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Topic: SCP Beta 4 Issue Reporting
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Is something up with the music triggers in ops4? The music barely ever plays.
Acknowledged by: RoSoDude


Music triggers in ops4 are:
- music end bh43 (1228): { 5; 0; Music; end; ; }
- music soft ladder2 (1229): { 5; 0; Music; soft; ; }
- music soft ladder1 (1230): { 5; 0; Music; soft; ; }
- music begin ladder2 (1231): { 5; 0; Music; begin; ; }
- music ladder1 (1232): { 5; 0; Music; begin; ; }
- music soft plants (1233): { 3; 0; Music; soft; ; }
- music soft gravshaft (1234): { 10; 0; Music; soft; ; }
- music end (1235): { 5; 0; Music; end; ; }
- music plants2 (1237): { 3; 0; Music; soft; ; }
- music begin plants2 (1238): { 5; 0; Music; begin; ; }

They all seem to work. The music might seem spotty because the triggers are a bit oddly placed.


I would recommend adding/moving some, as it can be quite difficult to get music to play sometimes in regular play.


I'm going to assume that the original mapper intended this level to have a mix of silence and music. Otherwise they would have just put music start markers in the first major intersections you have to walk through.


The original mappers did a lot of things that are very strange, which I guess can be put into the "anomalies" bucket. I guess it depends if most people find the silence on this map odd or not, especially since it has one of the best music tracks in the entire game.

In my opinion it's worth making just a bit more likely to play, but I'm not an SCP developer.


The original mappers did a lot of things that are very strange, which I guess can be put into the "anomalies" bucket. I guess it depends if most people find the silence on this map odd or not, especially since it has one of the best music tracks in the entire game.

In my opinion it's worth making just a bit more likely to play, but I'm not an SCP developer.

I think Ops4 is my favorite track in the whole game because it doesn't play that much.


This topic is now closed due to the release of SCP Beta 5.
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