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requires System Shock 2 patched to version 2.44 or higher (SS2Tool)
I'm thinking you are trying to say that you didn't manage to copy and paste the screenshot url into the doc properly - yes, it's borked. corrected and marked as no fix - things CAN clip into other things and still be ok/not bug. also, this is a duplicate submit, don't do this in the future - doesn't matter whether you submit it once or hundred times, no fix is still no fix.
I'm almost sure you are running one of those experimental mods that move the player camera/eyes up the torso. if that's the case, the solution is simple - just don' mentioned, everything downloaded from Engineering might eat your cat, marry your grandma, become your president or whatever - use at your own risk.
This is a very wanted/welcomed mod, but it needs to be fixed so that it works in SCP Beta 3.
*grabs popcorn*