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Topic: [Obsolete] SS2 Community Patch (SCP) Beta 4
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Re: SS2 Community Patch (SCP) Beta 5
I won't have the chance to play this for some time, but looking through the files you seem to have made a lot of little improvements to immersion. Can't wait for the death taunts,

Oh, I really like the new secret. :)


Re: SS2 Community Patch (SCP) Beta 5
Death taunts aren't enabled in this release. We ran out of time to set up all the necessary triggers.

67b50b508bf77System Shocked

Re: SS2 Community Patch (SCP) Beta 5
why don't you just fire up beta3 medsci and the beta4 medsci and see for yourself?

My computer crashed several months ago. I just recently borrowed a barebones laptop with performance stifling onboard graphics. I also don't want to load any data onto this laptop.

For something as important as this change, post some screenies for all to see the fruits of your hard work. No harm in blowing your own horn a little, something akin to when ZylonBane posted his video demonstrating the great new water caustics effects.
« Last Edit: 05. November 2017, 00:46:21 by System Shocked »

67b50b508c17cSystem Shocked

Re: SS2 Community Patch (SCP) Beta 5
Yeah, YEAH, you SCP Devs have just released SCP Beta 4. In all seriousness, cudos and many thanks for all your dedications, achievements and improvements, again. Position your minds and/or your Lazy-Boy recliner chairs (for those that have one) to the fully reclined position. You've all earned a deserved interim walkaway. Use it as you see fit. At the very least, get a massage !

It's acknowledged that hundreds (likely thousands? - YES really, believe IT) of issues that were reported back in the SS2 initial pre-SCP reporting window some 5 years ago (WUT !), and the culmination of all the subsequent official 4 SCP Beta releases, there shouldn't be many 'simple' fledgling issues left to be resolved.

Taking all of these factors into account, what's the anticipated release schedule for the next SCP release? Will the next SCP release be issued in maybe a shorter 6-month window timeframe instead of a year from now, because so MANY issues have already been fixed to date and that there are few residual issues yet to be fixed, so that the SCP Devs can concentrate on other pending or ongoing projects. Obviously, being able to report issues twice a year speeds up their resolution timeframe and compliments a possible interim SCP updated release, that may include other reported/updated fixes.   
« Last Edit: 05. November 2017, 00:45:05 by System Shocked »


Re: SS2 Community Patch (SCP) Beta 5
you know the answer to that.


Re: SS2 Community Patch (SCP) Beta 5
Lighting comparison:

Acknowledged by: Nameless Voice

67b50b508c58eSystem Shocked

Re: SS2 Community Patch (SCP) Beta 5
Thank you ever so much ZylonBane. You were the last person that I expected to come forward and provide comparison screenshots concerning the new changes in the new level lighting incorporated in SCP Beta 4.

From the provided screenshots, it appears that the SCP 4 level lighting is a compromise between the darker lighting offered in SS2 vanilla and the lighter lighting offered in SCP Beta 3.

Thank you once again ZylonBane, including thanks from all others that were also seeking a visual comparison showing examples of this new visual feature. Your efforts are very much appreciated by all.
« Last Edit: 06. November 2017, 15:58:44 by System Shocked »

67b50b508c81aSystem Shocked

Re: SS2 Community Patch (SCP) Beta 5
Here we go again! So this release we made heavy use of the new Squirrel scripting support to implement a lot of really cool stuff. One might even say we went a little nuts with it.

Could you please elaborate on what some of the really cool stuff that you were able to incorporate into SCP Beta 4.

Thanks in advance.


Re: SS2 Community Patch (SCP) Beta 5
open scpScript.nut in any notepad like editor. you'll love this bit;
// Elevator door helper
// Prevents elevator doors from closing on player by re-opening them if player gets
// close while they're closing. Prevents elevator doors from closing on player
// while standing between doors. Closes doors when elevator control panel frobbed.
Acknowledged by: JML
Re: SS2 Community Patch (SCP) Beta 5
I do have to say, reading through that file was a lot of fun. It's cool what you can achieve with these little Rube Goldberg script machines.

67b50b508cbb8System Shocked

Re: SS2 Community Patch (SCP) Beta 5
That is great. Does it also apply to other doors as well? For the time being, I won't be downloading SCP Beta 4 while I'm using the borrowed laptop. Can you please post a PDF file of scpScript.nut. I'm most interested in viewing it too.

Thanks again.


Re: SS2 Community Patch (SCP) Beta 5
Why in god's name would someone post a PDF of a plain text file?

67b50b508cf2aSystem Shocked

Re: SS2 Community Patch (SCP) Beta 5
Why in god's name would someone post a PDF of a plain text file?

So that it can be viewed by all, just like can be done with the first link for the SCP_beta4_readme.pdf posted on page 1.
« Last Edit: 07. November 2017, 00:10:01 by System Shocked »


Re: SS2 Community Patch (SCP) Beta 5
The readme isn't a plain text file. How can you not understand this?


Re: SS2 Community Patch (SCP) Beta 5
I think he can't/doesn't want to download the entire archive for.. reasons? anyway, here is the entire nut:
Code: [Select]
// ================================================================================
// Shock Community Patch Scripts
// ================================================================================
// scpPlayerScript
// scpEnableDeathTaunts
// scpCameraHelper
// scpSelfDestruct
// scpReaverTeleport
// scpReaverFlash
// scpWormHeartImplant
// scpWormSkin
// scpTraitHelper
// scpFrobBeep
// scpFrobNope
// scpCheeseborger
// scpNavMarker
// scpCompass
// scpMiniGameCart
// scpHealingStation
// scpWrench
// scpStopPlayer
// scpStopPlayerOnce
// scpManyFadeIn
// scpLightHelper
// scpKeypadHelper
// scpApparition
// scpElevatorHelper
// scpElevatorPanel
// scpDoor
// scpShodanDoor
// scpShodanProp
// scp.AddText
// scp.IsEquipped
// scp.Trace
// ================================================================================

// ================================================================================
// Catch-all player stuff
class scpPlayerScript extends SqRootScript {
function OnBeginScript() {

// implement unused death taunts
// mode 0=Xerxes; 1=Xerxes/Many; 2=Xerxes/Many/SHODAN; 3=Many/SHODAN; 4=Many; 5=SHODAN
function OnSlain() {
if (Quest.Get("DeathTaunts")) {
Sound.PlaySchemaAmbient(self, "PlayerDeath" + Quest.Get("DeathMode"));

function OnTraitGained() {

function initTraits() {
// make Spatially Aware OS upgrade display all enemies on automap
if (ShockGame.HasTrait("Player", eTrait.kTraitAutomap)) {
local baddies = ["Robots", "Hybrids", "Annelids", "Turrets", "Cyborgs", "Security Camera", "Shodan Avatars"];
foreach (archetype in baddies) {
Property.SetSimple(archetype, "MapObjIcon", "mevil");
// hold the eggs
Property.SetSimple("Eggs", "MapObjIcon", "");

// ================================================================================
// Set qvar to enable death taunts
class scpEnableDeathTaunts extends SqRootScript {
function OnBeginScript() {
Quest.Set("DeathTaunts", 1, eQuestDataType.kQuestDataCampaign);

// ================================================================================
// Visibly disables security cameras while security is hacked
// (requires custom model camblk)
class scpCameraHelper extends SqRootScript {
function OnBeginScript() {
if (IsDataSet("HackTimer")) {
// randomly space out the timer so every camera on the level isn't
// calling this at the same time
if (GetProperty("HitPoints") > 0) {
SetData("HackTimer", SetOneShotTimer("HackCheck", Data.RandFlt0to1() * 2));

function OnSlain() {
if (GetData("SecHacked")) {

function OnAlertness() {
if (GetData("SecHacked")) {
// fighting the CameraAlert script
SetOneShotTimer("ResetModel", 0.1)

function OnTimer() {
if (message().name == "HackCheck") {
if (ShockGame.OverlayOn(kOverlayHackIcon)) {
if (!GetData("SecHacked")) {
SetData("SecHacked", TRUE);
SetProperty("ModelName", "camblk");
SetProperty("SelfIllum", 0);
SetProperty("AI_Vision", 0);
SetProperty("AI_Frozen", "Start Time", 0);
SetProperty("AI_Frozen", "Duration", 2000000000);
else if (GetData("SecHacked")) {
SetData("HackTimer", SetOneShotTimer("HackCheck", 2));
else if (message().name == "ResetModel") {
SetProperty("ModelName", "camblk");

function clearHacked(changeModel) {
SetData("SecHacked", FALSE);
if (changeModel) {
SetProperty("ModelName", "camgrn");
Property.Remove(self, "SelfIllum");
Property.Remove(self, "AI_Vision");
Property.Remove(self, "AI_Frozen");

// ================================================================================
// place on marker that Korenchkin reaver should be teleported to; works once
class scpAnatolyTeleport extends SqRootScript {
function OnTurnOn() {
if (GetData("Used")) {
SetData("Used", TRUE);
local link = Link.GetOne("SwitchLink", self);
if (link) {
local DstObj = sLink(link).dest;
if (!Object.HasMetaProperty(DstObj, "Dematerialized")) {
Property.SetSimple(DstObj, "RenderAlpha", 0);
Object.Teleport(DstObj, Object.Position(self), Object.Facing(self));
Sound.PlayEnvSchema(DstObj, "Event Activate", DstObj, 0, eEnvSoundLoc.kEnvSoundAtObjLoc);
SetData("Target", DstObj);
SetOneShotTimer("FadeIn", 0.1);

function OnTimer() {
if (message().name == "FadeIn") {
local DstObj = GetData("Target");
local alpha = Property.Get(DstObj, "RenderAlpha") + 0.1;
if (alpha > 1) {
alpha == 1;
Property.SetSimple(DstObj, "RenderAlpha", alpha);
if (alpha < 1) {
SetOneShotTimer("FadeIn", 0.1);

