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Topic: SSR General Feedback & Suggestions
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I appreciate your efforts! Will be adding these to the email.

I would contribute more but I am preparing for a holiday at the moment. Will have more time in about a week or so.
Why email them? The devs aren't blind, they can see this thread. We've had at least three Night Dive devs post here, they are just not chatty as is industry standard, so you tend to forget their presence.


Some people only feel productive when they're generating paperwork, or spreadsheets, or whatever.
And then there's the fact that they see us bothering to go through these things to email them as opposed to wait around  and hope they decide to visit or that there's an alert for when x or y thing gets updated to let them know they should visit.

Basically, making sure what we want said gets across.


I'd just release a finished version on Reddit, and enjoy the bigger audience it gets shown to to gain more traction, and see what the general crowd thinks. I'm pretty sure they check that more often than this site. It can be difficult to find back a specific, week old post back anyhow, but then again, they only need to read the very post of a thread with an easily recognisable name.
Acknowledged by 3 members: Hikari, Join usss!, Aurora

Starting to splice it all together. If anyone wants to help edit this, toss me your Google account and I'll give permissions.

Thank you both for the summaries - Hikari PMed me his.
« Last Edit: 11. July 2016, 06:09:30 by Aurora »


Document seems pretty good. If you need further help with anything, just let me know!

Maybe we could also adjust/add/remove some of the feedback based on the latest patch, but I think we've got ourselves a pretty full list here.
It's a mess right now. It's not categorised and formatted properly, some parts are missing, others are under-elaborated and too barebones compared to the amount of discussion and valuable suggestions and thoughts out there. Most of what I have not gone through yet is written too informally or says 'I, personally, something'. If you could help me sort these things out, either request access or please give me your Google account name and you'll be able to edit the document~


I've just been tinkering in the docs folder and have made some improvements/adjustments/additions, from the inventory section downwards. I've put some notes in orange next to the titles, to highlight what i have not worked on yet.
Acknowledged by 2 members: Hikari, Aurora
Thank you. I appreciate your help - don't know how I'd have gotten through this on my own.

I just rewrote world interaction and inventory now to make them into comprehensive, well structured paragraphs, getting rid of the dashes etc.

Added some comments here and there.
I need some more help with this. I don't have the time to finish rewriting and summarising this within two weeks, and two weeks is when the kickstarter ends.
Better than I could've done alone both in rewording and helping to reign things in (I get... either too tennitive or too aggressive with editing and writing.)

This is very much your project and I'd say As Of Right Now, with the knowledge a new demo will hit before the end of the kickstarter (probably during the last week) it's about as good as you're going to get at summing up the community's talking points and concerns.

Again, sorry for flakking out, but family emergency has kept me from focusing.
Should I axe the augspace section? I would like to have the suggestion there, as it is yours and you seem to have elaborated on it quite a bit, but it's just too confusing for me. I can't sum up what I can't understand


I'll finally have time to read through it today.


It would be better to stick closer to the roots with cyberfunk. Some people wonder; whatever happened to Eric Brosius or Chicajo?
As Greg LoPiccolo was the composer of the music, I think he should be included.


also no visual indication of spaq's mode as far as I can tell - there should be a bar of sorts on the gun that should clearly indicate whether the gun is set to the 1x, 2x,3x or 4x mode.

and don't forget the dermal patch vs ointment can thing.

also, a few typos should be fixed, Headbopping for example.


Holy crap, a lot got added! I guess I should stop being lazy for once and start reading it again, see what I can do to make it better. I'll definitely do that tomorrow, as it's kinda late here right now. Or, you just post it as it is, which I don't mind either :P
I have rewritten the augspace section after Hikari wrote a clearer explanation of the concept. I have also removed the now redundant female hacker section. Preparing to send to Nightdive today or tomorrow.
Acknowledged by 4 members: Colonel SFF, voodoo47, Hikari, CaveManta


A argument I havn't seen brought up in the title discussion:

They may title their game System Shock but everyone and their mother will say: I'm now gonna play the System Shock Remake/Reboot so they might as well keep it in the title in one form or another.

Besides, I think SSR looks kind of cool as a abbreviation.^^
Acknowledged by: CaveManta
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