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DML1// Object Export of "Rumbler Claw (-1614)"// Note: Reverse links are not exported. Links, receptrons, stims and metaproperties are exported with '++',// which will cause duplicates if the DML is used on an already populated object.// Schema->Class Tags+ObjProp "Rumbler Claw" "Class Tags"{ "1: Tags" "EnemyWeapType RumblerClaw"}++StimSource "Rumbler Claw" "WeaponStim"{ Intensity 1 Propagator "Contact" { Shape { "Contact Types" "Weapon Swing Low, Weapon Swing Med, Weapon Swing High" "Velocity Coeff" 0.00 "Frob Time Coeff" 0.00 } }}++StimSource "Rumbler Claw" "WeaponBash"{ Intensity 20 Propagator "Contact" { Shape { "Contact Types" "Weapon Swing Low, Weapon Swing Med, Weapon Swing High" "Velocity Coeff" 0.00 "Frob Time Coeff" 0.00 } }}
DML1StimSource "Rumbler Claw" "WeaponBash"{ Intensity 2}
//StimSource "Standard Bullet" "Standard Impact"{ Intensity 8 Propagator "Contact" { Shape { "Contact Types" "Collision" "Velocity Coeff" 0.00 "Frob Time Coeff" 0.00 } }}
++StimSource "Standard Bullet" "Standard Impact"{ Intensity 8 Propagator "Contact" { Shape { "Contact Types" "Collision" "Velocity Coeff" 0.00 "Frob Time Coeff" 0.00 } }}
// AI->Ability Settings->Camera: parameters+ObjProp "Security Camera" "AI_Camera"{ "Scan Angle 1 (deg)" -90.00 "Scan Angle 2" 90.00 "Scan Speed (deg/msec)" 0.05}
So what // stands for.
StimSource "Standard Bullet" "Standard Impact" 00900003{ Intensity 8 Propagator "Contact" { Shape { "Contact Types" "Collision" "Velocity Coeff" 0.00 "Frob Time Coeff" 0.00 } }}
StimSource "Standard Bullet" "Standard Impact" 00900003{ Intensity 8}
DML1//changing og-pipe hitpoints to 46ObjProp -397 "HitPoints"{ "" 46}ObjProp -397 "MAX_HP"{ "" 46}//changing og-shard hitpoints to 56ObjProp -4862 "HitPoints"{ "" 56}ObjProp -397 "MAX_HP"{ "" 56}//changing security camera hitpoints to 66ObjProp -367 "HitPoints"{ "" 66}ObjProp -397 "MAX_HP"{ "" 66}//changing og shotgun hitpoints to 56ObjProp -175 "HitPoints"{ "" 56}ObjProp -397 "MAX_HP"{ "" 56}//changing blue monkey hitpoints to 36ObjProp -1431 "HitPoints"{ "" 36}ObjProp -397 "MAX_HP"{ "" 36}//changing red monkey hitpoints to 46ObjProp -1432 "HitPoints"{ "" 46}ObjProp -397 "MAX_HP"{ "" 46}//changing og-grenade hitpoints to 66ObjProp -176 "HitPoints"{ "" 66}ObjProp -397 "MAX_HP"{ "" 66}StimSource "Standard Bullet" "Standard Impact" 00900003{ Intensity 8}StimSource "AP Bullet" "Armor Piercing Impact" 00900002{ Intensity 8}StimSource "HE Bullet" "High Explosive" 0090000E{ Intensity 10}StimSource "Wrench" "WeaponBash" 00900029{ Intensity 3}StimSource "Wrench" "WeaponBash" 00900055{ Intensity 4}// AI->Ability Settings->Camera: parameters+ObjProp "Security Camera" "AI_Camera"{ "Scan Angle 1 (deg)" -140.00 "Scan Angle 2" 140.00 "Scan Speed (deg/msec)" 0.01}
DML1StimSource "Standard Bullet" "Standard Impact" 00900003{ Intensity 2}StimSource "AP Bullet" "Armor Piercing Impact" 00900002{ Intensity 2}StimSource "HE Bullet" "High Explosive" 0090000E{ Intensity 3}StimSource "Wrench" "WeaponBash" 00900029{ Intensity 0.5}StimSource "Wrench" "WeaponBash" 00900055{ Intensity 0.5}//changing security camera hitpoints to 8ObjProp -367 "HitPoints"{ "" 8}