// ================================================================================
// flash the screen when a psi reaver brain gets killed
class scpReaverFlash extends SqRootScript {
function OnTurnOn() {
ShockGame.StartFadeIn(1000, 255, 200, 180)

// ================================================================================
// destroys self on sim start; use to block player if Squirrel isn't loaded
class scpSelfDestruct extends SqRootScript {
function OnSim() {

// ================================================================================
// Merged WormHeartImplant/BaseImplant script. DO NOT use with BaseImplant!
// - Fixes implant breaking across map transitions.
// - Implements toxins building up with use, as implied by description.
// - Fixes Betty talking over herself when implant runs out of power.
// - Now only plays "heal" sound when healing performed.
class scpWormHeartImplant extends SqRootScript {
static HealRate = 30;
static ToxinPerHP = 0.1;
static ToxinAccum = "ProtocolExpl";

function OnBeginScript() {

function OnEndScript() {

// sent to implant when equipped
function OnTurnOn() {

// sent to implant when unequipped
function OnTurnOff() {

// attempt activation of implant; doesn't check "Active" status because we
// might be resuming from a save; have to manually restart timers even
// though save games preserve timers because we're killing the timers on
// script end to keep things simple; skipEquipCheck is because the engine
// sends TurnOn to implants before actually placing them in the inventory
function Activate(skipEquipCheck) {
// check activation requirements
if (!(scp.IsEquipped(self) || skipEquipCheck) || GetProperty("Energy") <= 0) {
SetData("Active", TRUE);
SetData("Betty", FALSE);

// deactivate implant
function Deactivate() {
// prevent multiple deactivation
if (!GetData("Active")) {
SetData("Active", FALSE);
// release the backwash
local toxins = GetProperty(ToxinAccum);
if (toxins > 4) {
toxins = 4;
ActReact.Stimulate("Player", "Venom", toxins);
SetProperty(ToxinAccum, 0);
// check for deferred Betty
if (GetData("Betty")) {
SetData("Betty", FALSE);
SetData("BettyTimer", SetOneShotTimer("Betty", 1.5));

// handle dragging implant onto charger
function OnFrobToolEnd() {
local DstObj = message().DstObjId;
if (Object.InheritsFrom(DstObj, "Recharging Station")) {
PostMessage(self, "Recharge");
Sound.PlayEnvSchema(DstObj, "Event Activate", DstObj, 0, eEnvSoundLoc.kEnvSoundAtObjLoc);

// handle charging; ignores battery bug by always charging to max regardless of passed data
function OnRecharge() {
local oldEnergy = GetProperty("Energy");
local newEnergy = Property.Get("Player", "BaseTechDesc", "Maintain") * 10 + 100;
SetProperty("Energy", newEnergy);
if (newEnergy > oldEnergy) {
PostMessage(message().from, "Consume"); // recharge stations will ignore this
if (oldEnergy == 0) {

function OnTimer() {
local mName = message().name;
if (mName == "DrainImp") {
if (GetData("Active")) {
local newEnergy = GetProperty("Energy") - GetProperty("DrainAmt");
if (newEnergy < 0) {
newEnergy = 0;
SetProperty("Energy", newEnergy);
if (newEnergy > 0) {
else {
// defer Betty if she'll be making a toxin annoucement
if (GetProperty(ToxinAccum) && !Property.Get("Player", "Toxin")) {
SetData("Betty", TRUE);
else {
Sound.PlaySchemaAmbient(self, "bb07"); //"Power drained"
else if (mName == "WormHeal") {
if (GetData("Active")) {
if (Property.Get("Player", "HitPoints") < Property.Get("Player", "MAX_HP")) {
ShockGame.HealObj("Player", 1);
Sound.PlayEnvSchema(self, "Event Activate", 0, 0, eEnvSoundLoc.kEnvSoundAmbient);
SetProperty(ToxinAccum, GetProperty(ToxinAccum) + ToxinPerHP);
else if (mName == "Betty") {
Sound.PlaySchemaAmbient(self, "bb07");

function StartDrainTimer() {
SetData("Timer", SetOneShotTimer("DrainImp", GetProperty("DrainRate") || 10));

function StartHealTimer() {
SetData("HealTimer", SetOneShotTimer("WormHeal", HealRate));

function StopTimers() {
if (IsDataSet("Timer")) {
if (IsDataSet("HealTimer")) {
if (IsDataSet("BettyTimer")) {

// ================================================================================
// Replacement WormSkin armor script that fixes it breaking across map transitions.
// Adds support for setting drain rate via Obj/Energy/Drain Rate.
class scpWormSkin extends SqRootScript {
function OnBeginScript() {
if (scp.IsEquipped(self)) {

function OnEndScript() {
if (IsDataSet("Timer")) {

function OnTurnOn() {
Property.Set("Player", "ArmrStatsDesc", "PSI", 2);

function OnTurnOff() {
Property.Set("Player", "ArmrStatsDesc", "PSI", 0);

function OnTimer() {
if (message().name == "PsiDrain") {
local psi = ShockGame.GetPlayerPsiPoints();
if (psi) {
ShockGame.SetPlayerPsiPoints(psi - 1);
else {
ShockGame.HealObj("Player", -1);

function StartTimer() {
SetData("Timer", SetOneShotTimer("PsiDrain", GetProperty("DrainRate") || 30));

// ================================================================================
// Notifies player object when an OS upgrade machine has been used, and removes
// HUD brackets.
class scpTraitHelper extends SqRootScript {
function OnUsed() {
//Sound.PlaySchemaAmbient(self, "boot_sw");
SetProperty("HUDSelect", FALSE);
// TODO: stop trainer opening again (abort stims here? add metaprop? kill tweq?)
// inform player that he has a new power
PostMessage("Player", "TraitGained");

// ================================================================================
// Plays a standard button sound when frobbed.
class scpFrobBeep extends SqRootScript {
function OnFrobWorldEnd() {
Sound.PlaySchema(self, "button1");

// ================================================================================
// Plays an error sound when frobbed.
class scpFrobNope extends SqRootScript {
function OnFrobWorldEnd() {
Sound.PlaySchema(self, "no_invroom");

// ================================================================================
// Enhanced cheeseborger (diagnostic/repair module) script
// Fixes broken schema playing on use.
class scpCheeseborger extends SqRootScript {
function OnFrobInvEnd() {
if (ShockGame.HasTrait("Player", eTrait.kTraitBorg)) {
ShockGame.HealObj(message().Frobber, 15);
Sound.PlaySchemaAmbient(self, "act_cheese");
// consume
Container.StackAdd(self, -1);
if (GetProperty("StackCount") == 0) {
else {
Sound.PlaySchemaAmbient(self, "no_invroom");

// ================================================================================
// Enhances nav marker object with UI beep and message when created, and ability to
// remove by frobbing.
// Requires adding Engine Features/FrobInfo: World Action: Script
class scpNavMarker extends SqRootScript {
function OnCreate() {
scp.AddText("NavMarkerCreate", "usemsg");
Sound.PlaySchemaAmbient(self, "place_item");

function OnFrobWorldEnd() {
scp.AddText("NavMarkerFrob", "usemsg");

// ================================================================================
// Enhanced compass script
// Now plays UI sound when toggled.
class scpCompass extends SqRootScript {
function OnToggle() {
Sound.PlaySchemaAmbient(self, "btabs");
SetProperty("CameraObj", "Draw?", !GetProperty("CameraObj", "Draw?"));

function OnHide() {
SetProperty("CameraObj", "Draw?", FALSE);

// ================================================================================
// Enhanced GamePig cartridge script
// Requires adding Engine Features/FrobInfo: World Action: Move, Inv Action: Script, Tool Action: Script
// - Supports dropping cartridge on GamePig to install
// - Plays sound when cartridge installed
class scpMiniGameCart extends SqRootScript {
function OnFrobInvEnd() {

function OnFrobToolEnd() {
if (Object.InheritsFrom(message().DstObjId, "Gameboy")) {

function OnPirateGameCart() {
Property.SetSimple("Player", "MiniGames", Property.Get("Player", "MiniGames") | message().data);

function installCart() {
Property.SetSimple("Player", "MiniGames", Property.Get("Player", "MiniGames") | Property.Get(self, "MiniGames"));
Networking.Broadcast("PirateGameCart", GetProperty("MiniGames"));
Sound.PlaySchemaAmbient(self, "boot_sw");
//TODO: display name of game added?
scp.AddText("MFDGameCart", "misc", "MFD game cartridge installed.");

