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Topic: SS2 no sound with the HOTU version Read 2056 times  


OK, I've been reading these forums for about three days now and I must be completely blind because I can't find the answer to my problem. I've downloaded the HOTU version and got it to work (without cutscenes) except I can't get any sound whatsoever. Video is fine, game seems somewhat stable, just no sound.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!
« Last Edit: 24. March 2008, 20:46:32 by Kolya »
Check the ReadMe that comes with the HOTU version.


I have no sound with the HOTU version either, despite it having worked fine in the past. I've run the oggsetup file and so on obviously, and I've used the SS2 tool. I have no sound but I do hear voice files.
Tried playing around with the ingame volume sliders?


Yeah, can't seem to hear a thing. Very odd. Also can't get the videos to play, but I've never been able to get them working. I'm going to try a reinstall.


Reinstall did the trick for the sound. No idea what the problem was.
I've never been able to get the video working with the HOTU cutscenes, despite registering LGvid.ax. I used gspot and the files appear to be playing with the correct codecs, it just crashes the game whenever I try to play them. I could probably try the original cutscenes but I don't know if I can be bothered with the 90mb download.
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