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Topic: SSR The System Shock demo is OUT!
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No need to change the grunts. It could be a very..masculine female. Heck, maybe she has manly hands as well.
We still need to change the backstory to her being a mechanic on Citadel station.


I look forward to the 3rd demo (if we get one). Be nice if we had a full level to play around in. Get much more of a feel for the game as a whole. I say 3rd, since we've already got the 1st, then the patched version.


We still need to change the backstory to her being a mechanic on Citadel station.
Hey, she could work on my cybernetic rig any time.  :P
I should start a new thread asking if you guys are gonna play as male or female hackers. I'll wait for Nightdive to reach the stretch goal first.

-Erm, I tried to write a bit about the SSR demo, but it ended up being a wall of text. I'll just omit it.


Update Number 8 features the demo for linux (full game on Linux still needs the strechtgoal) and announcement that gender choice achievement has been reached.
I'll wait for Nightdive to reach the stretch goal first.
It's not a stretch goal. Seems like it is an achievement that was reached though, which is frankly surprising. Yay!
Welp, time to put my money where my mouth is, put linux back on, and check the linux demo.

Dis is gonna be 'fun' getting linux and windows to co-habitate.


That can be a real bitch to get a game to compile and work fully in Linux. Speaking from experience.
Acknowledged by: CaveManta


That can be a real bitch to get a game to compile and work fully in Linux. Speaking from experience.

Oh yeah, is that true? I've heard from others that all you need to do is press a button and it ports the game to Linux for you. Could you explain how all this works?
As I understand it, and my understanding is imperfect, some cross platform engines do allow 'push button, recieve os specific version.' However even in those cases you have to make sure what the thing's dependencies are for the consumer distribution to account for, os specific tweaks because the 'press button' approach might be optimized for windows and the bundled linux compiler is not optimized. Basically they seem to understand they can't take the lazy way out on this.

Anyone else try the linux demo and noticed horribly sluggish mouse movement? Actual performance seems on par with the last windows demo, and i'm grateful they got rid of the stupid explosion cameras, but mouse in linux is.... BLEH.
Acknowledged by: CaveManta


Oh yeah, is that true? I've heard from others that all you need to do is press a button and it ports the game to Linux for you. Could you explain how all this works?

I can only speak of my own personal experiences, but for me I had to do numerous google searches on to fix each and every libray up + to get linux compatible files for them. More often than not doing sudo -apt calls did the job, followed by copying files over to a desktop folder I had setup so that Eclipse (good compiler for Linux) would work with it. Took me something like 2-3 days to get my code to compile, and even then it still doesn't work entirely. Though I think I know the reason why. Just haven't allocated another day/night to get that bit fixed. If I had there would be a linux build of Bipolar Game up on Steam.

I had to get to aspects of the game working:

* Level Editor (Game code compiled slightly different to get that to be created)
* Game itself

And the level editor compiles fine and works well. I have a feeling that the main game not working is SDL (a sound and video related libray) related.


the updated demo is now available on GOG as well.


No wonder my grenades didn't work last week.


Predemonstrative grenade dysfunction, happens to the best of us.
Acknowledged by 3 members: RocketMan, Marvin, Hikari


It's weird, because grenades worked for me. Only problem was I didn't know they were mapped to numbers on the keyboard, so I kinda blew myself up trying to switch weapons. (But if this were Shock 1, the numbers wouldn't even switch weapons. What was I thinking)? :carnage:


Predemonstrative grenade dysfunction, happens to the best of us.

My girl was NOT impressed.  She was like, "What's up with this game?  No bang bangs?!" and I was all like, "I dunno why, honest! Just give it some time and maybe next time it'll work"
Acknowledged by: callum13117
And you know how we all care about Bianca's feelings. We do Lars, we really do.


I'm embarrassed to say I get your reference and am well acquainted with the company that makes the doll in that film.
Acknowledged by: Kolya


There's something about the SSR demo that's been bugging me... Why is the repairbot's abdomen blue? :what:


Because ND have endorsed Pepsi instead of Coke.  O_o
Acknowledged by: CaveManta


the steam build of the demo has been patched again.


the steam build of the demo has been patched again.
I've been wondering: Did anyone think about archiving the different versions of the demo? It maybe does not seem necesarry right now, but perhaps in 15 years or so it could be very useful and welcome for something.
Also, a detailed video comparing System Shock and SSR demo by Philo Wintercoat
Did anyone think about archiving the different versions of the demo?
Yeah, I thought about it. Then I saw a shiny thing and promptly forgot.


*looks at this whole thread*

 :stroke: :lordy:
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