// ================================================================================
// Enhanced HealingStation script
// - Now removes toxins.
// - Removes radiation (and toxins) when player at full health.
// - Displays message when player doesn't need healing.
// When using this remove NVDetoxTrap from player object.
class scpHealingStation extends SqRootScript {
static healCost = 5; // possibly make this based on difficulty
function OnFrobWorldEnd() {
local Frobber = message().Frobber;
local hp = Property.Get(Frobber, "HitPoints");
local hpMax = Property.Get(Frobber, "MAX_HP");
if (hpMax > hp || Property.Get(Frobber, "RadLevel") > 0 || Property.Get(Frobber, "Toxin") > 0) {
if (ShockGame.PayNanites(healCost) == S_OK) {
// restore HP
PostMessage(Frobber, "FullHeal");
// remove radiation
Property.SetSimple(Frobber, "RadLevel", 0);
ShockGame.OverlayChange(kOverlayRadiation, kOverlayModeOff);
// remove toxins
Property.SetSimple(Frobber, "Toxin", 0);
ShockGame.OverlayChange(kOverlayPoison, kOverlayModeOff);
// notify healing complete
scp.AddText("MedBedUse", "misc", "", healCost);
Sound.PlayEnvSchema(self, "Event Activate", self, 0, eEnvSoundLoc.kEnvSoundAtObjLoc);
else {
scp.AddText("NeedNanites", "misc");
else {
scp.AddText("MedBedUnused", "misc", "Patient already in good condition.");

// ================================================================================
// Enhances wrench script to also repair turrets.
class scpWrench extends SqRootScript {
function OnFrobToolEnd() {
local fixObj = message().DstObjId;
local state, hp, maxHP;
local playerMaintSkill = Property.Get("Player", "BaseTechDesc", "Maintain");
local objSkillRequired = Property.Get(fixObj, "ReqTechDesc", "Maintain");
// enforce a minimum skill level
if (objSkillRequired == 0) {
objSkillRequired = 1;
// guns
if (ShockGame.ValidGun(fixObj)) {
state = Property.Get(fixObj, "ObjState");
hp = Property.Get(fixObj, "GunState", "Condition (%)");
if (state == eObjState.kObjStateUnresearched) {
scp.AddText("WrenchUnresearched", "misc");
else if (state == eObjState.kObjStateBroken) {
scp.AddText("WrenchOnBroken", "misc");
else if (playerMaintSkill < objSkillRequired) {
scp.AddText("WrenchSkillReq", "misc", "", objSkillRequired);
else if (hp > 90) {
scp.AddText("WrenchUnused", "misc");
else if (state == eObjState.kObjStateNormal) {
// repair gun 10% per point of maint skill
hp += playerMaintSkill * 10.0;
if (hp > 100.0) {
hp = 100.0;
Property.Set(fixObj, "GunState", "Condition (%)", hp);
// turrets
else if (Object.InheritsFrom(fixObj, "Turrets")) {
hp = Property.Get(fixObj, "HitPoints");
maxHP = Property.Get(fixObj, "MAX_HP");
if (playerMaintSkill < objSkillRequired) {
scp.AddText("WrenchSkillReq", "misc", "", objSkillRequired);
else if (hp >= maxHP) {
scp.AddText("WrenchUnused", "misc");
else {
// repair turret 5 HP per point of maint skill (default turrets have a max HP of 48)
hp += playerMaintSkill * 5;
if (hp > maxHP) {
hp = maxHP;
Property.SetSimple(fixObj, "HitPoints", hp);
// non-repairable
else {
scp.AddText("WrenchOnNonGun", "misc");

function OnFrobInvEnd() {
scp.AddText("HelpWrench", "misc");

function consumeTool() {
// decrease stack count
Container.StackAdd(self, -1);
if (GetProperty("StackCount") == 0) {
// play success sound
Sound.PlayEnvSchema(self, "Event Activate", 0, 0, eEnvSoundLoc.kEnvSoundAmbient);

// ================================================================================
// Stops player motion.
class scpStopPlayer extends SqRootScript {
function OnTurnOn() {
Physics.SetVelocity("Player", vector());

// ================================================================================
// Stops player motion once on level start.
// (Sim message supposedly only sent once ever the first time a map loads, so no
// other checking should be needed)
class scpStopPlayerOnce extends SqRootScript {
function OnSim() {
Physics.SetVelocity("Player", vector());

// ================================================================================
// Starts level black then slowly fades in.
// (fade functions only work in DromEd with no_endgame disabled)
// (must do battle with player script, which always starts with a fade-in)
class scpManyFadeIn extends SqRootScript {
function OnSim() {
if (!IsDataSet("Done")) {
SetData("Done", TRUE);
ShockGame.StartFadeOut(1, 0, 0, 0);
SetOneShotTimer("StartBlack", 0.05);

function OnTimer() {
if (message().name == "StartBlack") {
ShockGame.StartFadeOut(1, 0, 0, 0);
SetOneShotTimer("FadeIn", 3.0);
else if (message().name == "FadeIn") {
ShockGame.StartFadeIn(10000, 0, 0, 0);

// ================================================================================
// Sets self-illumination on model in sync with random/random but coherent anim light modes.
// Model illumination scaled to anim light max brightness by default.
// Max brightness can be overridden by lightMaxNominal in the Design Note for a dimmer light.
class scpLightHelper extends SqRootScript {
function OnBeginScript() {
SetData("LightMax", "lightMaxNominal" in userparams() ? userparams().lightMaxNominal : GetProperty("AnimLight", "max brightness"));

function OnEndScript() {

function OnLightChange() {
SetProperty("SelfIllum", message().data / GetData("LightMax"));

// ================================================================================
// Adds success/failure sound effects to keypads.
// Adds ability to act as a lock (link door tripwire to keypad).
// Adds optional locked message:
//   Use property Script/Locked Message
//   Add string to lockmsg.str
class scpKeypadHelper extends SqRootScript {
function OnKeypadDone() {
if (message().code == GetProperty("KeypadCode")) {
SetData("Opened", TRUE);
else {
Sound.PlaySchemaAmbient(self, "no_invroom");

function OnFrobWorldEnd() {
if (!GetData("Opened")) {
local lockMsg = Data.GetString("lockmsg", GetProperty("LockMsg"));
if (lockMsg != "") {
ShockGame.AddText(lockMsg, "Player");
else {

function OnTurnOn() {
if (GetData("Opened")) {
Link.BroadcastOnAllLinks(self, "TurnOn", "SwitchLink");

function OnTurnOff() {
if (GetData("Opened")) {
Link.BroadcastOnAllLinks(self, "TurnOff", "SwitchLink");

function OnReset() {

function OnNetOpened() {
SetData("Opened", TRUE);

function OnHackSuccess() {
SetData("Opened", TRUE);

function playSuccess() {
Sound.PlaySchema(self, "use_cardslot");

// ================================================================================
// Enhanced apparition script
// Teleports AI to ApparStart link dest (if available), fades in with dynamic
// light, and plays its object schema. On end, fades AI out.
// AI should start with Has Refs: FALSE.
// Messages accepted:
//    ApparBegin - initiates apparition fade-in and audio playback
//       - Sound/Object Sound
//       - Schema/Class Tags: creaturetype apparition, statechange event
//    ApparEnd - initiates apparition fade-out
//    ApparFinalEnd - sent to self on completion of fade-out
// Messages sent:
//    ApparFinalEnd - when apparition has finished fading out
class scpApparition extends SqRootScript {

static MaxAlpha = 0.5;
static FadeInTime = 2;
static FadeOutTime = 2;
static FadeInt = 0.05;

function OnApparBegin() {
// teleport to ApparStart link dest, if available
local link = Link.GetOne("ApparStart", self);
if (link) {
Object.Teleport(self, Object.Position(sLink(link).To()), Object.Facing(sLink(link).To()));
// add world ref and initiate fade-in
SetProperty("RenderAlpha", 0);
SetProperty("HasRefs", TRUE);
SetData("Alpha", 0);
SetOneShotTimer("ApparIn", 0);
// play apparition sound
Sound.PlaySchemaAmbient(self, GetProperty("ObjSoundName"));
Sound.PlayEnvSchemaNet(self, "Event StateChange, LoopState Loop", self);

// initiate fade-out
function OnApparEnd() {
if (IsDataSet("Timer")) {
SetOneShotTimer("ApparOut", 0.0);

// sequence done and faded out, remove world ref
function OnApparFinalEnd() {
SetProperty("HasRefs", FALSE);

function OnTimer() {
local msg = message().name;
if (msg == "ApparOut") {
// fade-out
local alpha = GetData("Alpha");
if (alpha > 0.0) {
alpha -= MaxAlpha / (FadeOutTime / FadeInt);
if (alpha < 0.0) {
alpha = 0.0;
SetData("Alpha", alpha);
alpha = Flicker(alpha);
Property.SetSimple(self, "RenderAlpha", alpha);
Property.SetSimple(self, "SelfLit", alpha / MaxAlpha * 100.0);
Property.SetSimple(self, "SelfLitRad", alpha / MaxAlpha * 5.0 + 5.0);
SetOneShotTimer("ApparOut", FadeInt);
else {
// done fading out
SendMessage(self, "ApparFinalEnd");
else if (msg == "ApparIn") {
// fade-in
local alpha = GetData("Alpha");
if (alpha < MaxAlpha) {
alpha += MaxAlpha / (FadeInTime / FadeInt);
if (alpha > MaxAlpha) {
alpha = MaxAlpha;
SetData("Alpha", alpha);
alpha = Flicker(alpha);
Property.SetSimple(self, "RenderAlpha", alpha);
Property.SetSimple(self, "SelfLit", alpha / MaxAlpha * 100.0);
SetOneShotTimer("ApparIn", FadeInt);
else {
// done fading in
SetData("Timer", SetOneShotTimer("ApparFlick", 0.1));
else if (msg == "ApparFlick") {
// flicker
local alpha = Flicker(MaxAlpha);
Property.SetSimple(self, "RenderAlpha", alpha);
Property.SetSimple(self, "SelfLit", alpha / MaxAlpha * 100.0);
SetData("Timer", SetOneShotTimer("ApparFlick", 0.1));

