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Topic: SSR: Who has decided not to back it?
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I've removed my pledge. First time I've ever done that with Kickstarter. I can't support something financially that I don't have full confidence in. It's just far too much of a change from what made the original the excellent game that it is.

You should send this post to NDS.  MONEY RESCINDED!!!


I actually half did. Well I made a comment on the Kickstarter prior to cancelling the pledge. Insanity ensued.

"Burn the purist" they cried.


You make a good point.  I upped my bid to $150 to gain access to the dev forums also.    Hopefully, I will see you there!



I actually half did. Well I made a comment on the Kickstarter prior to cancelling the pledge. Insanity ensued.

"Burn the purist" they cried.

Don't worry.  None of them are old enough to play with matches :P


I don't think you need $150 to get into the beta, 75 is enough. getting there would be interesting (and I'm fireproof, so I wouldn't mind the flames), but it's still kind of expensive.. money has been shyte lately. I'll see whether I can get an official reply from NDS about the classic mode and then I'll decide.
Not the beta, the dev forums. You need $150 for access to that as opposed to just the normal forums.


ah, I see it now. bummer, because while I'd like to test my asbestos armor there, I don't think I'm willing to dish out $150 just to absorb the heat.

we should definitely have someone there though, just to counterweight all the yes men that are bound to swarm there, thinking anything will do.
Send Zylon. He has hate enough for all of us and then some.

Edit: In all seriousness we need someone well spoken and articulate about their arguments as well as level headed. That excludes me, definitely excludes Zylon. Anyone here really qualify?
No one can reasonably be expected to play some kind of ambassador who speaks for all of us. And I don't think it's necessary anyway.


And Hikari needs to get over his sad little obsession with me.
I like SS1 more than SS2. One of the reasons is the added RPG layer and subtracted FPS (breaking guns is one significant point) in SS2. I loved how the SS1 was mashup of cyberpunk p&p game and scifi movies. Just look at the cyberpunk chromebook, it has alot of the implants & upgrades the player has. SS2 wasn't as interesting or fun to me.

Not to derail too much on the topic. I'm not going to back SSR until the demo (or nonplayable material) is satisfying enough. I would like the collector's edition box (for its SS related junk, not because of the remake), but 150$ is just too much. I don't believe in "developer" forums.

I don't like how Nightdive asked for feedback but never gave any real feedback to us. Or really wanted to discuss with us the "purists" (I guess purists are people here before the recent resurrection of the franchise to mainstream Bioshock fanboys.). Nightdive did show intention but didn't deliver. That is more like "fuck you" to me than really wanting to hear what we think. Some foum members did use a lot of energy to create good and thoughtful feedback.
One of the supposed developer did pop out for couple of messages but has since disappeared. Then the shills appeared.

There are infinite amount of levels of fandom. Saying Kick is as much fan as someone other is just ignorant. I bet he isn't even involved in the development as much as it appears. I hope they have hired some real game designers. I know there are people here who play full playtrough of SS1 once a year (and has done that for a long time). I'm not one of those people.
Buying license and rereleasing games doesn't make you a super fan. It just makes you a business man. And I'm afraid game development business is very difficult business and you need to maximize your sells by doing compromises. Such as pleasing the much bigger audience of Bioshock and RPG/FPS hybrids (fallout3-4 is one of the names mentioned here). Just like Fallout 4 added the sims building/maincraft stuff.
This doesn't mean it shouldn't be done. But we are now talking about remake, not sequel. Even the metal gear solid remake caused confrontation and it doesn't differ that much from the original.
Game business is exactly like music business nowadays. Almost everyone can make games, but only the ones with money will find their way to the charts.

I’ve long said that if you updated the graphics, sound and UI on System Shock you’d have something that competes directly with any game on the market today.
Only if they were doing just that..
Saying Warren Spector is consulting doesn't really mean anything. I'm certain he is such a professional to say what he thinks and if Nightdive doesn't listen he will not step on their shoes.
« Last Edit: 03. July 2016, 23:10:39 by Gawain »
Acknowledged by: WhyNott


there is a decent amount of NDS feedback in the feedback request topic, to be fair.
I'm not a shill, and I haven't backed the kickstarter. I have just yet to see an articulate post about what's wrong with the reboot, line by line, or how the original system can be improved without changing it. I am very wary to hear about RPG elements, but crafting sounds simple enough. I do want to hear the original soundtrack reworked into something that suits the new levels. A part of me thinks NDS have just gone overboard with excitement in listing minor additions as major rehauls. I am personally against RPG elements in first person shooters, but I would like to hear more about their plans before bashing them.
Acknowledged by 2 members: Kolya, Nameless Voice

66ee96fc33d94Nameless Voice

I really wish they'd give us an update on exactly what they intend.

Then again, I wouldn't be surprised if they do just that alongside the updated demo.


NDS adresses the current feedback issues, and shows some of their progress on their project.

See, some of you guys are not giving them enough credit after all. They're still new to this, just give em some time, they'll improve. They even seemed to have brought the slider for power-based weapons back!

EDIT: comment from a KS collaborator:

We're planning on making elements of the UI customizable, but to what extent is still up in the air. We'd like to at least have elements of the UI toggleable.

Acknowledged by 2 members: Nameless Voice, Gawain

66ee96fc3403cNameless Voice

Cool.  I'm going to write something there on Reddit about some of our concerns.


I have just yet to see an articulate post about what's wrong with the reboot
nothing, because it doesn't exist yet. anyway, check
to make it very short and simple, we have almost unanimously recommended fully overhauling the game assets, but warned about changing the mechanics. not because it's bad, but because it carries risks (extending the development cycle, introducing mechanics that will deteriorate, rather than improve the player experience etc). at the moment, I personally am only concerned with whether reaching the rpg stretch goal will mean losing the classic mode (I see this as a bad idea), and the intention of taking a completely new take on the music - in my recent venture in the world of HL remakes, I've confirmed that random new music isn't the best thing ever.

this (concerns about the additions) has been expressed numerous times in the recent topics, but I guess you don't want to see it.
Ah, so NightDive is on Reddit now. That's useful as I hang out there lots of time anyway. Good move.


  • Company: Night Dive Studios
That's a pretty dead sub. Isn't there a better one out there?
Another one? I'm sure it will pick up in activity in due time. Night Dive have stated they are using it as their official forum, at least for the time being. It's either here or there if you want strictly SS discussion.


if someone has an account there, asking about whether the rpg stretch goal means no classic mode would be great.
there is a decent amount of NDS feedback in the feedback request topic, to be fair.

You are right.
I reread the replies from Nightdive. There was indeed quite a lot of feedback and are pretty accurate to demo they delivered. Mostly some generic (very important of course) conserns about controls, graphics or settings. I was hoping for the dialogue to continue and answers to some more detailed concerns (in other topics too). I wish them to be more active here. I guess I have to broaden my sources and read reddit and kickstarter too to fill my need for details.
Reality is that they have a small team and lot of work. And the people who could answer are the ones making the game.

Good thing is they promised they will not deviate very far from original design. Whatever that means :)
« Last Edit: 03. July 2016, 23:10:29 by Gawain »


the orig topic pretty much covered what had to be covered, and now they have their plate full with other things than giving us exclusive treatment, I'd guess.

66ee96fc350e1Nameless Voice

I made a post about RPG elements and storyline changes.   I tried to keep it brief and concise (and might have kept it too short).
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