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Topic: Night Dive Twitch Streams
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"Atom"? Have you never played Bioshock? It's "Adam".


* Funny fact - The game reviewed badly on some game reviews site called "Old Man Murry" (never heard of it) based on a factor of how quickly you'd come across a crate in a game, which SS2 had some of in the starting level.
Me neither, but here it is (bottom of the page).

"Atom"? Have you never played Bioshock? It's "Adam".


"Atom"? Have you never played Bioshock? It's "Adam".

It's been ages since I last played Bioshock :p. I did try and run Bioshock last week, but it fails to work on my PC now. Unsure why.


And my god man, Old Man Murray was run by a couple of guys you might have heard of: Erik Wolpaw and Chet Faliszek (co-writers on Half-Life and Portal).

Here's the article where they introduced their infamous "Seconds to Crate" review system:

By their metric, Serious Sam was the best FPS ever because there are zero crates in the entire game.
Acknowledged by: Chandlermaki
It's been ages since I last played Bioshock :p. I did try and run Bioshock last week, but it fails to work on my PC now. Unsure why.

Bioshock 1 and 2 were both badly bugged on the PC; for example, the sound could go very low on some things, or even go silent altogether, sometimes a scripted sequence wouldn't start (for example Ryan gassing Dr Langford to death, or Sander Cohen not coming down to view his finished masterpiece), or a character wouldn't act as they should (for example, where you'd see a Big Daddy standing still with a little sister (she's also stood still) and no matter what you do you can't get them to move, even if you attack either of them), and of course either game could either lock up or crash back to the desktop, In Bioshock 2 you could sometimes get stuck wherever you were (even on a normal floor, with no objects other than the flat floor touching you), which was the first game to do that since Half-Life 1's elevators, in my experience.

I have Bioshock 1 and 2 for the XBox 360, and also for the PS3 (I bought the Ultimate Rapture Edition on the PS3, so I could have Minerva's Den (the brilliant B2 DLC) on a physical disc. And I've played through them all several times, and I can't remember any bugs (though my memory is hardly perfect). To be fair, maybe the consoles were bugged too, but if so they were patched quickly and very effectively.

And of course later, they released the Bioshock Collection, the remaster of the three Bioshocks. And this time not only were the PC versions of Bioshock 1 and 2 bugged and prone to crashing, but so were the console versions, even weeks after release. This was especially surprising because the collection was basically just a graphical remaster (sadly they didn't make the few improvement that I was hoping for, such as adding B2's hacking system into B1, or making B2's Drill Specialist tonic available much earlier in the game), so you'd have thought that they wouldn't have caused too many problems porting the games up a hardware generation. Some of the graphical 'improvements' were also questionable, but that seems to be the case in every remaster I've ever seen, plus it's a subjective judgement so maybe that's just me.

But the remastered collection was, the last time I heard, still badly bugged on the PC, whilst on the PS4 there were still 'more minor' bugs such as problems with the sound cutting out. These all might be fixed by now, I dunno (it's been a long time since I played the PS4 version), but I do know that the original releases of B1 and B2 were still buggy and sometimes apt to be rather temperamental on the PC, though the games were so good that they still managed to be very popular with PC gamers.


Just the standard versions of both games that I have. It used to do perfectly fine, barely ever a crash or anything. Compare to now, where it's virtually unplayable.
« Last Edit: 14. August 2019, 03:36:58 by icemann »
Just the standard versions of both games that I have. It used to do perfectly fine, barely ever a crash or anything. Compare to now, where it's virtually unplayable.

Sorry, I don't follow you. When you say "Compare to now, where it's virtually unplayable" do you mean the standard (old) versions of the games that are almost unplayable for you now, for some reason (maybe Windows 10?), or (as I think you mean) that the new, remasters are unplayable now? Either way, it's ridiculous that two such popular games, from such a big publisher, should have so many real problems.


For me the original versions are unplayable. And I'm using Windows 7 professional.
For me the original versions are unplayable. And I'm using Windows 7 professional.

That's annoying. Is the problem down to DRM, do you know? Anyway, as long as you own the games (either as physical discs or digital downloads) then (to me) there's no moral problem with tormenting versions of  the game that do work on modern PCs. Just my opinion.