// add or subtract a random amount from passed alpha
function Flicker(alpha) {
local flickAdj = 0.1 * alpha / MaxAlpha;
return alpha + (flickAdj * (rand().tofloat() / RAND_MAX)) - (flickAdj / 2.0);

// ================================================================================
// Elevator door helper
// Prevents elevator doors from closing on player by re-opening them if player gets
// close while they're closing. Prevents elevator doors from closing on player
// while standing between doors. Closes doors when elevator control panel frobbed.
// Setup:
// - Create tripwire (-305) spanning elevator doors, phydims 5x5x5, floored.
// - Add this script to tripwire. Check do not inherit.
// - Add scpDoor script to elevator doors. Check do not inherit.
// - Link tripwire to elevator doors.
// - Link elevator control panel to tripwire.
// - Add scpElevatorPanel script to control panel.
class scpElevatorHelper extends SqRootScript {
function OnBeginScript() {
Physics.SubscribeMsg(self, ePhysScriptMsgType.kEnterExitMsg);

function OnEndScript() {
Physics.UnsubscribeMsg(self, ePhysScriptMsgType.kEnterExitMsg);

// when player enters trigger area, force doors back open if they're not completely closed
function OnPhysEnter() {
local status;
local msg = message();
if (!Object.InheritsFrom(msg.transObj, "Player") || !newPhysEvent(msg)) {
// if any doors not closed, open all and cancel auto-close timer
foreach (door in Link.GetAll("SwitchLink", self)) {
status = Door.GetDoorState(LinkDest(door));
if (status == eDoorStatus.kDoorOpen || status == eDoorStatus.kDoorOpening || status == eDoorStatus.kDoorClosing) {
Link.BroadcastOnAllLinks(self, "OpenNow", "SwitchLink");

// when player leaves trigger area, re/start door close countdown
function OnPhysExit() {
local msg = message();
if (!Object.InheritsFrom(msg.transObj, "Player") || !newPhysEvent(msg)) {
Link.BroadcastOnAllLinks(self, "TurnOff", "SwitchLink");

// when elevator control panel frobbed, close all doors
function OnFrobPanel() {
Link.BroadcastOnAllLinks(self, "CloseNow", "SwitchLink");

// when closing door collides with player, open all doors
function OnDoorHit() {
if (Door.GetDoorState(message().from) == eDoorStatus.kDoorClosing) {
Link.BroadcastOnAllLinks(self, "OpenNow", "SwitchLink");

// ensure physics enter/exit event is unique
function newPhysEvent(msg) {
if (msg.message == GetData("LastMsg") && msg.transObj == GetData("LastObj")) {
return FALSE;
else {
SetData("LastMsg", msg.message);
SetData("LastObj", msg.transObj);
return TRUE;

// ================================================================================
// Relays panel frob message to elevator doors controller
class scpElevatorPanel extends SqRootScript {
function OnFrobWorldEnd() {
Link.BroadcastOnAllLinks(self, "FrobPanel", "SwitchLink");

// ================================================================================
// Enhanced StdDoor script
// Control messages:
//   TurnOn - open door, start auto close timer (if non-zero)
//   TurnOff - close door after DoorTimer delay (if non-zero)
//   OpenNow - open door ignoring any auto close timer
//   CloseNow - close door ignoring any door timer delay
//   OpenFast - silently open door instantly
//   CloseFast - silently close door instantly
//   HoldTheDoor - open door only if currently closing
// Config parameters:
//   Door/Door Timer Duration - seconds until door closes after TurnOn (default 0)
//   Editor/Design Note: DoorCloseDelay - seconds until door closes after TurnOff (default 3)
class scpDoor extends SqRootScript {

// reusing this inapplicable property to save door's original speed (don't trust script data)
static OrigSpeed = "ProtocolExpl";

function OnBeginScript() {
Physics.SubscribeMsg(self, ePhysScriptMsgType.kCollisionMsg);

function OnEndScript() {
Physics.UnsubscribeMsg(self, ePhysScriptMsgType.kCollisionMsg);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// door control message handlers

function OnTurnOn() {

function OnTurnOff() {
local DoorTimer = "DoorCloseDelay" in userparams() ? userparams().DoorCloseDelay : 3;
if (DoorTimer != 0) {
SetData("Timer", SetOneShotTimer("DoorClose", DoorTimer));
else {

function OnOpenNow() {

function OnCloseNow() {

function OnCloseFast() {

function OnOpenFast() {

function OnHoldTheDoor() {
if (Door.GetDoorState(self) == eDoorStatus.kDoorClosing) {

function OnFrobWorldEnd() {
if (ShockGame.CheckLocked(self, TRUE, message().Frobber)) {

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// schema-related message handlers

function OnDoorOpening() {
if (!message().isProxy) {
Link.BroadcastOnAllLinks(self, "TurnOn", "SwitchLink");

function OnDoorClosing() {
if (!message().isProxy) {
Link.BroadcastOnAllLinks(self, "TurnOff", "SwitchLink");

function OnDoorOpen() {
Sound.HaltSchema(self, "", 0);

function OnDoorClose() {
Sound.HaltSchema(self, "", 0);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// support functions

function PlayStateSound() {
if (!GetData("FastMode")) {
Sound.PlayEnvSchemaNet(self, StateChangeTags(), self, 0, eEnvSoundLoc.kEnvSoundOnObj, eSoundNetwork.kSoundNoNetworkSpatial);

function StateChangeTags() {
local StateTags = ["Open", "Closed", "Opening", "Closing", "Halted"];
local Status = message().ActionType;
local OldStatus = message().PrevActionType;
local retval = "Event StateChange, OpenState " + StateTags[Status] + ", OldOpenState " + StateTags[OldStatus];
if (OldStatus != eDoorStatus.kDoorHalt && IsDataSet("PlayerFrob")) {
retval += ", CreatureType Player";
if (Status != eDoorStatus.kDoorClosing && Status != eDoorStatus.kDoorOpening) {
return retval;

function OnPhysCollision() {
Link.BroadcastOnAllLinks(self, "DoorHit", "~SwitchLink");

function OnTimer() {
if (message().name == "DoorClose") {

function ClobberTimer() {
if (IsDataSet("Timer")) {

function SetCloseTimer() {
local iStayOpenTime = GetProperty("DoorTimer");
if (iStayOpenTime != 0) {
SetData("Timer", SetOneShotTimer("DoorClose", iStayOpenTime));

function SetDoorNormal() {
// nothing to reset
if (!HasProperty(OrigSpeed)) {
// reset normal speed
SetData("FastMode", FALSE);
if (HasProperty("TransDoor")) {
SetProperty("TransDoor", "Base Speed", GetProperty(OrigSpeed));
else if (HasProperty("RotDoor")) {
SetProperty("RotDoor", "Base Speed", GetProperty(OrigSpeed));

function SetDoorFast() {
// ensure original speed is saved
if (!HasProperty(OrigSpeed)) {
if (HasProperty("TransDoor")) {
SetProperty(OrigSpeed, GetProperty("TransDoor", "Base Speed"));
else if (HasProperty("RotDoor")) {
SetProperty(OrigSpeed, GetProperty("RotDoor", "Base Speed"));
// set high speed
SetData("FastMode", TRUE);
if (HasProperty("TransDoor")) {
SetProperty("TransDoor", "Base Speed", 9999);
else if (HasProperty("RotDoor")) {
SetProperty("RotDoor", "Base Speed", 9999);

// ================================================================================
// Minimal door handler for SHODAN transformation sequence
// Uses property Door/Door Open Sound to indicate open schema
// Works in conjunction with NVPhantomTrap
class scpShodanDoor extends SqRootScript {
function OnTurnOn() {
if (HasProperty("DoorOpenSound")) {
Sound.PlaySchema(self, GetProperty("DoorOpenSound"));

function OnTurnOff() {
SetOneShotTimer("DoorClose", 3);

function OnTimer() {
if (message().name == "DoorClose") {
if (HasProperty("TransDoor")) {
SetProperty("TransDoor", "Base Speed", 999);
SetProperty("BashFactor", 0);
PostMessage(self, "FadeIn");

function OnPhantomOn() {
Property.Remove(self, "RenderAlpha");

// ================================================================================
// Prop fader for SHODAN transformation sequence
// Works in conjunction with NVPhantomTrap
class scpShodanProp extends SqRootScript {
function OnTurnOff() {
SetOneShotTimer("FadeDelay", 3);

function OnTimer() {
if (message().name == "FadeDelay") {
PostMessage(self, "FadeIn");

function OnPhantomOn() {
Property.Remove(self, "RenderAlpha");

// ================================================================================
// Helper functions for the other SCP script classes
class scp extends SqRootScript {
// Improved text display function
// Combines functionality of AddText, AddTranslatableText, and AddTranslatableTextInt
// Accepts:
// - string ID
// - string file
// - string default if string not found (optional)
// - value to be substituted for %d in string (optional)
function AddText(strID, strFile, strDefault = "", dVal = null) {
local strText = Data.GetString(strFile, strID, strDefault);
if (strText != "") {
if (dVal != null) {
local s = strText.find("%d");
if (s != null) {
strText = strText.slice(0, s) + dVal + strText.slice(s + 2);
else {
print("WARN: String '" + strID + "' in '" + strFile + "' missing %d");
ShockGame.AddText(strText, "Player");
else {
print("ERROR: String '" + strID + "' not found in '" + strFile + "'");

