlier.

Hackers are basically your Thief's of the modern and future ages.
Acknowledged by: Hikari


Re: The System Shock (Reboot) demo is OUT!
I don't know about that. LG also made Thief, which didn't need RPG elements to be great, and besides the Hacker does have an established Garret-like character in his email to Lansing.

I don't know. I'm not a huge fan of Thief, myself, and one of the reasons is the lack of meaningful character progression.


Re: The System Shock (Reboot) demo is OUT!
I don't know. I'm not a huge fan of Thief, myself, and one of the reasons is the lack of meaningful character progression.

Well...there're two ways of doing characters in games. You can have a blank slate, like SS2's Soldier or Gordon Freeman, or you have an established character that talks, like Booker DeWitt, with a personality the player grows to love. Honestly I think either will do depending on the game - some want a single, well-told story with an established character like a film or TV show, and others want the player to discover the story themselves, so having the protagonist doesn't work because the devs want to "talk" to players directly. Or does this sound weird?
Re: The System Shock (Reboot) demo is OUT!
I want to feel like I am the protagonist. The avatar is my vehicle through which I can use the tools the game provides me to do things my way. Fixed dialogue lines without choice and cutscenes where my character is doing stuff that I wouldn't do, are taking away from that idea.
Re: The System Shock (Reboot) demo is OUT!
I'm not a lawyer, but they might be violating one of the font licenses...
License here
Note the eight.

Code: [Select]
The user of this House Industries font software agrees to credit House Industries as the trademark and copyright owner of the House Industries fonts and list the font names, wherever and whenever design, production, or any other credits are shown.


Well, given that the Unity splash screen at the start says it's a personal (ie non-commercial) edition, I think they're already in trouble.

66ef3b7e5ebdeNameless Voice

But the demo is free?  They'll most likely be moving up to the full version for the actual game.
Well, given that the Unity splash screen at the start says it's a personal (ie non-commercial) edition, I think they're already in trouble.

That is hilarious. Like they don't have 60$ per month for full license...

Edit: 125$ per month now, used to be lower.
« Last Edit: 29. June 2016, 23:01:29 by Gawain »
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