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Topic: SSR Who is The Hacker? Read 3690 times  

Arguments can be made for or against the Hacker/Cantor/Employee 2-4601/ Subject L9546 having a personality of any sort. So let's have that discussion here.


« Last Edit: 29. June 2016, 22:03:00 by Kolya »


Re: Who is The Hacker?
Arguments can be made for or against the Hacker/Cantor/Employee 2-4601/ Subject L9546 having a personality of any sort. So let's have that discussion here.



"Looks like Diego's happy with my work... they're firing up the sleep machine for me now. Gotta admit, when the goons from Tri-Op caught me I thought for sure they'd take me off line. Instead, Diego just asks for a "favor." Hack him into SHODAN, and all is forgiven. Plus, six months in a healing coma earns me a cyberjack interface even TriOp's execs couldn't swing. I'll be king of the Net. Even so, I have just handed the most powerful AI in the system to a fumbling corp VP, and there's no telling what'll happen. They tell me the coma leaves you foggy, so I'll leave myself some reminders. First off, the combo to the healing suite is 451. Second, I've stashed some useful stuff in the maintenance hatch under the grating "north" of the healing suite. Last and best, I finished the system analyzer which'll let me keep an eye on SHODAN's processes. It's in the storage closet outside the sleep machine. In ten minutes it's off to bed for half a year. Good night." -The Hacker


Re: Who is The Hacker?
A quick answer to this question is:

When someone says Cyberpunk Hacker to you what is the first thing that springs to mind?

Is it this:
Image: http://cdn2-b.examiner.com/sites/default/files/styles/image_content_width/hash/8c/96/8c966cd35f699a97bb6fd6eb9011f531.jpg

Or this:

And note that I'm only referring this in relation to SS1's hacker, not the second game.


Re: Who is The Hacker?
The hacker is Booker DeWitt Jr. There, happy now?
Re: Who is The Hacker?
He married that girl from Titanic?
Re: Who is The Hacker?
@iceman: This is kinda propped up by the fact he thought packing a pipe away would be a good idea or enough to get out of citadel. Granted it ended up saving his skin, but that's more because everything had gone to hell than anything else.

I can see him being someone used to running, but cops/triop goons cornered him seven minutes after his failed attempt at breaking into a database to get files on citadel. That either points him as not very good, or just as likely that diego had watchdogs out since people nosing into citadel might be IA nosing into him and he needs to know when to run or how to adapt to survive with his hde intact.

While I'm sure most of the Hacker's badass survivability is due to the implants there has to be something about his core being that let him power through rather than go 'well I'm fucked' and eating the business end of the sparq as soon as he found it.
Acknowledged by: icemann


Re: Who is The Hacker?
Very much agree. I just always pictured him in my head as the stereotypical hacker type in appearance, rather than a complete badass.

Be interesting to see how others imagined the hacker to look like.


Re: Who is The Hacker?
Uh, you don't have to imagine how the hacker looks. The game shows him several times.
Acknowledged by 3 members: icemann, JosiahJack, Schuler


Re: Who is The Hacker?
True. I've not seen the reboots version of him though.

Must play the demo.


Re: Who is The Hacker?
All the demo shows is his hands.


Re: Who is The Hacker?
All the demo shows is his hands.
Plot Twist: all the hacker is is a floating pair of arms and a camera.
Re: Who is The Hacker?
And then John was a zombie.


Re: Who is The Hacker?
The hacker is Shodan trying to explain her own creation - and is actually an AI controlled partially by her, representing an identity crisis.

"Would you digitally...."

Mind blown!


(I'll be using this whenever someone references Bioshock from now on)
Acknowledged by: Hikari


(I'll be using this whenever someone references Bioshock from now on)

*(mentions bioshock)

Image: http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam/subs/62896/header_586x192.jpg?t=1447459109


Once the other one expires, I'll attach another one.

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