// reports if object is in any of the equip slots
function IsEquipped(selfID) {
return selfID == ShockGame.Equipped(ePlayerEquip.kEquipArmor) ||
selfID == ShockGame.Equipped(ePlayerEquip.kEquipSpecial) ||
selfID == ShockGame.Equipped(ePlayerEquip.kEquipSpecial2);

// just display a message onscreen and in mono
function Trace(msg) {
ShockGame.AddText(msg, "Player");
« Last Edit: 07. November 2017, 11:25:23 by voodoo47 »
Acknowledged by: JML

67b50b508e2cbSystem Shocked

Re: SS2 Community Patch (SCP) Beta 5
Marvelous stuff indeed.  :thumb:

Thanks for posting this voodoo47. It's much appreciated. With Winter approaching you must be busy "squirrelling" away your nuts.  :)
« Last Edit: 07. November 2017, 16:13:20 by System Shocked »


Re: SS2 Community Patch (SCP) Beta 5
I think he can't/doesn't want to download the entire archive for.. reasons? anyway, here is the entire nut:
You spoil that lunatic.
Acknowledged by: Nameless Voice


Re: SS2 Community Patch (SCP) Beta 5
copy pasting stuff around is zero effort - I'm always ready to put in zero effort for pretty much anyone, nuts, bananas or otherwise.
Re: SS2 Community Patch (SCP) Beta 5
I think he can't/doesn't want to download the entire archive for.. reasons? anyway, here is the entire nut:
Code: [Select]
// ================================================================================
// Shock Community Patch Scripts
// ================================================================================
// scpPlayerScript
// scpEnableDeathTaunts
// scpCameraHelper
// scpSelfDestruct
// scpReaverTeleport
// scpReaverFlash
// scpWormHeartImplant
// scpWormSkin
// scpTraitHelper
// scpFrobBeep
// scpFrobNope
// scpCheeseborger
// scpNavMarker
// scpCompass
// scpMiniGameCart
// scpHealingStation
// scpWrench
// scpStopPlayer
// scpStopPlayerOnce
// scpManyFadeIn
// scpLightHelper
// scpKeypadHelper
// scpApparition
// scpElevatorHelper
// scpElevatorPanel
// scpDoor
// scpShodanDoor
// scpShodanProp
// scp.AddText
// scp.IsEquipped
// scp.Trace
// ================================================================================

// ================================================================================
// Catch-all player stuff
class scpPlayerScript extends SqRootScript {
function OnBeginScript() {

// implement unused death taunts
// mode 0=Xerxes; 1=Xerxes/Many; 2=Xerxes/Many/SHODAN; 3=Many/SHODAN; 4=Many; 5=SHODAN
function OnSlain() {
if (Quest.Get("DeathTaunts")) {
Sound.PlaySchemaAmbient(self, "PlayerDeath" + Quest.Get("DeathMode"));

function OnTraitGained() {

function initTraits() {
// make Spatially Aware OS upgrade display all enemies on automap
if (ShockGame.HasTrait("Player", eTrait.kTraitAutomap)) {
local baddies = ["Robots", "Hybrids", "Annelids", "Turrets", "Cyborgs", "Security Camera", "Shodan Avatars"];
foreach (archetype in baddies) {
Property.SetSimple(archetype, "MapObjIcon", "mevil");
// hold the eggs
Property.SetSimple("Eggs", "MapObjIcon", "");

// ================================================================================
// Set qvar to enable death taunts
class scpEnableDeathTaunts extends SqRootScript {
function OnBeginScript() {
Quest.Set("DeathTaunts", 1, eQuestDataType.kQuestDataCampaign);

// ================================================================================
// Visibly disables security cameras while security is hacked
// (requires custom model camblk)
class scpCameraHelper extends SqRootScript {
function OnBeginScript() {
if (IsDataSet("HackTimer")) {
// randomly space out the timer so every camera on the level isn't
// calling this at the same time
if (GetProperty("HitPoints") > 0) {
SetData("HackTimer", SetOneShotTimer("HackCheck", Data.RandFlt0to1() * 2));

function OnSlain() {
if (GetData("SecHacked")) {

function OnAlertness() {
if (GetData("SecHacked")) {
// fighting the CameraAlert script
SetOneShotTimer("ResetModel", 0.1)

function OnTimer() {
if (message().name == "HackCheck") {
if (ShockGame.OverlayOn(kOverlayHackIcon)) {
if (!GetData("SecHacked")) {
SetData("SecHacked", TRUE);
SetProperty("ModelName", "camblk");
SetProperty("SelfIllum", 0);
SetProperty("AI_Vision", 0);
SetProperty("AI_Frozen", "Start Time", 0);
SetProperty("AI_Frozen", "Duration", 2000000000);
else if (GetData("SecHacked")) {
SetData("HackTimer", SetOneShotTimer("HackCheck", 2));
else if (message().name == "ResetModel") {
SetProperty("ModelName", "camblk");

function clearHacked(changeModel) {
SetData("SecHacked", FALSE);
if (changeModel) {
SetProperty("ModelName", "camgrn");
Property.Remove(self, "SelfIllum");
Property.Remove(self, "AI_Vision");
Property.Remove(self, "AI_Frozen");

// ================================================================================
// place on marker that Korenchkin reaver should be teleported to; works once
class scpAnatolyTeleport extends SqRootScript {
function OnTurnOn() {
if (GetData("Used")) {
SetData("Used", TRUE);
local link = Link.GetOne("SwitchLink", self);
if (link) {
local DstObj = sLink(link).dest;
if (!Object.HasMetaProperty(DstObj, "Dematerialized")) {
Property.SetSimple(DstObj, "RenderAlpha", 0);
Object.Teleport(DstObj, Object.Position(self), Object.Facing(self));
Sound.PlayEnvSchema(DstObj, "Event Activate", DstObj, 0, eEnvSoundLoc.kEnvSoundAtObjLoc);
SetData("Target", DstObj);
SetOneShotTimer("FadeIn", 0.1);

function OnTimer() {
if (message().name == "FadeIn") {
local DstObj = GetData("Target");
local alpha = Property.Get(DstObj, "RenderAlpha") + 0.1;
if (alpha > 1) {
alpha == 1;
Property.SetSimple(DstObj, "RenderAlpha", alpha);
if (alpha < 1) {
SetOneShotTimer("FadeIn", 0.1);

// ================================================================================
// flash the screen when a psi reaver brain gets killed
class scpReaverFlash extends SqRootScript {
function OnTurnOn() {
ShockGame.StartFadeIn(1000, 255, 200, 180)

// ================================================================================
// destroys self on sim start; use to block player if Squirrel isn't loaded
class scpSelfDestruct extends SqRootScript {
function OnSim() {

// ================================================================================
// Merged WormHeartImplant/BaseImplant script. DO NOT use with BaseImplant!
// - Fixes implant breaking across map transitions.
// - Implements toxins building up with use, as implied by description.
// - Fixes Betty talking over herself when implant runs out of power.
// - Now only plays "heal" sound when healing performed.
class scpWormHeartImplant extends SqRootScript {
static HealRate = 30;
static ToxinPerHP = 0.1;
static ToxinAccum = "ProtocolExpl";

function OnBeginScript() {

function OnEndScript() {

// sent to implant when equipped
function OnTurnOn() {

// sent to implant when unequipped
function OnTurnOff() {

// attempt activation of implant; doesn't check "Active" status because we
// might be resuming from a save; have to manually restart timers even
// though save games preserve timers because we're killing the timers on
// script end to keep things simple; skipEquipCheck is because the engine
// sends TurnOn to implants before actually placing them in the inventory
function Activate(skipEquipCheck) {
// check activation requirements
if (!(scp.IsEquipped(self) || skipEquipCheck) || GetProperty("Energy") <= 0) {
SetData("Active", TRUE);
SetData("Betty", FALSE);

// deactivate implant
function Deactivate() {
// prevent multiple deactivation
if (!GetData("Active")) {
SetData("Active", FALSE);
// release the backwash
local toxins = GetProperty(ToxinAccum);
if (toxins > 4) {
toxins = 4;
ActReact.Stimulate("Player", "Venom", toxins);
SetProperty(ToxinAccum, 0);
// check for deferred Betty
if (GetData("Betty")) {
SetData("Betty", FALSE);
SetData("BettyTimer", SetOneShotTimer("Betty", 1.5));

// handle dragging implant onto charger
function OnFrobToolEnd() {
local DstObj = message().DstObjId;
if (Object.InheritsFrom(DstObj, "Recharging Station")) {
PostMessage(self, "Recharge");
Sound.PlayEnvSchema(DstObj, "Event Activate", DstObj, 0, eEnvSoundLoc.kEnvSoundAtObjLoc);