I did have the physical versions, but after getting steam equivalents I threw all my discs away for it. Did that a few years back.
The Steam versions *should* be rock-solid, they should have had any incompatibilities with modern systems ironed out. They should have...

A quick google reveals that both games had problems with DirectX10, and so trying them with DirectX9 (add -dx9 to the end of the shortcut that starts the game) would be the first thing I'd check, after trying the Compatibility tab of the shortcut's Properties page. Unfortunately, as you probably know, google also finds lots of other problems with the game (far too many to list here), so if you do want to play them again then you'll probably have to put some time in to get them to work, unless someone has put together a pirate version that works first time (I wouldn't know, sorry, I'm mostly a console gamer). It's no wonder piracy is rife, when the original versions make it so difficult for the paying customer to play the game.
Concerning the BS remasters, I replay them from time to time without much problem, I did have some crashes when they were first released, in particular in the BS1 remaster when opening the map repeatedly, but reinstalling the VC redistributables included in the game solved that.


Well a bit i didnt mention was that I was able to solve the issue of the crashes by setting the compatibility mode to Windows Vista Service pack 2. That did not 100% fix everything though, as the sound cuts out after about a minute or so and doesnt come back. This game needs a NewDark :).

« Last Edit: 17. August 2019, 09:31:02 by Kolya »
Acknowledged by: ThiefsieFool


I found the bioshock remasters to be flat out broken. I felt on the originals that a headshot with a pistol on the hardest difficulty was a solid one-hit-kill. Remastered seemed more bullet spongy. Also, and this is a minor complaint, there is an easter egg in medical pavilion, where a nip-tuck photo would change depending on your angle of viewing, in the remaster it just isn't there, and the water rippling also seemed worse.
I just ended up biting the stability bullet and playing the originals in my last playthrough.
Acknowledged by: ThiefsieFool


And no new streams to report on. Been nothing but lets plays from ND for quite a while now. I miss the steady dev streams we used to get. Unsure of why the drastic reduction. If it's to keep things on the down low, then that would defeat the purpose of the earlier streams which was to promote more openness etc etc.

I had been looking forward to watching the game evolve over time, with us watching it every step. If it's all hidden away then that's no fun at all.
And no new streams to report on. Been nothing but lets plays from ND for quite a while now. I miss the steady dev streams we used to get. Unsure of why the drastic reduction. If it's to keep things on the down low, then that would defeat the purpose of the earlier streams which was to promote more openness etc etc.

I had been looking forward to watching the game evolve over time, with us watching it every step. If it's all hidden away then that's no fun at all.

I usually watch Daniel's "lets play" streams in the background.  He touched on this during the previous one and just said that everybody's been super busy lately (not too many details), but that he hopes that dev streams will resume shortly.  From Discord, I think the next KS update should be relatively soon as well. 

You're not alone - I'm looking forward to their return as well! 


If its due to being busy then thats exactly what to show in the streams. Not just when things are lighter.
Just as a heads up (I was in and out a lot during this stream) - Daniel talked about not streaming dev work recently as he's working on mostly story-related stuff (mainly additions) at the moment, but he's thinking about doing a stream about that - he's just not sure how well that will work in stream format.  If you have any suggestions, you could mention it in the feedback section of the Nightdive Discord.   


I say they should at least try it. There has also been a fair bit of work done off stream that would have made for good stream content. Like work on maintenance, work on the new 3D models for objects, enemies etc. All things that were covered in depth in streams earlier.

Just don't want to see Night Dive fall into the same trap they did last time round, with the lack of information. Plus they were blazing a trail all of their own, by such open transparency on where things were at / going on, how Night Dive as a company were going, what new IPs were possibly being acquired etc. To see that gone would be disappointing.
Acknowledged by: sgupta
Tomorrow (well, technically today my time, which is EST), there's gonna be a livestream celebrating System Shock's anniversary! 



Still no dev streams though sadly. Been one big wall of silence.


And they just announced that Terri Brosius is going to be on the stream. Zomg.

Damn time difference between the US and Australia. Would love to ask some Tribe questions.
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