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Space Botany
, All Modules, No Glitches, Impossible Difficulty (AMNGID) -finished- 1 part

0:35 keybinds
06:00 difficulty setting
06:30 grav shafts
06:45 marine path
06:56 slow door
07:38 stats path
07:50 cutscene skip
07:50 strafe running and crouching

08:13 duct climb
08:26 doorcodes
10:20 tunnel crouch
10:48 console glitch
11:11 endurance upgrade
11:32 melee hybrids
11:50 engineering key code
12:08 chemical store room pistol
12:45 window jump
15:37 os/upgrade speedy
15:45 agility to 4
16:25 shotgun
17:16 trap room
18:25 R&D door modules
18:48 hatch jump

19:40 shotgun hybrid
1950 aux storage 5 keycode
19:59 45M/dEX and chemicals
20:45 ap bullets, shotgun pellets
21:00 aux storage 4 keycode
21:54 turrets
20:28 psychogenic agility
22:45 many sequence skip
25:27 hangar turret
26:40 strength 2
27:22 Cargo Bays
35:30 outrunning enemies
36:20 grav shaft jump
37:00 fluid controls keycode
37:24 QBR activation
38:00 nacelles
39:05 core controll keycode
39:57 turret kill

hydroponics 4008
40:20 os/upgrade Cybernetically Enhanced
40:35 LabAssistant
41:00 research cybermodule exploit
42:30 Hypo restock
43:00 crouchable railings and first regulator
44:50 hydroponics sector B keycard
46:08 second regulator
47:16 standard to 5
48:43 third regulator
49:35 watch your step
50:40 secret stack
51:50 midwife spawn points
52:10 fourth regulator
53:00 powering up

53:29 Polito skip
55:00 level 10 pistol
55:28 library trap
56:35 spider trap
58:02 first simulation unit
58:20 mess hall railing jump
60:00 storage assassin
60:39 standard to 6-->assault rifle
61:42 hold out assassin
63:36 stasis generator jump: cybermodules
64:00 simulation unit jump

1:04:45 maintenance to 4
1:05:43 turret and camera take out
1:06:10 Nikki
1:06:40 os/upgrade sharp shooter
1:07:30 garden trap
1:07:52 garden keycode
1:08:24 storage jump
1:08:51 autorepair unit and ice pick
1:09:43 w tap
1:10:25 avoiding robot and ninjas
1:12:00 vent stack
1:12:25 quarter keycode
1:12:43 athletics sector key card
1:13:09 agility to 6=max (9 overall)
1:13:25 transmitter keycode

1:14:24 tram
1:15:08 Rebecca/Tommy scene
1:16:00 Bridge access card
1:16:45 railing crouch

[I will finish the liner notes soon]
« Last Edit: 14. July 2017, 19:30:55 by unn_atropos »
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