// handle charging; ignores battery bug by always charging to max regardless of passed data
function OnRecharge() {
local oldEnergy = GetProperty("Energy");
local newEnergy = Property.Get("Player", "BaseTechDesc", "Maintain") * 10 + 100;
SetProperty("Energy", newEnergy);
if (newEnergy > oldEnergy) {
PostMessage(message().from, "Consume"); // recharge stations will ignore this
if (oldEnergy == 0) {

function OnTimer() {
local mName = message().name;
if (mName == "DrainImp") {
if (GetData("Active")) {
local newEnergy = GetProperty("Energy") - GetProperty("DrainAmt");
if (newEnergy < 0) {
newEnergy = 0;
SetProperty("Energy", newEnergy);
if (newEnergy > 0) {
else {
// defer Betty if she'll be making a toxin annoucement
if (GetProperty(ToxinAccum) && !Property.Get("Player", "Toxin")) {
SetData("Betty", TRUE);
else {
Sound.PlaySchemaAmbient(self, "bb07"); //"Power drained"
else if (mName == "WormHeal") {
if (GetData("Active")) {
if (Property.Get("Player", "HitPoints") < Property.Get("Player", "MAX_HP")) {
ShockGame.HealObj("Player", 1);
Sound.PlayEnvSchema(self, "Event Activate", 0, 0, eEnvSoundLoc.kEnvSoundAmbient);
SetProperty(ToxinAccum, GetProperty(ToxinAccum) + ToxinPerHP);
else if (mName == "Betty") {
Sound.PlaySchemaAmbient(self, "bb07");

function StartDrainTimer() {
SetData("Timer", SetOneShotTimer("DrainImp", GetProperty("DrainRate") || 10));

function StartHealTimer() {
SetData("HealTimer", SetOneShotTimer("WormHeal", HealRate));

function StopTimers() {
if (IsDataSet("Timer")) {
if (IsDataSet("HealTimer")) {
if (IsDataSet("BettyTimer")) {

// ================================================================================
// Replacement WormSkin armor script that fixes it breaking across map transitions.
// Adds support for setting drain rate via Obj/Energy/Drain Rate.
class scpWormSkin extends SqRootScript {
function OnBeginScript() {
if (scp.IsEquipped(self)) {

function OnEndScript() {
if (IsDataSet("Timer")) {

function OnTurnOn() {
Property.Set("Player", "ArmrStatsDesc", "PSI", 2);

function OnTurnOff() {
Property.Set("Player", "ArmrStatsDesc", "PSI", 0);

function OnTimer() {
if (message().name == "PsiDrain") {
local psi = ShockGame.GetPlayerPsiPoints();
if (psi) {
ShockGame.SetPlayerPsiPoints(psi - 1);
else {
ShockGame.HealObj("Player", -1);

function StartTimer() {
SetData("Timer", SetOneShotTimer("PsiDrain", GetProperty("DrainRate") || 30));

// ================================================================================
// Notifies player object when an OS upgrade machine has been used, and removes
// HUD brackets.
class scpTraitHelper extends SqRootScript {
function OnUsed() {
//Sound.PlaySchemaAmbient(self, "boot_sw");
SetProperty("HUDSelect", FALSE);
// TODO: stop trainer opening again (abort stims here? add metaprop? kill tweq?)
// inform player that he has a new power
PostMessage("Player", "TraitGained");

// ================================================================================
// Plays a standard button sound when frobbed.
class scpFrobBeep extends SqRootScript {
function OnFrobWorldEnd() {
Sound.PlaySchema(self, "button1");

// ================================================================================
// Plays an error sound when frobbed.
class scpFrobNope extends SqRootScript {
function OnFrobWorldEnd() {
Sound.PlaySchema(self, "no_invroom");

// ================================================================================
// Enhanced cheeseborger (diagnostic/repair module) script
// Fixes broken schema playing on use.
class scpCheeseborger extends SqRootScript {
function OnFrobInvEnd() {
if (ShockGame.HasTrait("Player", eTrait.kTraitBorg)) {
ShockGame.HealObj(message().Frobber, 15);
Sound.PlaySchemaAmbient(self, "act_cheese");
// consume
Container.StackAdd(self, -1);
if (GetProperty("StackCount") == 0) {
else {
Sound.PlaySchemaAmbient(self, "no_invroom");

// ================================================================================
// Enhances nav marker object with UI beep and message when created, and ability to
// remove by frobbing.
// Requires adding Engine Features/FrobInfo: World Action: Script
class scpNavMarker extends SqRootScript {
function OnCreate() {
scp.AddText("NavMarkerCreate", "usemsg");
Sound.PlaySchemaAmbient(self, "place_item");

function OnFrobWorldEnd() {
scp.AddText("NavMarkerFrob", "usemsg");

// ================================================================================
// Enhanced compass script
// Now plays UI sound when toggled.
class scpCompass extends SqRootScript {
function OnToggle() {
Sound.PlaySchemaAmbient(self, "btabs");
SetProperty("CameraObj", "Draw?", !GetProperty("CameraObj", "Draw?"));

function OnHide() {
SetProperty("CameraObj", "Draw?", FALSE);

// ================================================================================
// Enhanced GamePig cartridge script
// Requires adding Engine Features/FrobInfo: World Action: Move, Inv Action: Script, Tool Action: Script
// - Supports dropping cartridge on GamePig to install
// - Plays sound when cartridge installed
class scpMiniGameCart extends SqRootScript {
function OnFrobInvEnd() {

function OnFrobToolEnd() {
if (Object.InheritsFrom(message().DstObjId, "Gameboy")) {

function OnPirateGameCart() {
Property.SetSimple("Player", "MiniGames", Property.Get("Player", "MiniGames") | message().data);

function installCart() {
Property.SetSimple("Player", "MiniGames", Property.Get("Player", "MiniGames") | Property.Get(self, "MiniGames"));
Networking.Broadcast("PirateGameCart", GetProperty("MiniGames"));
Sound.PlaySchemaAmbient(self, "boot_sw");
//TODO: display name of game added?
scp.AddText("MFDGameCart", "misc", "MFD game cartridge installed.");

// ================================================================================
// Enhanced HealingStation script
// - Now removes toxins.
// - Removes radiation (and toxins) when player at full health.
// - Displays message when player doesn't need healing.
// When using this remove NVDetoxTrap from player object.
class scpHealingStation extends SqRootScript {
static healCost = 5; // possibly make this based on difficulty
function OnFrobWorldEnd() {
local Frobber = message().Frobber;
local hp = Property.Get(Frobber, "HitPoints");
local hpMax = Property.Get(Frobber, "MAX_HP");
if (hpMax > hp || Property.Get(Frobber, "RadLevel") > 0 || Property.Get(Frobber, "Toxin") > 0) {
if (ShockGame.PayNanites(healCost) == S_OK) {
// restore HP
PostMessage(Frobber, "FullHeal");
// remove radiation
Property.SetSimple(Frobber, "RadLevel", 0);
ShockGame.OverlayChange(kOverlayRadiation, kOverlayModeOff);
// remove toxins
Property.SetSimple(Frobber, "Toxin", 0);
ShockGame.OverlayChange(kOverlayPoison, kOverlayModeOff);
// notify healing complete
scp.AddText("MedBedUse", "misc", "", healCost);
Sound.PlayEnvSchema(self, "Event Activate", self, 0, eEnvSoundLoc.kEnvSoundAtObjLoc);
else {
scp.AddText("NeedNanites", "misc");
else {
scp.AddText("MedBedUnused", "misc", "Patient already in good condition.");

// ================================================================================
// Enhances wrench script to also repair turrets.
class scpWrench extends SqRootScript {
function OnFrobToolEnd() {
local fixObj = message().DstObjId;
local state, hp, maxHP;
local playerMaintSkill = Property.Get("Player", "BaseTechDesc", "Maintain");
local objSkillRequired = Property.Get(fixObj, "ReqTechDesc", "Maintain");
// enforce a minimum skill level
if (objSkillRequired == 0) {
objSkillRequired = 1;
// guns
if (ShockGame.ValidGun(fixObj)) {
state = Property.Get(fixObj, "ObjState");
hp = Property.Get(fixObj, "GunState", "Condition (%)");
if (state == eObjState.kObjStateUnresearched) {
scp.AddText("WrenchUnresearched", "misc");
else if (state == eObjState.kObjStateBroken) {
scp.AddText("WrenchOnBroken", "misc");
else if (playerMaintSkill < objSkillRequired) {
scp.AddText("WrenchSkillReq", "misc", "", objSkillRequired);
else if (hp > 90) {
scp.AddText("WrenchUnused", "misc");
else if (state == eObjState.kObjStateNormal) {
// repair gun 10% per point of maint skill
hp += playerMaintSkill * 10.0;
if (hp > 100.0) {
hp = 100.0;
Property.Set(fixObj, "GunState", "Condition (%)", hp);
// turrets
else if (Object.InheritsFrom(fixObj, "Turrets")) {
hp = Property.Get(fixObj, "HitPoints");
maxHP = Property.Get(fixObj, "MAX_HP");
if (playerMaintSkill < objSkillRequired) {
scp.AddText("WrenchSkillReq", "misc", "", objSkillRequired);
else if (hp >= maxHP) {
scp.AddText("WrenchUnused", "misc");
else {
// repair turret 5 HP per point of maint skill (default turrets have a max HP of 48)
hp += playerMaintSkill * 5;
if (hp > maxHP) {
hp = maxHP;
Property.SetSimple(fixObj, "HitPoints", hp);
// non-repairable
else {
scp.AddText("WrenchOnNonGun", "misc");

function OnFrobInvEnd() {
scp.AddText("HelpWrench", "misc");

function consumeTool() {
// decrease stack count
Container.StackAdd(self, -1);
if (GetProperty("StackCount") == 0) {
// play success sound
Sound.PlayEnvSchema(self, "Event Activate", 0, 0, eEnvSoundLoc.kEnvSoundAmbient);

// ================================================================================
// Stops player motion.
class scpStopPlayer extends SqRootScript {
function OnTurnOn() {
Physics.SetVelocity("Player", vector());

// ================================================================================
// Stops player motion once on level start.
// (Sim message supposedly only sent once ever the first time a map loads, so no
// other checking should be needed)
class scpStopPlayerOnce extends SqRootScript {
function OnSim() {
Physics.SetVelocity("Player", vector());

// ================================================================================
// Starts level black then slowly fades in.
// (fade functions only work in DromEd with no_endgame disabled)
// (must do battle with player script, which always starts with a fade-in)
class scpManyFadeIn extends SqRootScript {
function OnSim() {
if (!IsDataSet("Done")) {
SetData("Done", TRUE);
ShockGame.StartFadeOut(1, 0, 0, 0);
SetOneShotTimer("StartBlack", 0.05);

function OnTimer() {
if (message().name == "StartBlack") {
ShockGame.StartFadeOut(1, 0, 0, 0);
SetOneShotTimer("FadeIn", 3.0);
else if (message().name == "FadeIn") {
ShockGame.StartFadeIn(10000, 0, 0, 0);

// ================================================================================
// Sets self-illumination on model in sync with random/random but coherent anim light modes.
// Model illumination scaled to anim light max brightness by default.
// Max brightness can be overridden by lightMaxNominal in the Design Note for a dimmer light.
class scpLightHelper extends SqRootScript {
function OnBeginScript() {
SetData("LightMax", "lightMaxNominal" in userparams() ? userparams().lightMaxNominal : GetProperty("AnimLight", "max brightness"));

function OnEndScript() {

function OnLightChange() {
SetProperty("SelfIllum", message().data / GetData("LightMax"));

// ================================================================================
// Adds success/failure sound effects to keypads.
// Adds ability to act as a lock (link door tripwire to keypad).
// Adds optional locked message:
//   Use property Script/Locked Message
//   Add string to lockmsg.str
class scpKeypadHelper extends SqRootScript {
function OnKeypadDone() {
if (message().code == GetProperty("KeypadCode")) {
SetData("Opened", TRUE);
else {
Sound.PlaySchemaAmbient(self, "no_invroom");

function OnFrobWorldEnd() {
if (!GetData("Opened")) {
local lockMsg = Data.GetString("lockmsg", GetProperty("LockMsg"));
if (lockMsg != "") {
ShockGame.AddText(lockMsg, "Player");
else {

function OnTurnOn() {
if (GetData("Opened")) {
Link.BroadcastOnAllLinks(self, "TurnOn", "SwitchLink");

function OnTurnOff() {
if (GetData("Opened")) {
Link.BroadcastOnAllLinks(self, "TurnOff", "SwitchLink");

function OnReset() {

function OnNetOpened() {
SetData("Opened", TRUE);

function OnHackSuccess() {
SetData("Opened", TRUE);

function playSuccess() {
Sound.PlaySchema(self, "use_cardslot");

// ================================================================================
// Enhanced apparition script
// Teleports AI to ApparStart link dest (if available), fades in with dynamic
// light, and plays its object schema. On end, fades AI out.
// AI should start with Has Refs: FALSE.
// Messages accepted:
//    ApparBegin - initiates apparition fade-in and audio playback
//       - Sound/Object Sound
//       - Schema/Class Tags: creaturetype apparition, statechange event
//    ApparEnd - initiates apparition fade-out
//    ApparFinalEnd - sent to self on completion of fade-out
// Messages sent:
//    ApparFinalEnd - when apparition has finished fading out
class scpApparition extends SqRootScript {

static MaxAlpha = 0.5;
static FadeInTime = 2;
static FadeOutTime = 2;
static FadeInt = 0.05;

function OnApparBegin() {
// teleport to ApparStart link dest, if available
local link = Link.GetOne("ApparStart", self);
if (link) {
Object.Teleport(self, Object.Position(sLink(link).To()), Object.Facing(sLink(link).To()));
// add world ref and initiate fade-in
SetProperty("RenderAlpha", 0);
SetProperty("HasRefs", TRUE);
SetData("Alpha", 0);
SetOneShotTimer("ApparIn", 0);
// play apparition sound
Sound.PlaySchemaAmbient(self, GetProperty("ObjSoundName"));
Sound.PlayEnvSchemaNet(self, "Event StateChange, LoopState Loop", self);

// initiate fade-out
function OnApparEnd() {
if (IsDataSet("Timer")) {
SetOneShotTimer("ApparOut", 0.0);

// sequence done and faded out, remove world ref
function OnApparFinalEnd() {
SetProperty("HasRefs", FALSE);

function OnTimer() {
local msg = message().name;
if (msg == "ApparOut") {
// fade-out
local alpha = GetData("Alpha");
if (alpha > 0.0) {
alpha -= MaxAlpha / (FadeOutTime / FadeInt);
if (alpha < 0.0) {
alpha = 0.0;
SetData("Alpha", alpha);
alpha = Flicker(alpha);
Property.SetSimple(self, "RenderAlpha", alpha);
Property.SetSimple(self, "SelfLit", alpha / MaxAlpha * 100.0);
Property.SetSimple(self, "SelfLitRad", alpha / MaxAlpha * 5.0 + 5.0);
SetOneShotTimer("ApparOut", FadeInt);
else {
// done fading out
SendMessage(self, "ApparFinalEnd");
else if (msg == "ApparIn") {
// fade-in
local alpha = GetData("Alpha");
if (alpha < MaxAlpha) {
alpha += MaxAlpha / (FadeInTime / FadeInt);
if (alpha > MaxAlpha) {
alpha = MaxAlpha;
SetData("Alpha", alpha);
alpha = Flicker(alpha);
Property.SetSimple(self, "RenderAlpha", alpha);
Property.SetSimple(self, "SelfLit", alpha / MaxAlpha * 100.0);
SetOneShotTimer("ApparIn", FadeInt);
else {
// done fading in
SetData("Timer", SetOneShotTimer("ApparFlick", 0.1));
else if (msg == "ApparFlick") {
// flicker
local alpha = Flicker(MaxAlpha);
Property.SetSimple(self, "RenderAlpha", alpha);
Property.SetSimple(self, "SelfLit", alpha / MaxAlpha * 100.0);
SetData("Timer", SetOneShotTimer("ApparFlick", 0.1));

// add or subtract a random amount from passed alpha
function Flicker(alpha) {
local flickAdj = 0.1 * alpha / MaxAlpha;
return alpha + (flickAdj * (rand().tofloat() / RAND_MAX)) - (flickAdj / 2.0);

// ================================================================================
// Elevator door helper
// Prevents elevator doors from closing on player by re-opening them if player gets
// close while they're closing. Prevents elevator doors from closing on player
// while standing between doors. Closes doors when elevator control panel frobbed.
// Setup:
// - Create tripwire (-305) spanning elevator doors, phydims 5x5x5, floored.
// - Add this script to tripwire. Check do not inherit.
// - Add scpDoor script to elevator doors. Check do not inherit.
// - Link tripwire to elevator doors.
// - Link elevator control panel to tripwire.
// - Add scpElevatorPanel script to control panel.
class scpElevatorHelper extends SqRootScript {
function OnBeginScript() {
Physics.SubscribeMsg(self, ePhysScriptMsgType.kEnterExitMsg);

function OnEndScript() {
Physics.UnsubscribeMsg(self, ePhysScriptMsgType.kEnterExitMsg);

// when player enters trigger area, force doors back open if they're not completely closed
function OnPhysEnter() {
local status;
local msg = message();
if (!Object.InheritsFrom(msg.transObj, "Player") || !newPhysEvent(msg)) {
// if any doors not closed, open all and cancel auto-close timer
foreach (door in Link.GetAll("SwitchLink", self)) {
status = Door.GetDoorState(LinkDest(door));
if (status == eDoorStatus.kDoorOpen || status == eDoorStatus.kDoorOpening || status == eDoorStatus.kDoorClosing) {
Link.BroadcastOnAllLinks(self, "OpenNow", "SwitchLink");

// when player leaves trigger area, re/start door close countdown
function OnPhysExit() {
local msg = message();
if (!Object.InheritsFrom(msg.transObj, "Player") || !newPhysEvent(msg)) {
Link.BroadcastOnAllLinks(self, "TurnOff", "SwitchLink");

// when elevator control panel frobbed, close all doors
function OnFrobPanel() {
Link.BroadcastOnAllLinks(self, "CloseNow", "SwitchLink");

// when closing door collides with player, open all doors
function OnDoorHit() {
if (Door.GetDoorState(message().from) == eDoorStatus.kDoorClosing) {
Link.BroadcastOnAllLinks(self, "OpenNow", "SwitchLink");

// ensure physics enter/exit event is unique
function newPhysEvent(msg) {
if (msg.message == GetData("LastMsg") && msg.transObj == GetData("LastObj")) {
return FALSE;
else {
SetData("LastMsg", msg.message);
SetData("LastObj", msg.transObj);
return TRUE;

// ================================================================================
// Relays panel frob message to elevator doors controller
class scpElevatorPanel extends SqRootScript {
function OnFrobWorldEnd() {
Link.BroadcastOnAllLinks(self, "FrobPanel", "SwitchLink");

// ================================================================================
// Enhanced StdDoor script
// Control messages:
//   TurnOn - open door, start auto close timer (if non-zero)
//   TurnOff - close door after DoorTimer delay (if non-zero)
//   OpenNow - open door ignoring any auto close timer
//   CloseNow - close door ignoring any door timer delay
//   OpenFast - silently open door instantly
//   CloseFast - silently close door instantly
//   HoldTheDoor - open door only if currently closing
// Config parameters:
//   Door/Door Timer Duration - seconds until door closes after TurnOn (default 0)
//   Editor/Design Note: DoorCloseDelay - seconds until door closes after TurnOff (default 3)
class scpDoor extends SqRootScript {

// reusing this inapplicable property to save door's original speed (don't trust script data)
static OrigSpeed = "ProtocolExpl";

function OnBeginScript() {
Physics.SubscribeMsg(self, ePhysScriptMsgType.kCollisionMsg);

function OnEndScript() {
Physics.UnsubscribeMsg(self, ePhysScriptMsgType.kCollisionMsg);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// door control message handlers

function OnTurnOn() {

function OnTurnOff() {
local DoorTimer = "DoorCloseDelay" in userparams() ? userparams().DoorCloseDelay : 3;
if (DoorTimer != 0) {
SetData("Timer", SetOneShotTimer("DoorClose", DoorTimer));
else {

function OnOpenNow() {

function OnCloseNow() {

function OnCloseFast() {

function OnOpenFast() {

function OnHoldTheDoor() {
if (Door.GetDoorState(self) == eDoorStatus.kDoorClosing) {

function OnFrobWorldEnd() {
if (ShockGame.CheckLocked(self, TRUE, message().Frobber)) {

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// schema-related message handlers

function OnDoorOpening() {
if (!message().isProxy) {
Link.BroadcastOnAllLinks(self, "TurnOn", "SwitchLink");

function OnDoorClosing() {
if (!message().isProxy) {
Link.BroadcastOnAllLinks(self, "TurnOff", "SwitchLink");

function OnDoorOpen() {
Sound.HaltSchema(self, "", 0);

function OnDoorClose() {
Sound.HaltSchema(self, "", 0);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// support functions

function PlayStateSound() {
if (!GetData("FastMode")) {
Sound.PlayEnvSchemaNet(self, StateChangeTags(), self, 0, eEnvSoundLoc.kEnvSoundOnObj, eSoundNetwork.kSoundNoNetworkSpatial);

function StateChangeTags() {
local StateTags = ["Open", "Closed", "Opening", "Closing", "Halted"];
local Status = message().ActionType;
local OldStatus = message().PrevActionType;
local retval = "Event StateChange, OpenState " + StateTags[Status] + ", OldOpenState " + StateTags[OldStatus];
if (OldStatus != eDoorStatus.kDoorHalt && IsDataSet("PlayerFrob")) {
retval += ", CreatureType Player";
if (Status != eDoorStatus.kDoorClosing && Status != eDoorStatus.kDoorOpening) {
return retval;

function OnPhysCollision() {
Link.BroadcastOnAllLinks(self, "DoorHit", "~SwitchLink");

function OnTimer() {
if (message().name == "DoorClose") {

function ClobberTimer() {
if (IsDataSet("Timer")) {

function SetCloseTimer() {
local iStayOpenTime = GetProperty("DoorTimer");
if (iStayOpenTime != 0) {
SetData("Timer", SetOneShotTimer("DoorClose", iStayOpenTime));

function SetDoorNormal() {
// nothing to reset
if (!HasProperty(OrigSpeed)) {
// reset normal speed
SetData("FastMode", FALSE);
if (HasProperty("TransDoor")) {
SetProperty("TransDoor", "Base Speed", GetProperty(OrigSpeed));
else if (HasProperty("RotDoor")) {
SetProperty("RotDoor", "Base Speed", GetProperty(OrigSpeed));

function SetDoorFast() {
// ensure original speed is saved
if (!HasProperty(OrigSpeed)) {
if (HasProperty("TransDoor")) {
SetProperty(OrigSpeed, GetProperty("TransDoor", "Base Speed"));
else if (HasProperty("RotDoor")) {
SetProperty(OrigSpeed, GetProperty("RotDoor", "Base Speed"));
// set high speed
SetData("FastMode", TRUE);
if (HasProperty("TransDoor")) {
SetProperty("TransDoor", "Base Speed", 9999);
else if (HasProperty("RotDoor")) {
SetProperty("RotDoor", "Base Speed", 9999);

// ================================================================================
// Minimal door handler for SHODAN transformation sequence
// Uses property Door/Door Open Sound to indicate open schema
// Works in conjunction with NVPhantomTrap
class scpShodanDoor extends SqRootScript {
function OnTurnOn() {
if (HasProperty("DoorOpenSound")) {
Sound.PlaySchema(self, GetProperty("DoorOpenSound"));

function OnTurnOff() {
SetOneShotTimer("DoorClose", 3);

function OnTimer() {
if (message().name == "DoorClose") {
if (HasProperty("TransDoor")) {
SetProperty("TransDoor", "Base Speed", 999);
SetProperty("BashFactor", 0);
PostMessage(self, "FadeIn");

function OnPhantomOn() {
Property.Remove(self, "RenderAlpha");

// ================================================================================
// Prop fader for SHODAN transformation sequence
// Works in conjunction with NVPhantomTrap
class scpShodanProp extends SqRootScript {
function OnTurnOff() {
SetOneShotTimer("FadeDelay", 3);

function OnTimer() {
if (message().name == "FadeDelay") {
PostMessage(self, "FadeIn");

function OnPhantomOn() {
Property.Remove(self, "RenderAlpha");

// ================================================================================
// Helper functions for the other SCP script classes
class scp extends SqRootScript {
// Improved text display function
// Combines functionality of AddText, AddTranslatableText, and AddTranslatableTextInt
// Accepts:
// - string ID
// - string file
// - string default if string not found (optional)
// - value to be substituted for %d in string (optional)
function AddText(strID, strFile, strDefault = "", dVal = null) {
local strText = Data.GetString(strFile, strID, strDefault);
if (strText != "") {
if (dVal != null) {
local s = strText.find("%d");
if (s != null) {
strText = strText.slice(0, s) + dVal + strText.slice(s + 2);
else {
print("WARN: String '" + strID + "' in '" + strFile + "' missing %d");
ShockGame.AddText(strText, "Player");
else {
print("ERROR: String '" + strID + "' not found in '" + strFile + "'");

// reports if object is in any of the equip slots
function IsEquipped(selfID) {
return selfID == ShockGame.Equipped(ePlayerEquip.kEquipArmor) ||
selfID == ShockGame.Equipped(ePlayerEquip.kEquipSpecial) ||
selfID == ShockGame.Equipped(ePlayerEquip.kEquipSpecial2);

// just display a message onscreen and in mono
function Trace(msg) {
ShockGame.AddText(msg, "Player");

Incredible. I had no doubt that you guys work hard on SCP, but seeing this gives that thought a face. Congratulations on the Beta 4 release and thanks again for all these "small" quality-of-life scripts and changes. It looks just beautiful!


Re: SS2 Community Patch (SCP) Beta 5
I feel like I need to point out that all the script stuff is 99.99% a ZB thing - all I did was testing (to death!), and a few suggestions.


Re: SS2 Community Patch (SCP) Beta 5
I don't think I've heard anyone else voice this opinion, so here goes: the Powered Armor shouldn't grant any protection when unpowered. Its base +20 protection completely obviates the Light Combat Armor for anyone who has just one more point into Strength to wear it. The whole point of the vanilla design was that it was the best armor when managed properly, but useless if managed poorly. Now it's almost a no-brainer to equip it -- in my view, only the Heavy Combat Armor is a reasonable tradeoff with it, and that requires a Strength of 6 to equip!

I can forsee the counterargument; that it makes sense that the armor would offer some protection when unpowered (its description says "From the solid titanium/polymer shielding panels to the 1-inch repulsion field around the wearer, the Class 7 is the premier in protection"). I just don't see how that's more important than preserving an interesting risk/reward choice for players that was present in the vanilla game, especially considering the rather conservative aims of the mod with respect to the game systems and balance.

The +10 radiation protection at full power also seems out of place, because it's not like the Powered Armor needed anything else on the top end. But that's a minor issue, as it doesn't come up in combat (so, why have it there anyway?).

Anyway, I'm still very appreciative of your work, and I routinely recommend SCP to new players for how faithful it is -- this is part of why I felt I should speak up.


Re: SS2 Community Patch (SCP) Beta 5
I've actually wanted to nerf this to +10, but forgot. next time.

Seconding a request for this as a SCP minimod. SCP + Repairman + Alarming Cameras addresses most of the (major) balance concerns I have with vanilla, and I'd happily recommend that combo to anyone.
Alarming Cameras are surprisingly not trivial to do, and while possible, the setup would be way too messy without a proper extra (squirrel) script. so not anytime soon, most likely.
« Last Edit: 10. November 2017, 18:22:30 by voodoo47 »
Re: SS2 Community Patch (SCP) Beta 5
I didn't have any problem with Power Armor giving the defense of Light Combat Armor. Light Combat Armor is honestly pretty crappy to use outside of the first 2 decks and maybe Hydroponics. The only way I can see someone sticking along with it is if they're playing a niche build that doesn't want to invest into either Maintenance or in Strength. Given how useful these two skills are, that seems very unlikely.

Before you bring up the point that someone can swap out Power Armor for Light Combat Armor when drained: I know, but most people don't bother carrying two armors since it's not worth the effort. The only exception being lugging and throwing the hazmat suit around for the one time in the Body of the Many.
Acknowledged by: JML


Re: SS2 Community Patch (SCP) Beta 5
I'd like to eventually have an (optional) system where destroying cameras sets off an alarm, and cameras can be hacked. I'd also like it to be possible to ghost all cameras, which would require modifying the speed and facing of some of them. Would be tricky to balance though, since if all cameras could just be walked past there would be no reason to bother hacking them.

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